Was this the greatest moment on this board?
Was this the greatest moment on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot link
was pretty great desu
almost brings a tear to my eye
Boss Nigger posting during the dorner event
Not this board but this website formed the culture of the internet.
The Zimmerman Trial was top-tier Sup Forumskino.
It's Okay To Be White gets honorable mention for the most successful Sup Forums operation.
I remember that South Africanon running around putting up IOTBW posters in real time. I thought for sure the ghouls were going to get him.
Hope he isn't kill.
Oh, also the outing of Eric Clanton was pretty great times too.
>It's Okay To Be White gets honorable mention for the most successful Sup Forums operation.
>not getting Trump elected
It’s ok to be white was the most famous thing pol has done
T_D was actually pretty good at its conception, but after redditards took it over it just became cringe
>tfw I listened to this every day for months after the election
What at time to be alive boys
People are all ashamed because if they mention it they'll be accused of being from reddit.
>not "PEPE"
I want nu Sup Forums to go
The whole election period and this timeline! Im from bogland but trump makes me feel optimistic about life
No, this was.
Any moment before the 2016 fags came here
it is yet to come friend
Hwndu was really cool to watch.
I personally enjoyed seeing how many new millionaires made their fortune last year in cryptos. They'll go on to do great things no doubt
Calling in the airstrike on isis was pretty good.
I think not. I always enjoyed this one.
although the day Sup Forums killed jimmy rustles (he liked gorillas) deserves honorable mention.
That is definitely #2 after Trump
I forgot about that...
I thought that was /k/?
it was the /sg/ on /k/ before the mods kicked them over here
No, Syria General /sg/ on Sup Forums
The gift that keeps on giving.
I stand corrected
Kikes??? could have been.
11/9 2016
If he survives he deserves a pol badge of honor. Let us pray.
Oh shit, forgot that. I have a nasty feeling he's not ok though.
>although the day Sup Forums killed jimmy rustles (he liked gorillas) deserves honorable mention.
This is for all you newfriends (you know who you are)
Began yesterday at 12:02pm EST - Original thread where Anonymous trolling poster claims to be a shooter in Modesto, CA who has just shot and killed a cop, claiming SWAT will be busting down his door. Within minutes, story is verified by Sup Forums via live police radio verification in Modesto, and the thread explodes
OP is in fact not the shooter, as stated at bottom of page, but Fox news catches wind of the post somehow (Either due to trolls online posting at their website or Google news research, Derp) prints out OP's Sup Forums post and broadcasts it live, announcing to the world that the shooter is "Blogging" online, bragging about the shootings and taking credit, giving super lulz to all: youtube.com
At this point, the FBI is brought in to the shooting scene and Sup Forums claims that they're being monitored by police and FBI, Modesto threads now being formed every 5 minutes and filled with misinformation about the shooter and pictures of gore and shenanigans for the FBI.
>not understanding it was a seed to move the overton window. sarcuck of o'goy and others have done their part.
*Sup Forums begins calling the shooter James AKA "Jimmy Russels (A caged gorilla's name, Google it)" and quoting how the cops are rustling their jimmies, begins e-mailing Fox News and Twitter anonymous tip-offs about the shooter's identity, claims ex-military, heavily armed, has a Guerrilla(gorilla) fetish. Begins spamming Twitter, Google, Facebook for hours as the live feeds are happening.
*This wildfire misinformation is again broadcast on another live Fox news stream claiming that James is AKA Jimmy Rustles, and the Lulzy anonymously sent e-mail is read on live TV, at which point more Google searches are being flooded with the name Jimmy Russels as the shooter, and even a few news posts and blogs online being referencing him: youtube.com
*After an almost 13-hour standoff with cops, fire department, FBI, a mysterious propane truck and no contact with the shooter the story concludes with tear gas previously shot inside the apartment and flash bangs causing the apartment to catch fire on the second story, jimmy's apartment (presumably with him still inside) erupts into flames and thousands of 4channers watch as the fire is allowed to burn until structural damage occurs and the sounds of burning ammunition is heard from within. No attempt was made to extinguish the fire quickly.
>Trump victory
>Coordinated JDAM strike on ISIS
>HWND GPS/astronomy coordination to get the flag
>Ignoring Scerba's Australian DOD leaks and calling him a faggot
>This board going from Ron Paul libertarians to full 1488
I think getting Trump elected was bigger.
I like that this has more views than the original video.
Any links?
two videos I cannot watch?
The Zimmerman trial phone troll was broadcast nationally and made the rounds of the major media outlets.
Sup Forums was blamed for the fappening
Then there was the Sarah Palin email thing
Yeah well it was six years ago. I just noticed they were gone...
Christopher Dorner was pretty big although pointless because he didn't go full scorched earth like Sup Forums was salivating for.
Bike lock soyboy
Nothing will ever top election night
>the election will be in MONTHS 2 years old
Nothing will ever top Election Night 2016.
>not knowing why Jimmy Russels is a gorrila in Sup Forums lore
>completely unaware of the triumvirate
Newfags pls
I laughed for days about this one
Was in the fucking thread when the guy said he will do it
>Jimmy Russels (A caged gorilla's name, Google it)
fucking newfags