I went to Europe recently, first time i left the country.
First stop was London, second was Paris, and i want to know
Sydney is no bed of roses either, but the whole city of paris stink like a urinal after a night on the piss
I went to Europe recently, first time i left the country
wtf parisians?
Old things tend to smell of wee. Old people, old cities, etc.
And they're rude pricks as well
London is pretty fucking old as well
Place was a fucking dream compared to Paris
But user, Paris has always smelled like piss. Haven't you read Gargantua and Pantagruel, or are you uncultured swine?
Go fuck yourself your anglo-abbo rape baby.
how many hours did it take from go to Australia to Europe?
Rudeness confirmed.
My cat is 17 and doesn't smell like pee.
11hr flight 2 hr layover 12hr flight all up
Your sister's sucking my shlong right now you stupid bogan, how about that
>going to paris in this day and age
>expecting anything else
I don't even want to go to Vienna.
This. Keith Richards said he couldn’t go a day without being insulted by a Frenchman.
Maybe it's all the pissoirs? I hear they're very popular in France.
We stopped raping 'Abos' years ago, they're just as smelly as you cunts
London was burnt to the ground in 1666, you uncultured fuck.
It's literally newer than some north-american cities.
Geez thats a lot, i suspect its the same in my case. At least you are relatively close to Japan. I think argentina trip to Japan is 18 hours or so i've been told. What did you do all 12 hours? did u watch a movie? were you seated near the walkway?
Don't you have pissoirs in the us?
They stopped dumping shit in the streets as well, what's your excuse?
Only in the more refined parts like San Francisco.
Rural and suburban retards wouldn't be having any of that refinement in the rest of the country.
I went to Paris back in 2014. Holy shit that place was disgusting. I thought New York City was bad, but there was garbage everywhere in Paris and the whole city smelled like piss and body odor. Why don't French people fucking shower?
Watched movies and drank as much grog as the hostess would bring us. Was on a holiday with the boys so the flight was mainly us talking shit
Obviously it's an urban thing. What about jew york?
I doubt even they're liberal enough to do that.
ahh pretty good
never been on holiday with friends but its nice to have someone to talk to for 11h lol
It really is, my mates slept most of the trip home, so it made to flight twice as long
This. America is a capitalist country, if you need to use the bathroom while out and about go into a fastfood joint, buy something cheap and piss there. Fucking bums.
As a burger I didnt understand this till a couple weeks ago I went to havana and it spelled like shit. I think some places put their human waste into their river/port.
Michigan master race reporting.
Lake michigan beaches in summer are #1 spot for germanic cuties in the world
Actual Parisians were always very polite to me. It was the mongrel third-world parasites that were so horribly rude.
And another question pepe le`dumbfuck
Why are you all such rude assholes anyways?
If you don't speak a lick of french, they ignore you, and then expect a tip for crappy service as well
I knew it had something to do with the inherently Jewish character of America. Pissoirs are quintessentially Indo-European.
>If you don't speak a lick of french, they ignore you, and then expect a tip for crappy service as well
Stop the BS
Plenty of them trying to sell knock off Eiffel tower trinkets and keychains at stupid prices
>pissing in the streets us quitessentially Indo-European
And people wonder why we left
Buy a water for $1 and you can shit in any bathroom. It is considered not polite to use a bathroom if one does not buy water, gum, gasoline. We have public restrooms on highways, parks, and beaches tho.
Boggles my mind that other people even refence Rabelais, let alone know what he wrote still.
On a second thought, French being a love language makes sense now. "Oui oui (all over) mon chéri!"
French is the romance language which the closest to english. You could also stop being lazy and make an effort. For suck sake...
We learnt a little frech from the tour guide, like how to say, "I don't speak french, is English ok?" Still pisses you guys off
We don't like anglos
Nobody in the world does
not true I honestly doubt stupid arabs and Africans speak any french
It's an irrelevant language, and your culture is dead too. It's just so easy to hate the French, same with the English.
It is close because normans. English is it not romance. English love loanwords and that it is what makes english the best language for communication written wise, It is able to be very precise unlike a lot of languages. Reading language is far easier than speaking it except meme phrases.
reading french or spanish is far easier than listening to my dumb burger ears.
do you like anyone?
true, and they didn't seem to popular with the locals either
We have an outsized footprint mon gar. Speaking of, how's your relation with your former colonies nowadays? Algeriennes, Gabonaises, Maliens integrating well?
I agree. This is why I'm shit at speaking english. And if an english speaking tourist asks questions in english, I won't ridicule myself by speaking in a broken english, I'll just pretend I can't understand a word of what they're saying.
We seem to be getting along well with Mario and Sanchez
The blackies are integrating pretty well, they're mostly hardworking and law-abiding
Maghrebins not so much
Because the US no one wants to see people peeing in public. I was at the peace and love music festival back in 2009 and used the public open air urinals there. It was wonderful but something that should only be at huge out door events, not on the corner of a regular street.
That's what I've heard. Funnily enough, it seems that the key to making a functioning multicultural society isn't to be less racist - it's to be so racist that we discriminate between different the good black/north african nations and the bad black/north african nations.
But no one on either side really wants to take the time to do that.
Migrants, niggers, arabs, jews and others who do not care about civil property or any other communities around them, trash the place and go away when the police comes.
There's no stigma attached with inter-ethnic breeding so in 2 or 3 generations they get assimilated
People don't matter here, it's the institutions that carry the cultural legacy
>full of horny women.
>horny women smell like piss.
I've seen people just pissing onto the metro train tracks from the platform at night in paris
it stinks of piss because there are people pissing everywhere
barcelona's old town is exactly the same
in the UK it rains constantly which is why we do not have this problem
I experienced the same in Barcelona. The locals told me it's because of the English tourists, they drink like crazy and then piss all over the place.
Pretty this Paris is ruled for decades by commies.
Paris isn't french anymore, like marseille and top big cities shitholes, only french stigmas remain as museum monuments or buildings.
Says someone whos country never had something like a culture
Yeah, Austria never really had any culture. Except when the Nazis invaded.
Literally just left from Paris (now in London) and this stereotype is far from true. My friends and I loved it there so much we extended two more nights. None of us had any bad experiences with the French people, and in every coffee shop we went to daily we were met with friendly staff. I’m Australian too btw.
Sorry frogs but you still can’t compete with the Italians though. They’re the most bro tier people (and best country) in Europe. Also, Germany was fucked - please never go there fellow poltards. Fucking hole of a place. Asshole people, and 90% Arab or Turk. If you must, just speedrun Munich for Hofbrahhaus.
You probably just came across as another faggot uncultured Anglo pleb tourist (like all Americans) that would make any European person cringe.
Paris is shit everyone knows that here in France.
Only foreigners and tourists believe the myth of the "most beautiful city in the world", have you ever heard of the paris syndrome ?
No need to buy anything at all, just use the restroom.