How do Nazis rationalize the fact that the smartest person who ever lived was an anti-racist, anti-nationalist, and a socialist?
How do Nazis rationalize the fact that the smartest person who ever lived was an anti-racist, anti-nationalist...
he was jew
he stole most of his work
go back to Sup Forums you fucking antisemtic prick
>Smartest person who ever lived
Didn't his wife do all the math?
Also Jews are not people. He was merely an extremely clever clockwork.
This is the smartest man who ever lived.
All Einstein did was apply Lorentz transformations to Maxwell equations. Both Lorentz and Maxwell were Christian Whites
Did he invent the rocket?
name 1 invention for which einstein is responsible
pro-tip: you can't
There’s proof he stole most of his work, also Tesla was smarter.
Does being a great physicist automatically make a person a great philosopher? Political theorist?
wtf is this thread kek
Also, sage and report
>implying Tesla wasn’t smarter
He literally denied everything that disproved his ideas, he was a celebrity scientist, not necessarily the brightest of the bunch.
antisemitic... right
Sir Isaac Newton was the smartest man who ever lived you fucking plebs.
He was modernist trash. Most overrated man in history.
That isnt William James stupid jew.
Wernher von Braun, Nazi SS scientist, invented the rocket. Then went to the US to jumpstart their space program after the war
Not even the smartest Jew
+1 for Von Neumann smartest jew
how could he be anti-nationalist if he was also a zionist?
I think he was retarded. Relativity is only a theory, after all. It's not the LAW of relativity. So it may turn out he's completely wrong and like an autistic savant somehow has the right answer.
Hoowaa suck ma kiss...
>the smartest person who ever lived
einstein? nah
>Archimedes may have used mirrors acting collectively as a parabolic reflector to burn ships attacking Syracuse. The 2nd century AD author Lucian wrote that during the Siege of Syracuse (c. 214–212 BC), Archimedes destroyed enemy ships with fire.
> Claw of archimedes
>Generally considered the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest of all time
not quite the pacifist that einstein was
That's not Von Neumann.
>the Siege of Syracuse (c. 214–212 BC),
I live in Syracuse I don't remember any of that...
I counter your left-wing Jewish physicist with a right-wing Jewish economist.
>he stole most of his work
here comes a jew slut
do you also believe in the holocaust?
If he was so smart how come he's dead? Checkmate.
fuck off brainlet
He was a physicist, they can be a bit weird sometimes. Also appeal to authority, so fuck off.
Smartest person in the world according to whom? Did they test everyone's intelligence or something? GTFO shill.
>Smartest man to ever live
lol no, he's a fucking meme
Have you noticed how his name keeps cropping up now that there's a famous corporation named after him?
Oliver Heaviside did more for electrical engineering (and pure math) than that nut, made all the more remarkable by the fact that he had to learn everything beyond basic trig himself.
He openly admitted that Tesla was the greatest scientist in the world.
>Then went to the US to jumpstart their space program after the war
Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?
That's not my department says Wernher von Braun
convincing the world he was smart is one of the most impressive propaganda campaigns the jew has ever done
Racism = smart
Nationalism = smart
Socialism = stupid
There's the rationale. I guess you don't understand the appeal of racism.
He won a noble prize for the photoelectric effect which proved light behaves as a particle, as well as a wave.
Whoa...Duality...I push my fingers into my eyes...
None of Einstein’s famous theories are scientifically valid.
He is a sham
>Most overrated man in history.
That's what Marilyn Monroe said.
Not an invention
What's a holocaust?
>saging with an attached image
Newfag please go.
>possibly highest IQ person to live
da vinci BTFO's all
Didn't he just copy a goy's work anyways?
how does anyone believe that the smartest person who ever lived was Albert Einstein?
He was retarded, just like Stephen Hawkings. The left just drags out spokespeople and tell us they are geniuses. Al Gore, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye the Science Guy. They actually pick the lower IQ people for this role. That way the idiots can never question the BS that they are told to say.
