Evil Black men killed a little girl, anons. In Indianapolis

Evil Black men killed a little girl, anons. In Indianapolis.

2 feral Black men, Jeremy Priel and Michael Bell, go into a house to rob it. A 21 year old White man and his little niece are in the house.

Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.

>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.

>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.

>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.


>Priel was a father by at least one babymama. But he brutally murdered a little white girl, anyway.

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Child-killer Priel had been in the Army, stationed in Germany, until the Army canned him.

Priel the childkiller was allowed to live by the justice system - he now sits comfortably in prison, waiting for parole

dey were gud bois, dey dindu NUFFIN yall racis whiteys

>robbery turned violent
This softball kike lie again.


The irony is that White women learn this lesson almost as fast as white men learn it.

Pic related.




>dey were gud bois, dey dindu NUFFIN yall racis whiteys

It gets worse. Politicians want to take away our best means of protection against their attacks. Like when this housewife protected her family from another feral negro:

The black man in the pic was let out of prison and immediately breaks into the home of a Georgia mother with 2 little kids.

Look at this Georgia mother being forced to shoot a nigger who chased her and her little children through her own house (which he had broken into).

Hillary Clinton would happily disarm this woman and shrug her shoulders when the nigger did horrific things to the Mother and children.

This nignog in pic related wasn't killed, but he was shot in the face and neck for 5 times.

African American good boi Paul Slater, not long out of prison, broke into a home with a white woman and her kids in there and he chases the mother and kids upstairs.

He could have simply taken their TV and left, but he follows the mother and the little twins as they try to escape. He breaks through several locked doors to get at the woman and her kids.

The mother had a .38 with her and knew how to use it. She does what she has to do.

>Mother shoots home intruder five times in face and neck after he cornered her in attic with her twins, 9

>Suspect Paul Ali Slater was found bleeding heavily in nearby driveway after crashing his car


Excerpts from the 911 tapes, with the shots.


>brutally murder 21 year old
>story clearly says he was 25
you expect us to take you seriously with this slide?

They wuz good bois Dey dindu noffin rong they jus wantted ta go 2 callage

Priel was the OTHER nigger, user.

Priel and Bell were the murderers.

Learn to read for context.

>This softball kike lie again.

Watch the news story in the video below.

Blacks get on television and loudly complain about whites to try to mask the real news.

Most Blacks hate whites. And blame us for their failures. And even the ones who do not directly harm us, enjoy it when other blacks harm us.


This probably redpilled a lot of people who thought that Diversity is our Strength.


>They wuz good bois Dey dindu noffin rong they jus wantted ta go 2 callage

Watch the cousin spreading her dindu type talk below.

Jawan and Dante visit a SC waffle house with bad intentions.

Dante is in pic related, in his cap and gown. Clearly he a good boy.

See video in link, below.


A lone white man decides that he is not going to be robbed or killed that day.

Pulls his legal weapon and removes one of the threats. Family upset at the white man.

>Nineteen-year-old Dante Williams' family said there is no doubt he entered the Waffle House in Chesnee back in January of 2012 intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.

>FOX Carolina obtained surveillance video from inside the Waffle House that investigators said shows Williams and his accomplice Jawan Craig come into the restaurant. Deputies said Williams is the one seen pointing a gun and demanding money.

>Sitting at the bar area of the restaurant was Justin Harrison, a concealed weapon permit holder, who was armed the night of the robbery.

>"They're yelling 'everybody get down, get down' and I'm not getting on the floor. I am not going to be a victim," Harrison said.

>Harrison said while the men terrorized other customers and staff he was deciding when to act.

>"This was the only time," Harrison said. "If I am going to fight it was that one time. He was approaching me and I saw that as him engaging me."

>The above video shows Williams, gun by his side, walk back toward Harrison, who stands up and fires several shots killing Williams almost instantly.


>Letting some niggers into your home when your 7 year old niece is over

RIP. but the guy fucked up. I see two niggers at my doorstep, im not even answering the door let alone LET THEM IN TO MY FUCKING HOUSE.

