What did he mean by this?
I couldn't care less if the white race died out
Other urls found in this thread:
It means he’s not white.
He thinks niggers are white so who the fuck knows anymore.
>i wish the white race would just disappear
What did he mean by this?
Anyone else notice in the stream when Sargoy said to Spencer "Even you could understand this, blahblahblah"?
>muh western chauvinism
he's pandering to SJWs
>White people who don't want the white race to become extinct are stupid racists
>Literally anyone can be white, including Laurence Fishburne
>Talcum X is stupid for thinking he's black
The absolute state of /sargon/.
That he'd rather keep his beta bux coming than actually pursue the truth, similar to lauren
He doesnt understand no matter what he says he will be considered white by other races and he will treated with no mercy by them.His ideology means that whites should play the teamsport of global domination and survival as individuals while everybody else is playing this game as a team.
>>Literally anyone can be white, including Laurence Fishburne
>"Is Laurence Fishburne white?"
>Sargon: "I don't want to insult Laurence Fishburne"
that he is an idiot
Word on the street says he's a quadroon. Is this true?
It's Vaclav Havel's Greengrocer:
>Havel uses the example of a green grocer who displays in his shop the sign Workers of the world, unite!. Since failure to display the sign could be seen as disloyalty, he displays it and the sign becomes not a symbol of his enthusiasm for the regime, but a symbol of both his submission to it and humiliation by it. Havel returns repeatedly to this motif to show the contradictions between the "intentions of life" and the "intentions of systems", i.e. between the individual and the state, in a totalitarian society.
when spencer said "history is not made by those who don't care," i literally starting shaking. Spencer is basically larping as Hitler, and it scares the fuck out of me that disillusioned whites are being lured by him, and by racial extremism and hatred. I wonder how "peaceful" Spencer's "peaceful ethnic cleansing" would be?
Nigger spotted
I never loved him but last night really cemented my disdain for this ultracuck.
He was getting so upset (like the SJWs he claims to hate) and was constantly nitpicking just to try and catch out the opponent in some sort of "gotcha" trick.
>b-but what is a white person anyway!?!
That’s what he says when he has no argument
he is cashing in and has no real interest in furthering the cause only ripping people off with his patreon and pandering to his audience. sargoyim is not authentic in the slightest and when he does public debates you can see his real opinions shine through. he is an sjw except worse because he pretends not to be, but when pushed to a corner like in the debate with spencer he started using the same tactics he bashes other leftists for using.
>Is Lawrence Fishburne White?
>Don't try and trap me!
Is that peak Radical Centrism.
>literally starting shaking
>basically larping as Hitler
He's mentally retarded. Can you stop pretending twitch gamers are intellectuals now you fucking idiots?
Sargon could become a qt3.14 twink for the white ethnostate.
of course he doesn't care, Sargon isn't white.
im afro american, 100% of african decent but i identify as white, there will always be whites.
He's admitted it on multiple occasions.
you should be, nothing's stopping him except intimidation by nonwhites and the government, the former has only so much power and the latter is dissolving as reality TV stars are being elected
From what I gathered, he just means that race is an irrelevant factor in an organized, functional society with universal rights and rule of law, in which he is right.
If the whole society gathers around these same libertarian values and works together to uphold the system, then it doesn't matter who fucks who and what the racial composition ends up being. For this to work, though, you have to enforce strict immigration laws and make sure that destructive ideas (e.g. islamism) are out in the open for everyone to mock and refute. It is my understanding that these last two things are major beliefs of Sargon's.
That's anything4views in case anyone retarded doesn't get that
And if a society is to allow immigration, it must make utmost effort to integrate and assimilate the immigrants in every way, while not letting idiots convince them that this is somehow racist.
he has clearly stated he isn't fully white. His dad clearly isn't 100% British (there was a video with him in it).
Like it or not, retards, there will be a single global race in the future.
I don't necessarily agree with you. Race in your system which is just a globalist hellhole where every cog is identical would be irrelevant, yeah.
But who the fuck wants to live in a country like that, let alone how completely impossible it is for it to exist in the first place.
>If the whole society gathers around these same libertarian values and works together to uphold the system, then it doesn't matter who fucks who and what the racial composition ends up being.
