Friendly reminder that Fox News is state controlled propganda
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You think so? I always wondered why since CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS are KNOWN fake news why Fox somehow magically get a pass? Or is it that those first mentioned are fake news and fox is deep state news like you suggest? Factually I don't know, but I don't trust ANY of them nor much I read online either from the same types.
Friendly reminder that all mainstream media is fake news. Sup Forums knows more about what is going on than anywhere else.
Fox news doesn't get a pass. Fox's only "fake news" type programs are Tucker Carlson, Hannity, and the Ingraham Angle. They aren't news. Carlson is a commentator. Hannity and Ingraham are pundits.
I listen to seven different news radio channels. From most reliable to least reliable they local CBS affiliate, CNBC, BBC, Fox, NPR, MSNBC, CNN.
Friendly reminder that Fox News is the only MSM source that you will hear both the good and the bad of the current administration. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC only expose you to the bad and half the time it's made up shit based on anonymous sources.
Sup Forums not the current board which is /nu-pol/ who obsesses over e celebs and boomer tier talk radio hosts.
You need to ignore those threads. Those are paid posters or the radio hosts themselves trying to shill.
Yet they're still more reliable than CNN who has been firing employees every other month for confirmed fake news
But you understand nuance, 80% of the people here don't. They act all holier than thou and worry about getting three sequential numbers instead of talking policy or being politically incorrect and making a joke instead of acting like the people they allegedly hate.
After getting rid of O'Reilly and Megan Kelly, what fake news has FOX reported?
Go on - ill wait
Kek digits are important and if you are complaining about that then you don't belong here.
Fox News is where the term Fake News was coined circa 2000-2005 or so. Originally it was an interchangeable moniker. Newfags need a history lesson
I still remember how Fox News tried to shill for the establishment candidates in the early stage of the primaries and shit on Trump
I don't even come close to trusting them since they only pushed for Trump when they had NO other choice
>Gets ridiculed and derided by the entire left, cultural, and government establishment for literal decades
>Gets called fake and biased and associated with everything the establishment hates including religion, guns, and American principles
>Continues to reign in ratings, pulling in more viewers than all of its competitors against all odds, just like Trump
Fuck you faggot. After O'Reilly got assassinated, Hannity's one of the only OG's left, but smart people have known that Fox is the real deal for fucking ever. You're just a hipster faggot that wants to sound smart. You don't even watch Fox, I can almost guarantee.
None of you meme-spouting pseudo-lib numales have ever watched 30 seconds of O'Reilly who was literally one of the smartest motherfuckers on TV.
>state controlled propganda
There's nothing inherently wrong with "state controlled propganda". Propaganda is just information, it is neither inherently true or false.
All of it as they turn more Liberal which will only hurt them. O'Reilly and Kelly were powerhouses, moron. You're completely fucktarded backwards - take great pains to unfuck yourself before it's too late.
You had me until
oh- oh man I needed that, thx fag :)
They all are no shit
One example is Hannity's focus on Hillary Clinton in his pieces on the Tenex scandal. He's really doing a disservice to The Hill, who are obviously turning to Hannity as the only TV program willing to talk about it.
Clinton is tangentially involved of course. We all know about the extremely suspicious Clinton Foundation donations. But the real story is about the Obama Administration lying to Congress, helping a Russian state-owned business smuggle uranium out of the country, and covering up a slam-dunk FBI investigation to push his "reset with Russia" policy that blew up in our faces with Crimea and Syria.
I mainly listen to their financial news.
>All of it
Great examples, dumbass
Fox the ONE major network NOT caught colluding with the DNC to rig polls and create news as revealed in the wikileaks
It is no wonder you shareblue faggots attack it constantly
>One example is Hannity's focus on Hillary Clinton in his pieces on the Tenex scandal.
But that's not fake news. That factually happened.
Look, just because people are investigating into things you don't like doesn't make it fake news. It's called journalism.
Really? What about when barry sotero and bush was in charge?
C'mon Tucker is /our guy
I said fake news style. It's misrepresentation for a partisan, political purpose. It's not wrong. I don't disagree with Hannity and listen to Fox more often than any other news.
But it's not journalism. The golden rule of journalism is thou shalt not take sides. When you take sides, you become indistinguishable from propaganda to everyone who does not already disagree with you. It doesn't matter if you are factually correct or not. You destroy your own credibility. Hannity has been very clear for his whole career that he does not consider himself to be a journalist. Same with Carlson.
>Apparently no one remembers them being called Faux News from 2008-2016
>Protestors in Madison, WI literally chanting "Fox News lies!"
>Trump elected
>Now the rest of the media is called the same
>friendly reminder that Fox News is state controlled propganda
And Sup Forums isn't?
That existed when the political power of the state was controled by the left.....
Please go back to r eddit or kys, either will do.
Fox News was at the bottom
Then the rest fell through the floor
Now Fox, though still far down, is technically above most.
What about CNN, and CNBC, and NBC, and BBC, and CBS, and MSNBC, and NYT, and USA Today, and ABC?
yeah go israel :^)
deep state
haha guys demographics dont matter BASED BLACKS :^)
KYS retard
They all are
Isn't Foxnews owned by jew Disney now?
No mention of Obummer's Smith-Mundt Modernization act?
No mention of Obummer's NDAA
No mention of Obummer's FY2017 +$500 million going to domestic propaganda operations
LOLLL what will the cucksters watch now?
imagine being this bluepilled
Check 'em.
Fox has been called Faux News since like 2000. They started the trend of partisan "journalism."