>im not even answering the door let alone LET THEM IN TO MY FUCKING HOUSE.

Depending on the time of day, it makes sense to never OPEN the door, even if you answer it.


>White women learn this lesson



whites are learning their new place.
should've raped the little girl with his big black cock before killing both.

The black race is the most unaccomplished race on the planet.

Good thread user, saying what needs to be said with the links and passion to back it up.
Remember Rhodesia.

>Remember Rhodesia

why do they give away the whole story in the headline
i mean why would anyone actually bother reading the rest of the story
where's the fun in that

nobody calls a retarded animal evil
they're black
they have the cognitive function of a 5 year old
enjoy the diversity

We need to start a campaign to get blaks to stop getting their graduation picture taken in the robe.

>Das white people culture they forcing on you Tyrone.

That way they don't have a single respectable picture to post of them next year when they are getting arrested.

>nobody calls a retarded animal evil

They have some level of sentience, user.

And they are either evil or soul-less (most of them - some are good).

No excuse for that to happen in Indiana, we can get CCW with photo ID here.

My entire neighborhood would love for a pavement ape to try to break in their house and that's why you never see them here.

>We need to start a campaign to get blaks to stop getting their graduation picture taken in the robe.

How else would the media be able to convince my Grandmother and other old white ladies that the young men were scholars, despite being murders or robbers or both?

They didn't break in - the white people let them in.

Know why?

Because the white family had taken Bell into their home when he was in High School. And fed him.. And clothed him. And gave him a warm place to sleep.

So he killed their little girl and son.

Plot Twist:
The guy was molesting his niece and someone hired the two for a hit.

Notice how that exec order trump signed declaring a state of emergency allowing for the freezing of assets from those random North African countries are actually the countries which the UN uses to manufacture their "refugee" armies specifically.
>UN agenda 21
>UN special committee 24
>UN agenda 2030

Nigger attacks in cities happen more frequently than lion attacks happen in fucking africa and a lion is much smarter than a nigger. So, at some point one must reach the conclusion there is conscious intent behind these targeted actions. Stop letting them off so easy.
If they want to live amongst whites in civilized society then they must act accordingly like everyone else does otherwise a justified genocide in self defense similar to the trail of tears is required.

Never trust niggers. I would never allow one in my home.

The only interaction a white american should have with them is to tell them no when they beg.

where else have I heard such similar stories playing out all the exact same way?


Why would they murder the niece too? Think before you speak, dummy.

We're overdue, and it's going to be fucking nasty when it happens.

Niggers being niggers raised by a nigger, but who in their right mind would leave their 3 year old kid unattended like this, quite embarrasing nonetheless

Why would they have them shoot the girl too if they cared enough to hire a hit on the molester? Put her out of her misery too?
Someone who would go that far out of their way to hire a hit wouldn't be so cold to the point of wanting them both dead.
That's a murder suicide scenario not a hired hit scenario.

Thats the most galling thing about liberalism to me. The push for gun laws is nakedly ineffective for solving the problem, while conveniently removing our ultimate antidote to government tyranny.

$0.02 has been deposited in your account

poltards will just blame the victims like they always do

>intent on robbing it, but they say he didn't have to die.

makes no sense but goddamn his niece was a sexy little girl. woulda fucked her good. too bad :(

What the fuck is wrong with you, kike

>That swagger at the end
Something tells me the bitch had it coming

I moved out of Indy less than a year ago, if you think this is bad, you have no idea how bad it actually is in Indy.

Oddly enough I moved to Portland and the black people here are the most outwardly racist POS I have ever come in contact with.

Because many of Portland's white residents are Calicuck transplants.

This is from 4 and a half years ago. Surely there are new nigger shenanigans you could post about?

>gets out of shithole back into a shit hole
why dont you move to the midwest or something, portalnd is expensive as hell liberals are ruining this country with working at star bucks, and inflating apartment prices.

>letting niggers in your house
Deserved it. This is why Mexicans are taking over America. Dumbass whites are literally that stupid, while we know better than to let a feral animal inside
