How can it be incorporated into our ideologies?
*sweeps your path*
Racisim and concern over racial purity are far too focused on the false ego to be enligtened ideas.
encode its core tenets into entertainment
Mindful appreciation should be the quality that's shared
Why would you want to do something retarded like that?
Why not?
literally a soyboy religion
Lie down infront of him :^)
look at all the women buying into that shit...weak minds think alike..
Fucking degenerate.
Go to a mass then read a book or something you spoiled nigger.
so much pussy having spiritual awakening
Christianity is BS, especially catholicism. If people want to meditate, why not?
>catholicuck talking about degeneracy
and i suppose christianity is 'better'?
they're based on the same ideals you mongos, but don't let that stop you from being ignorant af
Zazen, as a tool. The rest is bullshit.
let me guess
>never read bible
>never read quran
>never read any teachnigs of buddha
calls others ignorant
I've been waiting for this for a long time.
Buddhism is the most Sup Forums ideology their is
>Gain mastery over inner impulses
>Ignore the monkey chatter of the brain
>Gain inner calm and try attain Nirvana
Its Stoicism on steroids, its the embracing of the Void. It doesn't lie and promise you Eternal Life.
It says life is material and full of suffering and one must become Immaterial and tolerate suffering to attain full Nirvana.
There is literally nothing wrong with Buddhism.
>>never read quran
1 for 3's not bad
bitches love "spiritual" men
just larp as a yogi and the lululemon leggings will be dropping like flies
>and i suppose christianity is 'better'?
who claimed that? certainly not me
Unironically speaking quran is extremely interesting read. Every page reeks of hive mind, absolute obedience to Allah. After a few chapters you realise that quran is religion of slaves.
I'm bored so I do tell it is better, fight me fags
thanks for the (you), friend.
have another and feel free to respond again
I Want from NewFaggots to fucking disapear!
I came here to post this
> inb4 hurr durr its a religion so its retarded
> inb4 le euphoric, christian, muslim or jew meme
obviously none of you fucks seem to know what they are talking about. buddhism is not a religion but a practice, much like yoga
And now to answer your question;
It is not important that you incorporate Buddhist religion into your ideology. But what is a sign of Light is if you sync in your own ideology principles to those core Buddhist principles which they got perfectly right.
>only infinite truth is infinity it self.
>everything sprouts from the source sense of being, transcendental and all encompassing sense of being
>everything is made of thought, matter is illusion of thought, a thought building a sand castle for it self to play in.
>Existence is act of thought, not an act of matter.
>Thoughts nest them self in this existence, one inside of the other, each lower one less aware of the one encompassing it
Now to bump the /thread I will continue in new (you)
There's no reason why it should be. It doesn't particularly add to Sup Forums-style ideologies. It doesn't mean it's incompatible, but it adds nothing.
It would be like asking 'how can we add shamanism'. Why the fuck would we?
The only actual Buddhists are Asians, the only white people who practice this are ones wholly prepared to dump products of their own culture for a trendy soyboy/freedomgrrrl movement.
The mystical side of Buddhism is absolutely looney and unscientific. This stupid prayer bead, chakra, meditation, yoga bullshit is unscientific. If you want to follow Buddha's principles, and it benefits you by incorporating it into your lifestyle (and you don't have to mention that you're a Buddhist on a daily basis) then good for you. Some of Buddha's teachings are beneficial, and I try to incorporate them into my life, but he also taught some looney retarded shit, and by no means does that make me a Buddhist.
What you meant by your original question is;
>how can we re conciliate the the notion of ever present unity with these earthly conflicts
That is actualy quite easy; all we need to do is recognize that one truth does not necessarily null the other, even if there is apparent conflict.
If we are all made of same thing, our earthly expressions of that same thing (same awareness) is experiencing it self as many different versions of that same thing.
Point of this experience is to experience conflict; to conflict our self's with the ignorance, evil, and stupidity. And to come to terms with it. To recognize it exists.
Coming to terms with it does not mean bathing in it however.
If you accept that "Everything exist" and Everything is dear to existence, you transcend the conflict it self (only if you truly do, not just larping about it).
It then in turn becomes irrelevant what are your actions. But that irrelevance is not of malign nature. It only means you are free to chose.
If you chose to elevate your self and those around you by the tool of truth, you will experience more of the "elevation". If you however chose the evil and isolation, more of it you will experience.
After that is question of; "may the stronger win"
I've started going to society of friends (quaker) meetings.
Life quality has improved a lot, go ahead and try.
And yea i know i went kinda outside of the borders of Buddhism it self. But i did say that we are to come to similar conclusions to the Buddhism it self (if the Buddhism is on the side of the truth) and then build upon it.
>mindlessly spouting "degenerate" for no reason
Nigga, read the Gita. You sound exactly like little bitch Arjuna complaining to Krishna before fighting that "those people down there are my uncles and brothers....clearly killing them is wrong".
And how did Krishna, destroyer of worlds, respond bitch nigga? huh? huh?
Krishna opened his mouth and transformed into an image so frightening, so utterly horrifying that Arjuna was pissing himself crying. Arjuna could see all of humanity, all animals, all plants, all planets, and the entire universe being destroyed, crying out in pain, and being utterly consumed by Krishna. Then Krishna said, "do not worry yourself with their fate, I have already sealed their fate."
Moral of the story: You cannot escape your duty on grounds of trying to play god.
If everyone thought like that, we wouldn't have antiseptics or any modern civilization.
Christians and Buddhists are eternal allies.