Why do Socialists think they're people?

Why do Socialists think they're people?

Because they are, bigot.


The smartest person in the room is obviously an idiot.

Explain your personal inherent value to society, and elaborate on how you're better than a socialist.
OP only, please. I suspect that I will get either no response, or a bad one.

They appear to be self aware, but stuck in a low form of retardation.

I expect the same, it happens when people don't go beyond the memes.

You won't get an answer because nobody loves you soyboy.

Not him but I work, unlike the majority of feckless sicialist lay abouts. The vast majority of socialists are either politicians or students, both are parasites.

>Explain your inherent value to society

I'd never think of my assign a worth to my existence with the metric being my contribution to 'society'

I value it based on how I've cared for my family and friends, you know, the people I CHOOSE to help? Not this amorphous hive society you seem to love bugman

All they really care about is more government power, they take advantage of the poor and keep them in poverty, they don't actually want to uplift the people and help them. Socialists aren't human.

I really fucked that first sentence sorry I'm tired

t. invading Chinese-Canadian fag who wishes he could still eat dogs and has to settle for fucking them up the ass like a hoe

Why do you?

OP is a faggot.

Excellent response. It's clear that the future of mankind is in good hands if angry little morons like you are set to take control of this world after you grow up.

>Were your

The creator of thst meme needs to die in hellfire.

Capitalism sucks ass.
Thankfully we are in the late stage of it, and the inevitable collapse of this unfair system is imminent.

I am from Quebec
My people are retarded socialists and they need to be given their freedom so that they can learn from their collective autism.
The healthcare system is getting worst and worst on new years eve they had to throw people out in some places. Some were doing the line outside in the cold. We pay abortive pills but we don't help people who want kids but who are unable to. 1.3 baby per family.
And the list goes on.
Socialism sounds good but its such a good way to shoot yourself in the foot that it's always more risky than beneficial.
Socialism in an empire perhaps. As the emperor would have more than enough of his own motivations to not screw things up for shekels after his last mandate. Though it's exactly where it's leading us to. Multiculturalism is the work of empires. Never of integral states.

YES! Can't wait until we turn into Venezuela, it will be awesome and everyone will be equally poor. Equality for the win.

sounds like the united states in a nutshell.


Caring for the ones in your sphere of influence IS your value to society, then. You cannot benefit those around you without accidentally affecting society as a whole. You need to stop being so obtuse, and use your brain to think thoughts that aren't just angry and idiotic. Whether you like it or not, you affect society. The question asked for a comparison, though. Why are you more valuable than someone with political views that include helping society as a whole, not just the people in your house? Is financial value always an indication of superior intelligence?

Doesn't matter, don't treat 'em like them.

Once you think the government can compel social norms and/or take liberty and the pursuit of happiness out due to your misunderstanding of natural law and enlightenment principles, you've lost all person-hood and deserve to please get the fuck out of this country.

Rand truly was right when suggesting that the only difference between communism and socialism was that between murder and suicide.

Woah! So responsible! Surely this man is very big and knows everything! Better go out of my way to answer his every question as best as I can!

>Late stage
>Record-year in markets
OK Mohammed, please fuck right off to your campus and let the adults handle society.

For the same rprice as in Meme Flag posters do I suppose.
The only nd result is the same though.

Nobody knows. Commies and Nazis both deserve free rides.

Collectivism is the worst cancer to society today.

Looks like I hit a nerve, snow man. Ahem... snow kid, sorry. It always baffles me when someone responds like a whiny kid, but then gets upset when another poster calls him out for being a... whiny kid. Don't worry, kid. You'll grow up one day, and when you do, your thoughts will be more practical and less edgy and angry. Puberty doesn't last forever, son.

Hey faggot.
Maybe instead of blaming the system that "screws" you go pick up a book and learn how to make money. If not, you are free to fuck off to another country that believes in your communism bullshit.

It's a mystery.

I bet you cream your pj's at night when in your dreams you're a gulag guard pointing your tommy gun at those pesky consumerists.

Feel the Burn 2020 .

Opps''' I mean Communists . Lock & Load . (;

What you just said is nonsensical. Why would I dream that, much less get excited about it? No state of governance speaks for the ideals of all of its people.

>All they really care about is more government power, they take advantage of the poor and keep them in poverty, they don't actually want to uplift the people and help them. Socialists aren't human.

The commies tell them they are equal and oppressed


"Helping" those around you always turns into heavily funded government that delivers almost nothing to "people in the community".

It's MUCH more difficult to get work in a socialist economy. Having children is WAAAYY too expensive.

You can talk about how good it is to help your fellow man, but if you are giving 60% of your wages to the government, they are simply paying niggers to shine a seat with their asses.

The free market with minimal government involvement is the best way to lift the largest number of people out of poverty.

Bigger government is only supported by idiots who think everything will be free and happy if the socialists are in charge. It never works. Never.