Spencers point which I adopt is, what if I WANT to see white people only? What if I don't want to go through the rough honeymoon period which is niggers throwing acid in my face and arabs running over my children and raping women with the media covering up for them and legislators preventing me from even starting to fight back? I WANT to see different white people with different facial features. I don't want a disgusting mess of brown hair and black eyes and vice versa. I want Japan to be Japanese, Germany to be German, and Africa to be African.
Those are in a way Sargons views but his main problem isn't necessarily the views themselves but rather how they'd seemingly take place completely independent from any media/government collusion. So instead of focusing on how to fix governments/oligarchic media from selective enforcement of certain laws, it's impossible to have a meritocratic society in the first place. He carefully avoids being asked this question and every time someone hints at it he starts barraging the other person back with questions himself. He's starting to get cracked just like Destiny's argumentation style. He's gonna sound like a broken record in no time.
If he had asked "am i white", both Spencer and Woes would have had to say yes, because of the way they argued until that point.
It mens you're dumb as shit for feeling a sense of belonging to something as vague and abstract as the "white race"
>His dad clearly isn't 100% British (there was a video with him in it).
Damn, I thought he was trolling when he said he was a quadroon.
>that flag
>that post
makes sense
I don't know what Sargon believes, but I agree that I don't care if the white/black/asian whatever race lives or dies, I care that the values I care about are held by people from now until the end of our existence. I also know that culture is somewhat genetic and that some people who share my views are present within all populations. It's those people that I want to breed and thrive.
>and I wouldn't care if the browns or blacks died out
Why leave it out?
Sargon is transhumanist, he sees a great technolized future for mankind.
I thought Sargon was a libertarian. That should mean that everybody should have freedom of association, including whites. Spence can have his white homeland, but not every white person should be forced to live there.
He means that "muh white rice" isn't an argument. Also the pearlclutching the other autists automatically started when he said it was kinda funny.
I would live there.
I'm aware that there are generalizations within each race but if there's an exception that can assimilate to this country's values I don't care. If the immigration policy were restricted to only those who can assimilate to American values, the demographics would naturally be 90% white with a minority of Arab and Asian people. This is something both Sargon and Spence can't understand.
Also check my ID heathens, see the signs the Lord gives
There is neither Jew nor Greek, for you are all one in Jesus Christ
You should have the freedom to do so if such a homeland comes in formation while the soyboys can move to diversity land in California.
this, but everyone here is dumb and can only think in absolutes, like:
>wh-what? Sargon doesn't want white people to take over the world? More like 'Soygoy of Cuckad' amirite?
He is white though and he knows it even if he likes to pretend he's black.
Better question: would it be better if, instead of just a white ethnostate, intelligent blacks and asians were allowed into it as well while a lot of the stupid white people are left out? Maybe for access to this society, IQ tests are required and need to be at least 100 or 105 to get in. Would this be better?
Honestly, I agree with him as long as he refers only to N*rdics and G*rmanics and as long as they are not replaced by Niggers, which is to say a lot but they are even lower than those aforementioned peoples.
The Med-Levantine-Kurgan race will dominate the world once again, the true children of God, mashallah.
Excellent bait post
>Sargon is transhumanist, he sees a great technolized future for mankind.
He thinks there will be a great "technolized future" when all the drivers of technology are no longer majority non-white.
I got new for you, we will literally NEVER colonize the stars.
A South Africa could never push the boundaries of technology into transhumanism, the entire west becoming South Africa will also not be able to. You people are so retarded, good luck getting your government to spend the necessary billions to reach the stars when the majority of the populations main concern is more welfare programs, same goes for private companies which will not have the capital necessary since they'll be taxed to hell Brazil/South Africa/Venezuela style.
All you can hope for is East Asia, and it's not a great hope.
>your system
What? I am a nationalist and have no interest in globalist ideas of multiculturalism. This would be a non-issue in the first place if immigration or at least heavy integration was enforced from the start.
Most of the developed European countries were (some still are) bastions of this libertarian system that Sargon wants, and frankly I want too. The problems started, of course, when the state started applying the liberal principles to foreigners, which pretty much defeats the purpose of a state and opens a country to all kinds of degeneration and ruin.
After all, the whole point of an organized state is to guarantee rights and well-being to its *citizens*, is it not?
We pretty much agree on most points, except the part where you just "want stuff."
Just because you want to see white people doesn't mean that someone's right to procreate with a black woman should be infringed upon. This is completely ridiculous, and it's why you lean toward Spencer because he is a tyrant wannabe.
