>Spencer v Sargon
>Sargon goes full-Kraut
>nobody takes him seriously anymore
>his wife will probably divorce him after this
Where were you when Richard Spencer was the one who finally took down The Stepfather?
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't.
Sargon 'Erasmus Montanus' of Akkad: SJW's aren't free speech absolutists. Spencer isn't a free speech absolutist. Therefore Spencer is an SJW.
>*tips dragon dildo*
He should have clarified white classification better, as Sargon requested
He was constantly on the defense and offered little insight into how the ethnostate would realistically come together.
This. Plus he just spouted off insults when he got flustered and couldn't elaborate on his ideas.
Soygon of Blackdad has no way out. If he triples down, he looks like a dumb faggot. If he ignores it, he looks weak as hell.
t. share jew
Spencer isn't even a great debater but his ideas are great. Thats why he won. Sargon is a decent debater but he has no ideas. He's a shapeless blob.
You are a brainlet. Spencer has talking points. Not ideas.
As soon as he questioned sargons intellect the soyfather completely lost his shit
Call me what you want but Spencer was not prepared for this encounter. He really should have written some of this stuff out in detail to reference. I think he needs to have his eggs lined up and his definitions and reasoning ironclad.
Wrong. It is possible to create an objective definition of white.
Sargon "I chuckle at your arguments in a vaguely-British accent, therefore you are wrong" of Akkad
I think Spencer could be a good debate in a more formal setting with someone of equal intellectual ability. The problem here is that he was in an informal live stream with small brained Sargon. Debating politics with a person whose entire understanding of political theory consists of false analogies is difficult. He still did okay considering.
Take this Shariablue Jewry elsewhere.
He won the debate because Sargon is a smug child who's "argument" is more a blustering appeal to a supposed moral high ground but Spencer's positions of
>classical liberal's state ideal isn't an existential reality ergo it's foolish
>my ethnostate ideal isn't an existential reality ergo it's telos
Are not reconcilable positions.
It's not irreconcilable. The first is an ideal that has never existed and is not even theoretically realizable. The second has many examples in history (and even today) and is realizable.
The thing about this debates is that they're useless because every debater wins in the eyes of their respective fanboys echochambers.
Only the ones that understand that this is just business realize that they are all shills with very few exceptions.
I'm 100% sure spencer is a CIA shill but fuck me he is entertaining
Anyone who calls one of those faggot youtubers an autistic pseudo-intellectual to their proverbial face is a cool guy imo
Spencer literally advocated for a monarchy. Sargon won that debate.
>his wife will probably divorce him after this
How did he win? It is not possible to argue in favor of monarchy?
Nice try, leftypol.
CIA 1 Sargoy of Mossad -6,000,000
one of us, or hive mind, a bunch of us, should start debating all of these ecelebs, exposing the crimes of the jew and the reality of white genocide to the world
Spencer didn't win so much as Sargon lost. It's hard to when anything when you're being constantly cut off, laughed at, and attacked from three directions. So you either didn't watch the debate you're just a very stupid person.
Spencer glows in the dark, but it was still nice to see Sarcuck btfo.
Easy solution: those with 95-99% only get to go to a special purgatory city or state where they can procreate among themselves until their offspring reaches over 99%. Lower than 95% are free to send their (hopefully whitened)offspring for testing from whatever place they are from or relocate to. BUT they can't get into purgatory.
It's not accurate to say there have been no liberal states, historically. It's not accurate to say there have been no ethnocentric states, historically. It's not accurate to say for example Locke's ideal state was achieved or that Spencer's ideal state was achieved.
Logically then, these positions are not reconcilable as they are essentially contradictory. For them to not contradict the only argument you could make is that the liberal states were not truly liberal at all, too divorced from the ideal to bare even trying for again. This is a pretty common argument against Marxism but I don't think it holds water talking about 19th or 20th century liberal states.
I've seen that exact image posted eight times in the past two hours lmao.
t. shill
Please, he was so tired he had to leave, then go on-stream to get consoled by his cockholsters for a hour.
Sargon was pretty bad but vee came in a did a good job of showing the hypocrisy in Richard's stance on censorship.
wtf I love Spencer now
is this that VEE guy?
apparently sargon did an hour stream after getting rekt, anyone have a link to it?
someone quickly redpill me on spencer's view about mixed race people
my dad is 100% anglo-saxon and celtic whereas my mother is 100% northern indian, am I allowed in spencerville?
Sad but true
He was literally the millstone around styx's neck, would've been better if he had just stayed home
Nibba lives in a monarchy. BUT LE SURFS REEEE
Im going to watch it, what is my opinion supposed to be?
Protip: I won't consider your insight.
if you have a white parent Spencer said you could stay
Sleeping. Saw the stream later on. He did good.
But your gonna be forcibly bleached.
Spencer did use ad hom. attacks but this was a "chat" not a debate. He made Sargon look like a chuckling moron and in that regard I commend him.
He should just admit he's a national socialist though.
as in I would have to impregnate a huwhite person of mixed white ancestry? I can't see him giving me a pure nordic girl to knock up
his wife has got to have friends.
do you identify as white? Personally I'd have no issue allowing mixed race people with at least one white parent live in an ethnostate. Given enough time you're descendants will be bleached and will be indistinguishable from everyone else. What's really important is that as a group white people need to stop the slide and try and stablise our populations, purity spiraling and arguing about who is white is a divide and conquer tactic that makes us just spin our wheels and get nothing done.
Post a more current pic.
obviously or I wouldn't be here
voted ukip + brexit as well
two powerless soon-to-be neckbeards arguing about nonsense they think matters? who gives two shits except you fags? go play games or something.
