I was reading a lot here and you guys give us such an unfair shake. We are not as bad as you make us out to be. We just made the choices that were right for us at the time and you guys would have done the same. Don't blame us as a group for the world's problems.. we didn't play any part in it as a group. We just lived and did the best we could do, like you would do. Please refrain a bit from the constant disparagement and attacks. Thanks.
Boomer here
classic boomer. Fuck you.
Tragedy of the boomer denominator
Millenial here.
No one care.
Its like to set rabbits on a island without animals who eat them.
They destroy the island.
You cant blame one rabbit, cause it did what every rabbit would do.
But it destroys the island
You are not being fair in your comparison to rabbits and my generation. We are not the ruinous generations you make us out to be.
I graduated high school.
I joined the Army.
I served my time and got out.
I got a job.
I got married and started a family (a boy and a girl)
I bought a house, a car, and lived like a human being.
I've lived my life, now it's your turn to live yours.
If it isn't turning out like you want, don't blame me - blame yourself.
NICE.. i agree.. i just lived my life and will retire soon. The young people are so hard on us.
These people, I know them. They live like nothing's ever going to happen to them, as if life was just a daily routine. They are the biggest cucks of them all for sleeping their entire life. And now the younger generations have to sort out their inactivity and failings.
Walking through life like a bunch of fucking sleepwalkers.
Sleep's over faggots.
War is at the door. Again.
what war? I am about to retire soon. I think will be peaceful and stress-free. What is this war you speak of?
Fuck off.
Yes, you are. Apparently you are also myopic and incapable of introspection. Malignant narcissism will do that. Now kindly fuck off and die.
this has to be a LARP
It's just a coincidence that everything went to shit after the 60's.
Don't you have a winter cruise you should be on or something.
not a larp whatever that is.. just setting the record straight that we are not the devils you make us out to be. We have kids your age!
I would recommend to get to work and get on the payrolls though to fund social security for us older-timers. A future generation will do it for you someday as well!
Larp confirmed. Congrats, OP, you raised my blood pressure a little.
You fucks literally never for one second worried about the future. Only the present. You all deserve to have all of your gibs removed. No SS, no medicare, nothing.
boomer plz
You boomers were offered the sweetest deal ever made to humans, you were tempted by the devil and took it all hook line and sinker.
Now we got young boys cutting off their genitals and growing tits, rampant homosexuality, porn, hyperinflation camouflaged by cheap goods from cheap labor, wars, mass immigration, drugs.... you fucking cunts had to resist.
Your parents are the criminals who voted all those laws in and pushed for "equality", you boomers are just the useful idiots.
no we just acted in the same way you guys would have were you born at our time. The hate is not fair and I posted here to try to temper some of those negative feelings. We are just like you! Just a little older my friends.
I didn't cause it my friend!! We are the kids of the greatest generation.. the 30s and 40s war generation. We didn't do anything that wrong!! Really. Please have some better feelings about it. You young kids will do fine..you have a great world here to live in!
Kill yourself
The hallmark of a boomer is still being unable to admit wrongdoing even after the consequences have become obvious.
I don't blame you for coasting through life, but at least admit you did and had little thought for the future.
Notice how you can't?
back then it was "the man" you rebelled against
it was a time of peace love and free sex
next thing you know, the govt is importing millions of 3rd world shitheads and liberals are supporting Apple cell phones and transsexuals
Why are you so dumb? Seriously.
Why the fuck did you revive Christianity when it was on the verge of dying?
The beatles are overrated trash and a bunch of pedophiles.
Either way fuck off and die. You've overstayed your welcome on this planet.
Remember guys, they "paid into" as their whole lives.
It would be evil to take the ponzi away from them now.
As the oldest of millennials 1981, fuck you. You know what you and what your generation has done to the future generations.
Ok now I am getting a little mad. I have done NOTHING to you guys. You need to take responsibility you kids. Get a life.. get married.. live! Get a real job.. work! You'll feel so much better about yourselves and not have so much bitterness.