I really don't think it's that complicated. A mostly capitalist, social-democratic society based on core liberal principles COMBINED with strong sovereignty and pride is the way to go. The issue is that many Europeans forgot that last part in the recent years.
"if strong immigration policy was enforced" is what I meant to say.
>I wonder how "peaceful" Spencer's "peaceful ethnic cleansing" would be?
It's not going to be peaceful at all. It's going to violent and it's going to be glorious.
>What did he mean by this?
Then we declare war on diversity land and wipe them out anyway? Why pretend that nations can coexist in perpetual peace?
and it will be beautiful
Peace is overrated. Violence solves everything.
how can he be white if his grandpa was KARA BOGA though?
>Then we declare war on diversity land and wipe them out anyway?
> Why pretend that nations can coexist in perpetual peace?
Nations naturally occur. What's the second option, have no nations or one big superstate? Those are doomed to fail. Better have separate nations than warring tribes in one nation. Look at Yugoslavia, Israel, apartheid South Africa for examples.
>Just because you want to see white people doesn't mean that someone's right to procreate with a black woman should be infringed upon. This is completely ridiculous, and it's why you lean toward Spencer because he is a tyrant wannabe.
Every single form of rule is tyrannical. We have never had a good system of governance and now with the prevalence of the Internet, """democratic""" ran systems are dealing with a whole new wave of problems with NO solution in sight. We're bound to spiral downwards.
While I do believe authoritarian systems can be better if executed properly that's a different topic for the moment. I'm not necessarily saying white people should be disallowed to have kids with nonwhites, I'm just saying keep the numbers extremely low so that they never form ghettos, nor start lobbying for their own interests. Frankly, in a perfectly executed system there should just be no nonwhites in the countries for extended periods of time but that's just a pipe dream at this point.
> A mostly capitalist, social-democratic society based on core liberal principles COMBINED with strong sovereignty and pride is the way to go.
The issue is that those things are heavily intertwined with race. Capitalism, socialist systems and safety nets, libertarian values, all those things to function properly need to have economic stability and equality between people. The first and easiest way to break that stability is just have different racial classes of people, now you have affirmative action and lobbyist groups who want to benefit their own kin rather than the status quo for everyone.
I'm not saying what you envision is bad. I'm saying it's just impossible under the current form of rule and cultural atmosphere because there's entities that are subverting that in EVERY single white country aka - Soros, Antifa, etc who are ALL backed by money from foreign investors that the government as a democratic entity can't block.
He wasn't. Have you seen Sargons dad? The guy is definitely not half black.
It's tactical nihilism.
He means he doesn't care about racial groups
He means he couldn't ...care...less...
b b-but hold on a sec JF aren’t you just supposed to be moderating....
double negative means he in fact does care.
indeed, he saw he lost half of his audience by attacking the alt right.
what a fool
iirc he mentioned his grandpa was from the carirbean. so probably white+black+indian mix. still though, if you go back far enough you will find KARA BOĞA among his ancestors.
Did this guy actually say that? Link please. I dare him to say that about blacks or Arabs or anyone else. It shouldn't be surprising to him if he gets a negative reaction then.
I don't care about anything that happens after I die, except for a passing concern about the people I leave behind. None of that shit matters. It is, in fact, irrational to care about those things.
Take eugenics. You will never EVER get to live in a society where eugenics made everyone into supermen. At best, that world would exist in a thousand years after many generations. You won't benefit from it, no one alive will benefit from it, no one you have ever met or will ever meet will benefit from it. It. Doesn't. Matter.
Why do you care about whether the white race lives or dies? You won't be around the see it, no one you care about will be around to see it, and even if they were you won't be around to feel bad about them.
Stop caring about stuff that doesn't affect you.
Millenial Faggot was such a an autist in that stream.
I mean jesus christ why can't they just have a calm discussion
atheist detected
Coming from someone raising his wife's son it's not surprising he'd stand by and watch his civilization die.
he was being sarcastic and trolling people.
and then he started to believe it and became a retard.
Earthly things don't matter after you die, afterlife or no afterlife.
>iirc he mentioned his grandpa was from the carirbean. so probably white+black+indian mix.
Just notice how treacherous people who know they are mixed tend to be, because they don't feel they really belong perhaps.