What, no? I mean your going to undergo a Aryanification procedure like in Iron Sky m8.
in "Camp of the Saints" one of the last people trying to defend the French shores from the hordes is a poo-in-loo who is
oyy veyyy
What colour am I thinking of, Richard? You don't know? Racists BTFO!
Is Laurence Fishburne white? STOP WITH THESE LOADED QUESTIONS!
I need you to give me a prescriptive performative index of whiteness so I can accuse you of trying to violently impose it on others who don't live up to it, Richard. Please do that.
I literally don't care if my race, nation and people die out. The future is irrelevant.
Of course I would allow hostile foreign agents intentionally subvert my society and spread malicious propaganda. Suppressing it or stamping it out would violate their rights to undermine my nation.
Will there be bears in the ethnostate, Richard? What are you gonna do about those Richard? What do you mean, you don't even know? This is your state, lmao!!!! You don't even know! What if you're in the ethnostate and you're climbing a mountain and the rope slips and you break your neck? What would you do then???
Sargon was an irrelevant snide cunt in the debate.
Styx brought out some real actual argument that Spencer never did properly respond to.
It's ridiculous to believe that there's a peaceful way of making the USA a white ethno state again I don't know why Spencer even still clings to that, he might as well and go full white national socialist and admit yes we'd need death camps but it'd be worth it in the end.
oh lel
wouldn't mind that
Stop posting this same image Sargon
He needs to admit it,
but if he does, the absolute madman.
Can't stand this fat cunt, his face is so punchable
he couldn't go further into it because Soygon was busy attempting semantic gotchas.
He's insufferable, of mediocre intelligence, and uneducated.
And that was put on display for the whole internet to see.
If you unironically think Sargoy did well, you are simple minded.
No you wouldn't be because you do not fucking identify or act like a white person. You are 50/50 which basically makes you Indian. Now if you we r e to tell me that you were 80% white with 20% Indian I would say your be allowed in.
Don't want to five the media more full for there nazeeeee shit
He wants you to a peasant in his white ethnostate
U alright lad? Still up for that carpentry business idea?
No, Soygon incorrectly accused him of arguing for monarchy, because he has no intellectual substance to argue with.
So he had to play semantic gotcha, and try to nail spencer down with arbitrary hypotheticals that were ultimately irrelevant.
agree somewhat regarding America though there are some policies that could help stabilize the situation such as enacting a white only immigration policy and reintroducing the social taboo against racemixing. As for Europe while we are in a much better position with regards demographics and national (racial) identity than the Americans we need to start getting our own houses in order or we;ll become strangers in our own lands
I do identify as a white person and I act like one. I'm well read, I go to church (protestant), I don't eat a curry unless i'm pissed etc
I look mixed but i'm ethnically ambiguous to the extent i'd pass as an american 'white' but not an Englishman.
I'm not that user you're thinking of but it doesn't surprise me that others of my ilk lurk/post here
imagine my shock.
>virgin sargon
>Reed classic liberal literature and full accepts everything in it
>has no independent thoughts
>can't even effectively use liberal arguments
>chad spencer
>creates own ideology
>aristocratic ruling class of alpha ethno-nationalists
>refutes the failure of liberal ideology
>academics too afraid to debate him
I never liked Spencer because he had that same smug liberal look, but he's earned it after causing Sargon to sperg out and ree
Anyone have the new Daily Show where Spencer is on and talks about the debate?
The only reason Spencer won is because he's handsome and closeted gay alt-righters want to suck him off
Then give it to me please :)
anagram for "u r jews", how fitting
>i-it's not like I find you handsome Richard!
Spotted the real faggot.
Spencer confirmed for Muslim plant
sargon's upward inflexion makes me cringe
I understand. You found paradise in the Youtube Skeptic community, you had a good trade, you made a good living. YouTube protected you and there was an appeal process. You didn't need a friend like me. But, now you come to me, and you say: "Don Sargone, give me Patreon money." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer discord servers. You don't even think to call me Stepfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my wife’s son is to be married, and you ask me to do shilling for money.
I'm not a big fan of Spencer, but he won the debate.
no doubt it
>I'm not that user you're thinking of
don't pretend lad, it's too late to back out now. we've all incested the money except you
Holy fuck you people are stupid and autistic. He said at least five times that the ethnostate was something to have as a goal when the current system of American hegemony inevitably ends. Every group except for whites is making plans to take advantage of this collapse, he thinks a instituting a "white homeland" should be the plan that whites make. Of course he can't spoonfeed you a roadmap to get there because the actions required to get there will have to adapt to the situation at the time that America has declined enough to allow redrawing the world map to be possible.
I disagree and think total annihilation of non-whites is a much better goal, but you have to be a moron if you can't get his point about the ethnostate being a goal to give defined purpose to whites after the world order collapses.
That's a fucking stupid line of reasoning.
>Sargoy of Blackdad comes across as a whiny and insincere idiot
>"Ok guys I've gotta go now"
>Spends another hour in his safespace with his friends telling him how great he did
my sides
shitposting the chat
to be fair, it's not really hard to debate Akkad. He is semi-retarded and low iq
Thanks man
>What colour am I thinking of, Richard?
I thought this was some Hyperbole meme thingy but he actually said this wtf
Are these others direct quotes aswell?
Wow Richards wife fears him a LOT.
Or is this respect? Can’t tell
Every line I wrote there is a paraphrased characterisation lifted directly from the stream except of the last line about bears and shit that I made up
I liked the bear stuff, fit the tone of Sargon's criticism quite well.
There is literally nothing wrong with a monarchy. Hang yourself.