(((Smartest person)))) in (((modern history)))
Newton and DaVinci made it possible for thieving kikes
Everybody makes mistakes
Factoid learned in public schools.relativity is dumb and short-sighted as fuck and there is no valid proof for the speed of light or e=mc squared
It’s literally just made up shit.
outside a body
here, I've just described world without a single mass in it and replaced aether with spacetimetimetime and you better believe me: nothing can travel faster than light, also all light travels at the same speed irrespective of the source speed
their fucking math is internally contradictive, no wonder their balck holes, black matter and energy inventions crumble as military high res telescopes go public as we speak:
They looked into the centre of Milky Way, found no black hole and a huge filament that can't be there, also a star that exploded 50 years ago in supernova ... just exploded again.
This man is merely a celebrity that was born in huge controversy that subsequently subsided to pressure of usual suspects to obfuscate and stop human development for more than 100 years. He's a disgrace. Wallace Thornhill will be remebered for oens to come as the first person to present a definition of energy. You won't find one in any textbook, just examples of transformation of one to to another.
He invented "smooth move" laxative
how come it just so happens that any jew worth a dime is highly admixed with Europeans and that sephardic jews barely score 90 IQ points on average and are utterly irrelevant?
Pure coincidence.
Don't forget DaVinci was gay. My man had relations with his apprentice. And don't forget Turing too. BTFO anti-homofags
>Factoid learned in public schools.relativity is dumb and short-sighted as fuck and there is no valid proof for the speed of light or e=mc squared
no there actually is proof of all of his theories which is why physicists keep using them. I've used them. that's not to say that he invented the poincare group or differential geometry.
Anyone who doesn't think Newton is the smartest man of all time isn't white and is retarded.
>I've used them.
That's why your shit didn't work
>the smartest person who ever lived
Pick one. He was smart, but not that smart. I'd say Newton was smarter
so smart that he gave himself sleep deprivation and fell into a spiral of gambling
He was a zionist. How do you rationalize that with how he viewed non Jewish nationalism?
>t. knows nothing about physics
qed is the most tested scientific theory of all time
he never had a iq test. you cant say he was the smartest person who ever lived
Einstein is nothing compared to this guy
Your mother's cunt is the most probed orifice in the history of Islamic science
does this guy use Cauchy sequences?
kys Wildfag
That doesn't make me wrong though, does it? Study up, brianlet.
t. butthurt real numberians
Your mother aside, I wouldn't go so far as attribute QED to Einstein's contribution. But it would be fair to say that QED is both Jewish physics and the best model we have so far, sensationalist popular science claims about it notwithstanding.
Da Vinci was smarter than those 2 combined.
A very liberal man at that
>You Drumpfkins are blown le fuck out because I used a single anecdotal example to support my non-existent argument. Take THAT, fascists
Fuck off
Also. The Einstein discrediting is real lol
QED wouldn't work without relativity
>QED is both Jewish physics and the best model we have so far
no arguments there
Because OP is a faggot
>the fact that the smartest person who ever lived
I think he was also smart enough to never make this claim about himself, neither should you.
all those smarts don't mean anything if you are burning in hell..
haha that's exactly what his problem is, Cauchy sequences. wtf.
I should have said no disagreements there
t. cuck you mean lol.
How can you actually take this guy seriously?
>Wernher von Braun
Wasn't he the one that lamented the rockets landing on the wrong planet?
Was that a self BTFO?
Tesla and Davinci were the smartest two people who have ever lived. Not your fucking blue pilled poster genius who actually came up with fuck all of value.
le autistic meme engineer
>QED wouldn't work without relativity
It's really reaching to put much emphasis on Einstein's importance to this theory. A lot of good work was done, including by many Jews and non-Jews, but he was by far not the most important.
>Jewish physics
This board's anti-intellectualism is too much
Great inventor. Terrible scientist. Nice meme