What does Sup Forums think of Bill Clinton. Not his wife but the man who was president? How was he as a president? I don't remember him very well as I wasn't an adult when he was in office.
What does Sup Forums think of Bill Clinton. Not his wife but the man who was president? How was he as a president...
He was dumb as dogshit
Worst president ever
Fat ass fuck from Arkansas
Based af. He had all kinds of hot qt3.14's in the white house slobbering his salami. All kinds of snowflakes were crying saying he should resign and be impeached. Simpler times
>this unironic
I heard that the stuff that happened in ruby ridge and in waco was on his orders.
If you are actually interested here is your Redpill enjoy.
Don't worry, neither was he. I remembar him as being a politician who was very much aware of international politics and in spite of being a liberal, he got the US in a financial feasable situation ever since Nixon fucked it up.
Fucking traitor.
Did he do anything good?
lost his nuclear launch auth codes for months
every time the DOD sent someone over to check on them BC was "in an important meeting and can't be disturbed" (ie: getting his knob polished)
Why was Hillary fine with this? Is she a cuck?
Bill Clinton is a rapist. infowars.com
sham/political marriage
chelsea isn't bill's kid either
Work for welfare program, mixed results. Not awful.
NAFTA was good, fuck all you evidence ignoring economically illiterate fucks.
Didn't fuck up foreign policy too badly.
B+ presidency.
Corrupt to the core.
Assisted trafficking of cocain through his state while he was the governor of Arkansas.
Sold military secrets to the Chinks to fund his campaign for president. Funded the Oklahoma city bombing to destroy records of Clinton corruption stored there.
The Clintons are textbook psychopaths and are possibly the worst thing to ever happen to America.
Trump is my homeboy, but I actually have no ill-will toward Bill, he ran of a platform that might even be considered Republican today, and he certainly would never be allowed in the Democrat party as he ordered welfare reform, meaning Tyrone had to at least appear to be trying to get a job...dude was not that bad, and as it was now, the economy was good.
By far the better Clinton, ...but that ain't saying much.
Nixon didn't fuck anything up. The collapse of Bretton Woods had nothing to do with politics and more with economic reality; there just wasn't enough gold being tapped by miners to peg the gold to. This muh gold standard meme is fucking stupid, THERE ISN'T ENOUGH GOLD TO BACK EVERY DOLLAR THE SYSTEM IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
This. A lot of people were very happy to see Bill go. I think one reason why the DNC pushed Obama so hard was to give it more time for Bill's corrupt legacy to fade... and for the shit she screwed up (failed healthcare plan) to fade... from memory... The Internet was not what it is now while Billy boy was in office. It was easy to memory hole so much of the bullshit he pulled from the American people.
He is basically a thug by nature.
He destabilized central Europe to allow foreigners and communists to take it over, the Clintons then used Serbia and Bosnia and Albania as a second HQ for a lot of their syndicate crime!
Bretton Woods never collapsed he is Oogum Boogum Man.
He was like every other american president, a puppet that followed the will of lobbies and jews
Absolutely BASED. Slick Willy was a real OG.
Bill Clinton, Brian Mulroney amd Carlos Salinas created a system that truely destroyed nationalism in North America.
They also created a fool proof way to traffic arms, people and drugs into USA by propping up Carlos Slim's monopoly on the Mexican Cartels and the connections to the Columbian drug lords.
This still happens today with things like fast and furious and trucks filled with people/drugs that get a special pass by the corrupt boarder security.
The clinton foundation now gets kickbacks from bad actors and dirty money from around the globe through the Radcliffe Foundation funneling money while hiding behind Canadian privacy laws.
MIRV technology to China
>and I am, of course, basing this on absolutely nothing
FPBP i hope he's dying painfully of AIDS right now
Sup Forums thinks you are a nigger shill who honestly needs to develope cancer, suffer and die slowly.
it was to distract from one his many scandals i cant remember which one right now
>Didn't fuck up foreign policy too badly.
In retrospect, his foreign policy was a disaster - a combination of incompetence, greed, and corruption. For one thing, his administration established the principle of "liberal interventionism" in Somalia, Bosnia, and Kosovo, which is the same model that was used to "sell" the Iraq war under Bush.
Second, his utter greed and corruption ruined relations with post-Soviet Russia. Think of all the (((advisors))) Clinton sent over there to loot the place and provide economic (((advice))) - just sell off all your state industries, goy! Clinton's goal was to support weak and corrupt leaders like Yeltsin, which eventually led to the backlash which began under Putin. Clinton also had a string of scandals where he sold classified weapons/satellite technology to China via corporate entities like Loral Communications.
One good thing about him - he was actually tougher on illegal immigration than his successor, George W. Bush. Clinton never seriously proposed an amnesty plan, while Bush - a "conservative" - proposed one in 2007 only to be rejected by his own party.
What is this shit going on pol where people are creating threads talking about how sexy human Aberdeen is and how cool Bill Clinton is?
He somehow gets a pass on destroying the Balkans and it was all pinned on the serbs instead. Just because russia was still licking their wounds after ussr collapse, they would never stand for that shit now. Not as bad of a distabilizer as gwb or obungo/Hilary but he doesnt get enough shit for that.
The Radcliffe foundation is the biggest contributor to the Clinton's and the founder Frank Giustra is on the Clinton Foundations board of directors
post yfw Bill Clinton rats out Hillary and Israel to get a pardon.
And that's just the stuff we know about. If even half of the assassinations that are attributed to them are true then they are KGB-tier political operators.
They think human beings are cows to be slaughtered at will. Truly evil.
Women can't be cucked, fag.
On a similar note, Bill Clinton got a rimjob from Lewinsky. He's a sleazy, degenerate faggot.
How the fuck was he such a playboy?
So that means Hillary is the ultimate cuck?
Top kek
good domestic policies
bad balkan war involvment
>B+ presidency
The fact he sold our nuclear missile and re-entry tech to China brings this down to an F-
Black ops contractor talks about being offered the job to blow up Oklahoma City Federal Building - youtube.com
Clinton Body Count - etherzone.com
If you honestly haven't heard about any of this before, you're living under a rock.
He’s a serial sexual predator and a rapist
plz plz plz
Why does he look like dan haggerty?
>chelsea isn't bill's kid
She looks just fucking like him.
Nice joke kid
Funny thing is they hate this fucker and his wife so much that they haven’t voted blue since.
Benefited from a bubble and turned it into a surplus, but also had an opportunity to kill Bin-Laden and probably end all the Bush Wars before they even started. Dicked some bimbos in his office, but that doesn’t matter to me. Slick Willy is said to be good, but the truth is he was just good in comparison to the dumpster fire that was the Bush administration (Willy’s HUD even started the whole subprime loan mess, Bush just doubled down on it to pander to minorities). Obamaleaf purposely compares him/Obama to Bush for this reason. Last good president was Nixon, but that was really only socially (he kind of shit the bed economically), so I guess JFK, but the kikes got him before he could really do anything too harmful to them. Shit’s fucked breh.
Coward, draft-dodger.
same as all the other ones. he is and wuz a puupet
wtf she looks nothing like that dude. Fuckin' mutts. "Arr hwhite ppl rook arike" Fuck off.