>i'm mixed so everyone on the planet has to be like me now, the ENTIRE PLANET must now mix up and all nations and peoples must be mixed.
>fuck white people wanting to be with their own and Asians want to be with their own. fucking supremacists, however everyone has to be mixed like me or you're bad n stuff.
They're even worse than the craziest 100% only 1 ethnicity people who are very few, most white people just want to remain a steady majority in their nations and keep that majority intact.
All things matter, relativist scum.
Explain Switzerland then. The Czech Republic and Slovenia also seem to be doing pretty well, although I might have low standards being a Serb.
Switzerland seems to me to be a free country primarily of and for its own people. I don't know if things are changing, but they have traditionally had reasonably strict immigration laws, and they are also known to pass legislation such as forbidding the building of minarets.
Now, I know banning minarets and burkas isn't exactly "liberal," but I think it can definitely be justified in the context of what I talked about above.
I am yet to go to Switzerland, but I have been to the Czech Rep, and it is a very "progressive" and liberal country that still manages to maintain its identity and stability just fine. They have decriminalized drugs, for instance, yet there are no signs of major degeneracy such as in Sweden and a few other places.
That's the attitude I'm talking about. And there is no need to get tyrannical.
So because you have a nihilistic lifestyle and view of the world where if you don't benefit from it immediately in your lifetime you don't give a fuck about it. Then nothing should be done with it. What a cancerous mindset. Do you care about any of your relatives, children cousins nephews friends your kids friends, do you care about anyone else but yourself.
Goblins got a point, he would know
Switzerland is unfortunately such an enigma compared to every other country, I don't think it's worthwhile to argue the exception to the rule. But just because that place isn't degenerating as rapidly as others doesn't mean it won't happen. If anything it supports my argument in a way. That because of the strict immigration laws, the high quality of life and the expensive goods that come with that, the high tax rate to keep the social system stable and afloat, all those things are possible BECAUSE it's almost a white ethnostate. I'm just saying why not go by a working formula instead of trying out this mess of multiculturalism?
Eastern Europe in general right now is doing marginally better than western countries due to quite frankly negative factors, not because we're doing something right. The pay is less here and the violence and crime is more. That alone deters immigrants both legal and illegal from coming here. The degeneracy will follow once the other countries are toppled. Already Poland and Hungary are being sanctioned heavily by the EU for looking out for the interests of its own people.
I'm sure we agree much more and are probably talking past each other at this point so I'll try and reiterate my point and raise a question back at you where I think we might disagree.
My view is that ethnostates are a biologically natural state of existence, one that people strive to build while the democratic government ruins. My current issue is that there is a dysfunction in democratic countries and I'm sure the likes of Spencer have caught whims of as well. It's not a particularly novel concept but with the power of the Internet and anti-white sentiments at their strongest that now we have to act.
I'll ask the question in my next reply. sry lol
i can debate the alt right any day any time. Im a civic nationalist and i believe race specially in a nation like the US is irrelevant. Race, and more specifically Ethnic background should only be relevant in Europe which is the homeland of such groups.
Across history we had various ethnic and religious groups that united into a single nation and had a Golden Age. The problem is a disease of spirit and morality, not racial hygiene. There has been a systematic destruction of American Nationalism that has lasted for decades. There is no point of a white nation if its Godless, just look at Sweden. It will eventually self destruct without God.
hah! they are truly mutts my brother
well agreeing with sargon does not propagate the people you want to propagate js
God literally says otherwise.
Heavenly things matter. Earthly things don't.
>Do you care about any of your relatives, children cousins nephews friends your kids friends, do you care about anyone else but yourself.
Of course I do!
I care about them because I care about myself. I want them happy because that makes me happy. But, I don't care nearly as much about great grand children I'll never meet. They're no different from strangers to me. I DO somewhat care about strangers, but only in a very shallow way and not deeply enough to really motivate me to do anything.
And things like white genocide and eugenics ect are things that will never affect me or anyone I care about, and so I don't care.
The question is: In a democratic society like all the western ones, let's just use the USA for an example, there is no way for foreign meddling to be prevented. As an example I'll give Antifa or BLM, those groups are kept afloat not by merit, but by money from FOREIGN (and some domestic obviously) investors. There is foreign control of the political climate in the country and all of that control is gained by using racial groups as scapegoats. The government CANNOT prevent this in any way because it's democratic by nature, it cannot prevent people from donating to NGOs. But now there is an active rogue element in your system with no way to remove it.
