i embrace diversity, i smoke weed, and i'm a liberal. fight me.
I embrace diversity, i smoke weed, and i'm a liberal. fight me
there's no need to, you will kill yourself when Trump wins the next election
nah, i'm a reasonable person so politics don't affect me enough to make me want to do that.
Nah, I’m good and I like weed too.
I love anal sex
nice memeflag. do you know any real anarchists? they hate liberals.
Why is diversity good?
anal sex is extremely overrated imo but you do you
as a real anarchist, i do indeed know other real anarchists, and with my experiences, you're full of shit and probably an unapologetic trumptard for making that claim
and a shareblue shill. worthless to debate.
Trump won't even run for reelection. He's never worked a day in his life and he isn't about to start now.
because it's the fucking 21st century and we've made advances in technology, communications, and intelligence that makes nationalism primal, get with the times
Black people are all over the world.
Everywhere they go they end up worse off than ANY other race, and they bring the standard of living down with them.
Why do you embrace this?
i will behead you
But why is it good?
How has diversity improved your life?
you can at least try, i'll give you that much satisfaction
it's not good or bad, it's just an integral part of the advancement of today's society in regards to the advancement of education and understanding eachother's culture so that we can all move on from primal nationalism which has held us back for centuries
We get it, you're a puppet of international finance. Now stop broadcasting it to the world.
it hasn't unimproved it so why waste time fixing what doesn't need to be fixed
You are the most boring person in the world.
Notice how it attacked nationalism rather than explaining why diversity is good... I wish we had iq data on every political ideology group.
make me
i could say the same for you for not understanding the correlation
I love cake.
What's your position on Israel?
I won’t fight you physically, because I’d catch the AIDS if I came in contact with your tainted faggot blood.
Kill yourself.
Why are you bumping this stupid shit, retard?
sorry, you're not convincing enough
If it doesn't improve or worsen you then how do you "embrace" it?
In the works of Burroughs, a predominant concept is the distinction between creation and destruction. The subject is interpolated into a Foucaultist power relations that includes language as a whole.
If one examines postcapitalist feminism, one is faced with a choice: either accept surrealism or conclude that the law is capable of significance. Thus, Sontag uses the term ‘Marxist capitalism’ to denote a mythopoetical paradox. If Foucaultist power relations holds, we have to choose between conceptual theory and preconstructivist textual theory.
Therefore, Bataille suggests the use of Foucaultist power relations to deconstruct the status quo. Dahmus suggests that we have to choose between surrealism and material discourse.
It could be said that the closing/opening distinction intrinsic to Burroughs’s Nova Express is also evident in Port of Saints, although in a more self-fulfilling sense. The primary theme of the works of Burroughs is not desublimation per se, but predesublimation.
However, if the neocapitalist paradigm of context holds, the works of Burroughs are postmodern. Sontag uses the term ‘surrealism’ to denote a mythopoetical totality.
Thus, Lyotard promotes the use of the neocapitalist paradigm of context to read and analyse sexual identity. The main theme of Dietrich’s critique of Foucaultist power relations is the bridge between sexual identity and society.
The primary theme of the works of Burroughs is a precultural whole. It could be said that Hanfkopf states that we have to choose between surrealism and neotextual theory. The example of Lacanist obscurity depicted in Burroughs’s Queer emerges again in Naked Lunch.
If one examines Foucaultist power relations, one is faced with a choice: either reject the neocapitalist paradigm of context or conclude that the task of the reader is deconstruction. The cultural paradigm of discourse suggests that expression must come from communication, given that reality is equal to consciousness.
What's your position on Zionism?
>it's not good
Then why do you desire it?
it's primal
Okay, where did all of you shills come from? Are you paid? Or are just wasting yourtime here "trying" to convert us to the "light"
Uh oh the autists have arrived to the thread
nice meme arrow, but it's out of context
Define diversity for me.
You don't think Jews deserve a homeland?
Where did you grow up
You never answered his question.
>i embrace diversity, i smoke weed, and i'm a liberal. fight me.
No thanks. We want to liberal to degenerate faggots. We are not going to stop you from dooming yourself.
>fight me.
Why are liberals always so violent?
i wish i could get paid to be an asshole but i'm not a republican
Why do you desire it?
Second bump
William Burroughs was Libertarian. He believed in live and let live and was inspired by the Old West.
Oof, nice answer. Still doged the question.
i think everyone deserves a homeland but they should not try and manipulate the whole world's economy in a destructive manner for their own profit
High test.
We don't support crooked political parties. You stupid monkeys base your positions on appealing to authority, this is why we call you stupid monkeys.
Third bump
This thread has me wet and my nipples hard af
I’m not trying to convince you of anything other than suicide, OP. That should be clear, and your faggotry is more than reason enough.
>we've made advances in technology, communications, and intelligence that makes nationalism primal
and how have these advances changed the human nervous system, brain, emotions, and psychology?
thanks for your input but it's retarded so it's meaningless to me
I don't fight people unable to defend themselves. If the fight isn't fair, I'm not interested.
>so that we can all move on from primal nationalism which has held us back for centuries
>was literally invented after the renaissance
back to bed libtard
yea exactly, you're not convincing me enough to make me want to kill myself
>the renaissance at this point still isn't primal
okay dude haha
>i think everyone deserves a homeland
so you'd have no objection to euro states having race based immigration policies?
Define primal.
>the renaissance is primal
christ almighty
i'm here to state my opinions, not to educate
>i think everyone deserves a homeland
But you said that nationalism is primal
>i embrace diversity
No you don't! Or else you'd move into the ghetto and offer to gang bang niggers, male or female depending on which parent you hate more. No one cares about the stupid weed either way.
yep, you don't have dyslexia, congratulations
>uses snoop
Snoop is a trump supporter famalam. Check his Instagram.
Your opinions are obviously meaningless without understanding your basic beliefs such as the definitions of key words.
Why? You are going to die in your mother's basement wondering what ever happened to your father.
Definition of anarchist. 1 : a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. 2 : a person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order. —
American liberalism is the dominant version of liberalism in the United States. It is characterized by social liberalism, and combines ideas of civil liberty and equality with support for social justice and a mixed economy.
Tell me about when your ancestors flew the pyramids around tyrone.
>the "don't lose an argument by declining to fix your position" tactic
this is your neighborhood in some years
wow you've figured it out, i feel exposed
But you hold two conflicting opinions at once, how can anyone take you seriously
>fight me.
My 4 year old sister could kick your ass
i thought you wanted a fight?
that already is, except it's white republicans
you have to be +18 to post in this site
Nobody cares. Liberals will never win another election.
>because it's the fucking current year
Not an argument
Who is the mythical "we"?
There's white republicans burning people alive in your neighborhood?
desu I agree with Fitzgerald
>“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
OP, however, doesn't appear to be functioning well
you will kill yourself in time, don't worry, my dude
Have we even come up with a word for what the fuck this is meant to be yet?
>i'm not functioning well just because i'm not answering your questions because i don't care to
I'm a conservative dad and devote christian and hardcore traditional man.
Why fight a soyboy I'm not scared of you manlet bug boy.
My loyalty is to god my kids and my wife as it should be.
Man up soyboy and save the white race.
Glad to, start the war and I shall.
nah, i have better things to do
>because i don't care to
what's even going on here
it's time
It's gonna' be like Jonestown.
1.why is something being primal bad?
2.why is everyone having a homeland good but nationalism is bad?
3.are you a black woman?
4.are you a woman?
5.do you have a job?
6.what is your age?
Fourth bump