You and your ilk are charlatans. Socialism has never worked outside the single family unit and everyone knows it.
You have your mouth full of talk about solidarity like the charlatans that you are. Solidarity is what makes me want to get you on board a helicopter faggot. Fucking liar.

Dafuq is up with the arabic watermark over the choppa?


You're only worth something if you contribute to society? And you're calling others obtuse...

>people have inalienable rights
>rights must be respected and defended
>socialists don’t recognize rights, and initiate force, therefore opening themselves up to the same
>therefore socialists/communists/marxists/far-leftists etc don’t have rights

Socialists will defend this and rebuttal with emotionally fueled bullshit, fact. It really isn’t that hard to grasp.

Well, you're good at making baseless assertions. That much is clear.
Only the sith speak in such absolutes.
Allowing the lower classes to starve doesn't bolster the upper classes; it cripples them. The upper classes need the lower classes to function, and if history is any indication, greed always rules the free market, which only adds to class separation, unrest and ultimately revolution.
Being butthurt about someone getting a pittance of free money or services from the government while you work to earn a vastly better life is a ridiculous stance. Make no mistake - welfare isn't the good life.
Social projects work all the time. 60% of your pay is an arbitrary number. It doesn't apply in America.

Let me ask you this - if you had power and could eliminate all government assistance to those who need it, would you? What do you think would happen? Why happens to the poor that already exist? Would you hold them at gunpoint until they starved to death? Do you believe that you would even survive yourself? I love how conservative idealists always fail to understand that the world would be even worse off if all the poor were left to starve to death. If the six billion poor on Earth died, where would you be? Considering it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get everyone up to the same speed, and that there will always be people who won't work a job that you think is acceptably responsible, and that there will always be less intelligent people incapable of doing most jobs, where would that leave you? A society is ALWAYS healthiest when everyone is healthy, not just the rich.

You aren't really good at language, are you? How about you forget the ad-hom for ten seconds and craft a sensible thought. My post about the nonsense you previously posted was about your shitty command over the english language and your own thoughts. Develop your skills for getting your thoughts across before trying to argue with someone in their native language. Your previous statement was incomprehensible gibberish.

It's the 1930's on the phone for you. They want their class warfare back.


You've taken my statement out of context because you a) didn't read the whole dialogue b) weren't who I was originally talking to and c) you're a fucking idiot.

The statement you replied to REQUIRED the context of the conversation.

You are less obtuse than you are a fucking dumbass getting triggered by bullshit you didn't take five minutes to understand.

Lurk moar, shithead.


top pip

>Explain your personal inherent value to society
First line.

Class division is the ONLY division that's relevant. Your post is irrational.

>isn't murder?

No you didn't write about my language. And only because you deny that you dream of the Bolshevik revolution, doesn't mean you don't.
I can see that you're changing the subject. Are you afraid of heights?

they don't, it's just one of their subversive tactics

Attention dumb nigger: the dialogue is the ONLY way the post you attacked is relevant.

If you're looking at a circular-shaped "square" in a city setting, it would not be irrational for you to say "that square is round", but if you said that about any actual square, it would be.

You've taken my response to a response to a post and highlighted in your stupid mind a portion of my statement that doesn't make sense out of context.

If I really have to explain this to you, you're too stupid to be allowed to live.

There's no point to socialism if you don't work towards communism. So the difference between the two is only a matter of time.

They decide who's a 'human life' and who isn't.
Evidently it's done based on selfishness and mass murder is fine when it suits them.'Helicopters For Humanity' are required in copious numbers.

For realsies too.

I'm not changing the subject. I just want you to write rational sentences. I'm not even sure you know what my original argument was because your posts are so far off. I might've said something about pecan trees, but you responded about soybeans. Understand? I don't expect you do because you're getting increasingly angry about the fact that I'm not giving answers to things you think you've said clearly, but haven't.

1. Separate yourself from your anger - it's only making you harder to understand.
2. Concentrate on expressing thoughts in a way that other people will understand.

If you can handle that, I'll argue with your dumb ass all night long. Until then, I am limited by your language skills.

The context of your argument was pretty clear. You cannot claim you meant something different upon realizing it was self-contradictory. That's just intellectually dishonest.

>There's no point to socialism if you don't work towards communism. So the difference between the two is only a matter of time.

Reach our KDA first, then talk, faggot.

Authoritarianism's just oozing out of that comment.
I bet people behind the iron curtain had plenty of fun taking the piss out of people like you. While making sure that you wouldn't notice that of course.
Daft wanker that you are...

>reach our KDA
Do you keep it up your bum?

I'll explain it really clearly for you.

I was ANSWERING A SPECIFIC POST when I stated "Caring for the ones in your sphere of influence IS your value to society, then." The "then" should have been indication enough that I was discussing that particular poster's specific circumstances, not making a blanket statement.

You know what? I don't have time for you. You're a fucking idiot if you can't understand that I was mid-conversation with another poster, and you jumped in, took a statement you weren't a part of and misunderstood it, then interjected to tell me I was wrong based upon your personal misunderstanding. I didn't waffle on shit, dumbass.

