>Highschoolers weapon of choice
Holy shit these scanlators need to fucking die.
that is all, now I can die happily
Spit on your grave the manga?
>if you report us to the police we'll spread this video showing us committing a crime!
Why is such a dumb line of logic so prevalent in hentai/manga/anime?
Smarter than people posting video of them committing a crime before getting reported to the police.
Remember that Japanese culture is based on shame and on "not standing out". People would rather kept being abused in secret than become known as "rape victims" as that would bring them to the spotlight in a very shameful manner. It's stupid, but it makes sense in it's own way.
>Friends sell you out
>3 guys attempt to rape you so you defend yourself
>Despite hard evidence being presented in court that it was self-defense, still get a 20 year sentence and called a murderer by the parents of the men who tried to rape you, even though they were shown their children trying to rape someone
Sasuga Japan
>Life in prison for defending herself and killing rapists
What kind of fucked up country is Japan? There's even fucking footage of it happening in court.
I mean you could make the argument that it wasn't defense when she killed her friends since they were just there to film, in a real country with a real justice system you could mount some kind of defense based on the circumstances that would get you down to maybe 10-15 years max.
Japan is basically Kangaroo courts: the country
The dindu nuffin mentality will always prevail for the vast majority of family members whose offspring attempted to commit a crime.
The 20 years prison sentence for self defense is retarded though, the author should have come up with a better excuse. Trying to make you feel sorry for the MC by making an implausible situation plausible. Fucking retarded
She killed them all though, just wounding them would suffice to repel them. She would be send to some mental facility in europe and free in america with a good lawyer
At least the prison looks comfy
You know in my country if someone rob you and you push him down, you get life and the robbers get 2 years. Resistance is forbidden in any kind
>Killing someone trying to rape you and/or helping with it is bad
True, but excessive self-defense done by a minor generally doesn't get you a life sentence in a max-security prison. Even killing the girls would be manslaughter at best.
Its like I said. Regardless of the facts, or evidence, your guilt or innocent in Japan is decided the moment you step in court. The trial is pretty much a formality.
>just wounding them would suffice to repel them.
That means she didn't truly fear for her life and purposefully and willfully injured them in a controlled manner.
For example, if you shot a home invader in (some) US states, you'd best be hoping you mag-dumped the fucker. Else it's a hard case for not being in fear for your life.
I wish, my country is Sweden in its final form. We are way past the point of no return
it will be like cross ange
they will use these girls to fight something else
Which kind of shithole is that? I can't think of anything worse than Sweden. Is it Canada?
Not in the West, it is so chaotic that there are rumor that we will be annexed in 3 years. People are killing for a way out before 2020
Just say it where is it you faggot.
middle east
Well, all of the middle east is a shithole anyway.
I will never understand why scanlators do this shit
Nobody is reading the manga to be your friend, shithead.
TS/N: Looks like some people just can't appreciate my work. This project is now dropped.
Prefer that to their dopey comments shitting up the author's work t b h
>Japan is basically Kangaroo courts: the country
It is Kangaroo Courts, there's plenty of articles and news talking about it. Really now, a conviction rate around 99% and confessions happening 8-9 times out of 10 can only mean police torture and corrupted prosecution.
You don't have to stop attacking during self defense as soon as they stop too. That's liberal nonsense. As long as you are fearful for your life you are justified to kill them, you can easily argue even if they stopped attacking you they could start again. Also, I'm not sure how Japanese court works but in any kind of jury system the jury is never going to find a female victim of attempted rape guilty, period. Anyone who has a daughter will never agree to a guilty verdict.
I think its actually only recently too that Japanese police stopped beating the shit out of suspects until they confessed.
but they had "hard" evidence
>As long as you are fearful for your life you are justified to kill them,
So does that mean that black people are totally justified in killing all cops on sight?
>nevermind the glowing dick, dude has a camera embedded in his hand
Long live the new flesh
You know thats a stupid argumenet
A cybernetic enhanced rapist. His nails are also reinforced to easily cut women's clothing.
