I don't know but it's one of my favorite

I don't know but it's one of my favorite.

Other urls found in this thread:


For the song and its arrangement, definitely one of the best. The noticeable CG and that hilariously god awful rotoscoping in the middle definitely distracted from the scene. I can think of a couple that were more impactful in an emotional sense.




Maybe. But to be fair I can think of like maybe three if we don't count Macross.



No commentary, no reactions, just music.


>second one

Why would you choose those over the song they sing Azusa at the end of the series? Shit was touching.

No, but still good and I always remember it
Not even worth remembering

Here is the best musical anime moment


>blocked in my country

>K-ON is the only decent one
How to spot bad taste

>J-pop shit anything over decent

Exactly, K-ON is okay animation and character-wise, but the music is just an irrelevant plot device.

Probably not the best but I love this anyways

the guy being like "what the fuck is wrong with these people" is believable and priceless


This is an unexpectedly good track from the NNB soundtrack. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard it.

We are talking about anime with music as the theme, not about anime OST


> the music is just an irrelevant plot device.
As opposed to what other use in the examples posted so far?

Oh, right, sorry. I'm gonna leave it up because it's still pretty good.

K-on is a SoL about eating keiki and cute girls doing cute things

I guess they're all technically plot devices, the difference is K-ON just uses a generic soundtrack and has the characters sing it as the main theme/focus of the anime. Stuff like the OP and Hibike actually attempt to make the musical theme realistic.

Kids on the Slope and Hibike were school dramas that used playing music as a setting more than anything. Just because it's not pop doesn't suddenly mean it's all about the music. Nodame Cantabile was much more about the music than those two.

Does Kure-nai episode 6 count?

I'm not saying that just because it's pop, it's just very obvious that K-ON didn't spend a lot of time on making the music itself realistic whereas something like Hibike did. It was extremely focused on being completely musically correct, as this was the entire purpose of the show, while K-ON was about cute girls doing cute things while playing their soundtrack.

> it's just very obvious that K-ON didn't spend a lot of time on making the music itself realistic

Huh? What the hell are you talking about, honestly? How is the music in K-On unrealistic?

It's not THE GREATEST, but it's pretty good:


maybe so but as an exercise in mood it is without equal


It can't stand on its own so therefore it's shit.
Also it's 3D.
Pls go kys.

I still remember when this aired and some jackass was all 'This is bullshit, we did stuff like this in my band class all the time and nobody came running to listen to us.'


LOL no

Yui is always so fucking happy during the live performances, it's delightful and contagious.

>not the russian dub
what are you doing?

Where have I heard this song before?

It's very familiar but I never watched the Disney movie.

its got a bit of my favorite things in it

The last episode of S1 Kinmoza deserves honorable mention


This made me tear up when I first watched it. Fuck rock music.


strong feels

>still "feeling" over K-on

>ever not feeling over k-on

good show but the opening for me was out of place

>feeling anything beyond lukewarm 'that was a nice show what's next on my backlog'

>not having watched it as it aired

I'll remember it for being based Bahi's professional debut. What a charismatic way to enter the industry.

>implying it was on my backlog
>implying I meant to imply that it ever was
>implying it makes a difference because in the end k-on was just "okay"

it was pretty good

Such a bad rendition of My Favorite Things, wish they could've just used another jazz standard that can be played in 3 minutes and not have it sound utterly mediocre.