Lurk moar.

>"I forgot what I typed half an hour ago in the comment right above here because you typed a comment that I didn't expect."

Yes, maybe you should retire.

You don't really understand the world, do you? Outside of sitting in hot springs, wearing wooden shoes and dealing with snowfall, you probably have a hard time understanding the world, don't you? Hint: the world is a lot less angry and ignorant than Sup Forums makes it seem. It's also a lot less complicated than it seems. Class division has been the driving force of strife since before history. It still is. Race and other factors are straw men to the bigger picture of the division of wealth. Every problem on earth relates to wealth and class. There will be another class war long before there's a race war. I pity you. It must be tedious being so dim.

If by getting a comment I didn't expect means one that was incomprehensible, you're correct. I see you're making no effort to be more understandable; you're just being an increasingly intolerable jack hole with no further actual information. Go to bed, kid.

And you're an idiot for not understanding I'm challenging a component of your argument that it relies on entirely. I know you're just looking for an excuse to not engage, or else you would have simply clarified your position like a rational person rather than being ass-blasted for supposedly being misunderstood. Enjoy shouting at the other idiots.

Go ahead then.

Craft something that I can argue. Use quotes from me, if you think it'll help your point. Include my quote, exactly what you're arguing in your post. Tell me what I said specifically. Tell me why you think it's wrong.

Challenge accepted. I suspect you're too stupid to stump me. I suspect you only think you've stumped me so far simply because you are so stupid already.

You won't do it. You'll just stop posting because you don't have a leg to stand on.

Thought so, faggot.


I know that you know there will be class warfare and race warfare in the future if it was up to you and your ilk.
It's all you! If it wasn't for people like you there'd be a lot more goods and way less strife.
But hey, I've got mine. So it's none of my business.
Oh wait no. I'm human! I see you motherfuckers fail and then get angry!
Get in, we're taking off.

Because they used to be people before they became socialists.

Mr. "I want an honest discussion on very strict terms which I come up with along the way."

You assume a lot about me. I suspect it's all wrong, too. I love how you faggots wrap assumptions into every post. Whether it was your own thought or one you're rebutting, none of you know how to express your own thoughts properly, much less interpret the thoughts of others, then you get angry when someone doesn't answer the question you think you asked, but didn't.

The rules of the game never changed; your ability to comprehend communication is the only factor muddying these waters.

Wow. I went and took a shower and expected a response might pop through while I was gone, but I guess you're too pwned to even try. You're pathetic and weak.

Hey douchebag I googled "state of governance"
Remember that you typed that?

Yup. What about it?

BTW, I think it's funny that you had to google that.

What, you don't mind me calling you a douchebag?
Fucking Cuck.

Your name-calling doesn't affect me. What are you, a Sup Forums virgin? Everyone here is a cunt. You can't find words that upset me. They're words. From an idiot. In the Netherlands. Should I cry?

Please get to the point.

>elaborate on how you're better than a socialist.

i don't destroy society

...pretty ambiguous, don't you think?

Then it must be that everyone here's a cunt only to you.

You're still avoiding the point of your irrational triggering over my words.

So you're saying people's rights are inalienable until they disagree with you?

It looks like you forgot what you we're saying and now you try to trick me in helping you remember.
But really, the fact that you're a douchebag has firmly been established IMHO, so my work here is done I guess.
Mazzeltov silly goy.

I didn't initially respond to this because I wasn't sure what point you were arguing to begin with. Your logic chain isn't very solid.

We are social creatures. Ancaps legit deserve to be murdered in home invasions for being anti-social retards.

Run away, then.

Fact is, you never expressed yourself clearly to begin with. I can easily look back and re-read everything I wrote. You just can't seem to use the words necessary to express why you take exception to them.

Waiting on you, snow man.

Ask a native english speaker if you're having a hard time.

Ultimate cuck-ideology is Ancapism+morality

Low fuckin test

I hope you'll start doing that, don't think you'll get very far however.

I was trolling bro

If goverment programs were to stop then charities and wages would pick up the slack. You forget that a worker will only work if it's a better offer than they had previously. Who is going to work for 8 hours a day if they are gonna starve anyway? Also, if a company's workers all starve, they go out of business. Even the dumbest buisiness owners recognize this.

>Gives up after 3 posts
I'm with you leaf, I can't bring myself to LARP as a commie. It's too disgusting.

mental retardation

you're so fucking boring that you make me want to kick a fucking puppy!
I do my fucking best to come up with just the right insults and you daft motherfucker just fucking glance over it. Imbecile that you are. You're a waste of space and I wish all the fucking awful shit that happens in your life onto you. Because you fucking deserve it you fucking douchebag. Fuck you and fuck all collectivist faggots like you.
You are why we can't have nice things. Fuck you.

Someone needs to make a Sharknado style movie that somehow involves helicopters and communists.

or a side scroller game where you get points for throwing them but bonus points for landing them in shark mouths