Someone please tell me there's hope
How do we completely destroy the left?
Teach gratitude to the young, they shouldn't be entitled to stuff, they should work for it, when this fails, society crumbles.
That would help alot.
Revolution is the only way.
Insurrection is the only way user
I can't fucking wait, I just hope it kicks off within the nest 10 or 15 years while I am at my prime
All of you will be shot, buried in mass graves, and your property redistributed for the common good.
Well we are physically less fucked than leftists or libertarians or trumptards if you actually take national socialist fitness seriously.
>When I was a kid I thought I could change the world.
>When I was a young man I thought I could change the country.
>Now I realize the only thing that needed to change was myself.
Unless your life is completely sorted out you do not reserve the right to tell anyone how to live theirs.
Stop being a fucking degenerate.
Sort yourself out.
Eat healthy, workout.
Read, learn and gain wisdom.
Be a man of good character.
Throw your fucking hedonistic materialism out the god damn window.
Do something for your community. Do something for your people.
Have children. Teach them the important values that we must uphold.
Is this "completely destroying the left"? - not directly. But we can't have a mob of autistic neck bearded anime loving (((Trump))) supporters in our ranks.
The big change starts with YOU.
1. shitpost
2. sit back and watch
I wish but you won't. One side is scared and the other side is glad. WOOF!
Hit em with the shitposts
I'll gladly gundown your family to offer you an alternative reality.
They're eating themselves alive already
Stop being an edgelord NatSoc would be a good start
>Cloward piven strategy except with violence
I see this shit written in every thread. And God damn is it cringy to read.
By pulling your head out of your ass and realizing the actually nazis were leftists, and current leftist are using nazi tactics to implement communism.
Senario 1:
>Epic economic crash (depression 2 maybe a bit worse)
>The social degeneracy will cripple it even worse
>the weak fade away but the average remains
>Starving masses will scoff at the moderates and look to the radicals for the answer
>Whoever wins the masses gets to dominate the nation
Senario 2:
>It all crashes and burns. Apocalypse level that ends up crippling mankind
>all but the fittest and lucky die off. Only the fittest survive/thrive however.
Turn every nonwhite against their white allies, whites in the left will either die or calm down support. A dumb middle class white woman, Rachel Dozael managed to make her way towards the top. Trust me, these people are incredibly incompetent and rely heavily on jew money. They can have the jew money and still lose with white leadership. Now imagine how bad they'll lose with possibly no or lesser jew money, no white leadership.
You don't. Nature does.
You see this we are experiencing is a cycle in nature. Civilizations become too successful and populated. And like all things, it ends.
As civilizations start to die they travel further left wing. With obviously those in the right wing desperately but to no avail try to stop the bus going off the cliff so to speak.
Now civilizations die from the inside. Rome fell to degeneracy and they opened the gates to the barbarian hordes and were destroyed. But Rome wasn't annihilated and gone forever, it just changed.
Now that will happen to us, the white race won't die. Not from this. But you can expect a war, worse than the first and second world wars in the next century.
But then everything collapses, and the cycle will repeat anew. It is the will of nature, not a deity, but the unconscious force of life and death. We are a species too populous and we must be culled. The human species will soon have a culling.
They're destroying themselves thankfully, but by far their most powerful asset is the fact that they have total control over Education from kindergarten to University. This allows them to pollute the' minds of children before they even have a chance to form their own views. We need more conservatives in Education. We especially need more males in Education as the field is dominated by women and female teachers are invariably Leftist. If we could somehow do that, the Left would buckle within a decade of us taking Education back.
banter and shitpost until they kill themselves
lole my reddit spacing
I've been reading some based posts from Portugal since a few days
What happened?
This. Really the death of the left will come from it's own logic, dont like wage slavery? well then we cant have taxes. Dont like freedom of speech? well then your pride parades are now illegal