>So does that mean cops are totally justified in killing all black people on sight?
Your bait aside, they very much are, if they're in fear of their lives and they weren't the aggressor (in which case the ball is in the cop's court if he wasn't). He'd have a hell of a time proving it in the later court proceeding, but it's better than being dead.
All US citizens have the right to self-defense of their lives; it's just state (and locality) laws which decide how far that goes and what flies as self-defense. In the big case of Trayvon Martin, that was a fucking legal shitshow because the prosecution of Zimmerman went for the wrong fucking charge when he obviously should have gone to jail for the crime he LEGALLY actually committed.
The more you know, faggot.
Yes, it's reductio ad absurdum.
The point is that being scared doesn't justify killing. Self-defence is limited for a reason.
Similarly, killing people for holding a camera and trying to film your rape would get you some time locked up in pretty much any halfway-civilised country, if the camera people weren't actually threatening you.
>Completely glancing over the fucking fact that they were filming a rape
What the fuck.
Sure, the medusa thing may make a danger to society, i think that much i can stomach, but they didn't even fucking mention ANYTHING about the rape attempt.
You'd get a manslaughter charge, or maybe second-degree murder. Then there's the fact that it was done by a minor. At best in a civilized country, she'd probably get 10 years in a medium security prison.
Nigga, are you seriously trying to infer real life laws from a fictional manga? Are you legitimately a retard?
you guys are thinking like a gajin
try to think inside the box
Maybe the manga's retardation rubbed off on him.
Most of the time in the states, it's safer to kill in self defense than maim because if your attacker lives they can sue you with a pretty good chance of winning.
You're right. The police themselves probably just raped her until she confessed and agreed to plead guilty.
I highly doubt a manga can make him any more of a retard than he already is.
Considering this is Japan, that sounds about right.
if Medusa is a real thing, it's be at worst low-security prison with compulsory medical check-ups.
More likely, temporary insanity which would result in either hospitalisation or compulsory medical check-ups, depending on the details of the illness.
Are there more than just the two chapters?
I mean, th rapists were filming them about to rape a girl and instead it was used as evidence she is a murderer? What the fuck
That's not something you should go around saying, you know. But I agree. There's also a chance of the person hurting/killing you for revenge, you were attacked by some human trash after all.
Geiger Counter 3
post the whole in order u sickfuck op
my dick is hanging
>Parents just give up on her even though she has no recollection of what happened, the medusa shit is well known on TV, and there was video proof of the attempt rape
I'm getting pissed off.
Also, i imagine "oni-chan will play a part on the story at some point since they bothered to mention him on the first chapter. Probably going to visit her at some point to check on her?
He will probably turn out to be another rapist or something.
rape isnt murder
>the author should have come up with a better excuse. Trying to make you feel sorry for the MC by making an implausible situation plausible. Fucking retarded
I get you gotta have some suffering in your oh so edgy "life is fucked up" manga, but atleast make it something not identifyiable as completely retarded at first sight
>prison looks comfy
That warden doesn't though.
This is either gonna go the human testing, killing eachother in games for entertainment or the societys elites personal sex dungeon route
they might use them to hunt down rapists
because there is a manga called U12
they make lolis fight (pedo) deathrow inmates
>Know it's going to be edgy shit
>Can't help but wonder what will happen next
Why do i do this to myself?
You're not the only one to so so, user.
Seriously, the note are out of control. They are treating the margins like twitter.
It's fun reading edgy shit
God forbid I ask a manga to at least try to mimic real-life laws regarding violent crime.
>there is a manga called U12
H-holy shit...
They already gave up on her when her brother moved out
Between this and U19, now I want to see manga from different authors numbered U13-U18 dealing with various youths dealing with no-good adults.
So was the trial specifically made to catch a medusa girl or was it just LOL Japanese kangaroo court.
This edgy shit doesn't deserve better treatment.
Simply epic.