In a more authoritarian form of rule, a legislation would simply get passed that says all foreign donation to politically motivated NGOs on the territory of the country can just FUCK OFF.
Governments are also corrupt because people are corrupt, authoritarian rule is quicker to enact change with. It can be a lot better or a lot worse without a doubt, but if there's a central core value to conserve aka white values and a white population, some of those means can be justified. The 1965 Hart-Celler act in the US where the government LIED to its own populace and changes the face of America forever was a clear violation of the notion that democracies can work. Political elite and aristocratic/oligarchic classes will ALWAYS exist, it's a matter of what's the core value of the nation-state is, which in our case is simply just more capital and more taxpayers. It doesn't work.
Sorry for the long spiel, I'm just trying to figure this out myself and I haven't found a satisfactory answer yet from anyone.
>And things like white genocide and eugenics ect are things that will never affect me or anyone I care about, and so I don't care.
Are you sure about that. It already has a massive effect in the US where white americans are barely maintaining their ethnic majority that they had historically pretty much solely because of immigration and particularly illegal immigration.
See your lack of loyalty to your people and nation is what helps to produce this situation, because you do not move against these things. So in a very real way your nihilism is producing a negative effect to yourself and to the people around you in your community and in your nation. Unless something is done about this, you're going to see a real effect of that most certainly within your lifetime to a negative way upon yourself.
Divide et impera bullshit. Sage.
>you need to be white to develop gene editing, cybernetic implants, artificial organs etc
I fear for the ethnostate, as it will be filled with untermensch thinking.
How can you wish death upon a population you cannot even identify?
Or are you just being a disingenuous little cunt?
t. carl
I've lived in an ethnostate my entire life, as have most europeans except very young ones. China is also an ethnostate, japan is an ethnostate and so on. And so was america all the way up to 1965 infact even later i'd say till around the 70's or so where US was still around 87% european based. It just wasn't called this autistic 'ethnostate' term. For me it just means remaining a majority in your own nation and maintaing the demographics and limiting immigration etc. in such a way that you keep it that way. So i don't know where some of these autists are going with this ethnostate stuff. But it's not a new concept it's the default concept for nations.
>How can you wish death upon a population you cannot even identify?
He should know white = european, since it was a combination of different western euros that now was creating their own nation, they just called themselves white americans since there were also blacks there, that's what it always meant in the context of the US. So when he says he doesn't care if the white race dies he is saying he doesn't care if european lineages stop existing.
And again, i'd love to see him say that about blacks, or about asians, or about south americans or middle easterners, or whatever as a group. They would eat him alive on social media, if he said such a thing towards them.
>I'm just saying why not go by a working formula instead of trying out this mess of multiculturalism?
That's what I'm saying comrade. All Europe needs to do is go back to exercising real sovereignty and initiate damage control.
This damage control, without pulling a Hitler, should probably involve mass deportation of illegals, which I believe is every country's right. Welfare also needs to stop being applied to illegals right away in countries like Sweden.
Some immigrants could even stay, as long as they go through a serious re-education and integration and are willing to put in the effort. If not, send 'em back.
That's funny cause Serbia knows a few things about this very problem, I mean foreign funding of NGOs. This again comes back to my emphasis on sovereignty. Is it really undemocratic to not allow foreign funds to flow into your country and influence politics? If it is, then I guess I'm not that democratic after all cause I do believe every country has the right to block this money. As for domestic influencers, I suppose this could be mitigated by transparency laws concerning NGOs. After all, transparency is an important part of a democratic, open society, right? So I guess there is no need to prevent citizens funding NGOs in the first place.
I could be ignorant on the subject, but I honestly don't see how it could be considered authoritarian for Serbia, for instance, to prevent Soros from funding NGOs in Serbia. Authoritarianism is a manner of interacting with your own citizens as far as I understand.
And yes, authoritarian rule is infinitely quicker and more efficient, but that's not a trade I'm willing to make.
Anyway, this is why I avoid labeling myself as anything and siding with any strictly defined ideology. Things need to be taken on a case-by-case basis.
But in essence, I feel that I am very liberal with a heavy sense of nationalism and sovereignty.
Hope I at least partly answered your question.
lol fuck off you southern faggot
His dad looked white though