I have done all that. Married now 13 yrs. 3 kids under 8, Have a real STEM career and work as an engineer in a world class R&D department.
My rent is going up to $1325 a mo. and the housing market year over year clips at 15% while wages rise at 3%.
You dumb fucks are completely clueless. Luckily I've made $40k in cryptocurrencies last year and it's only getting hotter... your retarded generation still uses AOL.
Sorry about the retirement plans it won't work out.
You better take your blood pressure medicine and maybe a viagra or is it cialis. If this thread depresses you there's always the antidepressant in the cabinet. While you're at it have a Zanex, they're not like the qualudes but they'll do. Now for some red wine and that beattles album that takes you back when kids weren't so reckless... Ahh now that feels better. Why would anyone want to smoke marijuana, it's as dangerous as heroin silly children. Ooo feeling frisky, time to go butter Fran's fanny...
The problem with boomer is they never realized how the completely played they've been by the Federal Reserve Jews and Government PsyOps.
Don't worry though, the kids these days have taken copious notes...
Now you see kids... This is how you destroy the Boomer. If he Larps or not, it doesn't matter.
Millennial economics is in a very real state of decay.
THEY've come a long way from the slave trade days. Wake up.
>Don't blame us as a group for the world's problems
Your generation inherited the world. You are to blame. btw nice larp
>We just made the choices that were right for us at the time and you guys would have done the same
No you kike loving shitstain
Most Boomers should be executed summarily, especially if they've ever voted for Clinton, Carter, Bush 1, Obama....
You should be executed. Along with anyone that attended Woodstock.
Boomers are cancer, but they also didn't have Sup Forums to peel back the ZOG lies, so it isn't exactly fair to blame them since their only source of info was the (((MSM))). "boomer" as an insult also kind of smells like JIDF D&C
Millennial Tears are the best tears
>Don't blame us as a group for the world's problems.. we didn't play any part in it as a group.
What, you mean the way you blamed the previous generation for the World's problems?
Don't trust anybody over 70.
Most people over 70 aren't Boomers. Boomers are in their 60s or early 70s.
I don't have the social instinct so the time I was born doesn't determine how I think. I just react to the circumstances thrown in my way. I don't have to react as a hivemind because some pseudoscience says I have to.
Day of the Abusive Retirement Home IS COMING. I can't wait. Fuck my boomer family they deserve it.
My parents went out of the way to protect me from almost any social problem of the era I lived in. I'm siding with them over strangers.
But honestly the peers who rejected me had parents that cared more about their SUVs than their own children and that was sweet revenge that they never had people to care about them. I'm not going to cry when their parents go to the nursing home either though. I'm misanthropic.
Boomer hate is morally equivalent to niggers blaming everything on white privilege. Don't hate grandma and grandpa you guys, hate the kikes. Also teach grandma and grandpa to hate the Christ killers, God certainly does.
>hur-dur boomers are selfish scum and deserve to die - the sooner the better
>we're individually like everyone in our age group
good luck with that
I'm angry at Boomers for creating zero tolerance rules and all these draconian laws. I'm angry at Millennials for them hating individuality and differences.
Boomers failed to prevent all the shit that has gone on since they came of age and now in their ignorance and arrogance they're going to ruin both the national economy and the every level of government with their entitlements. They need to be cut off NOW and put out the street like animals to die in the cold. Then we can hire some underemployed millenials to toss their frozen corpses into the Gulf Stream and have a future again.
boomer idiots got us into foreign wars and signed shit legislation fuck you boomer
I'm going to embrace my individuality until I die. If someone says "You think you're special don't you" I will say YES I AM GET USED TO IT.
My parents personally stopped things from happening to me and made sure I didn't go through what my peers did. So why on earth should I side with the same people who outcasted me over my own family? I want the government to pay for my parents social security so I don't have to pay a thing.
No I'm not siding with Boomer strangers. I'm not siding with strangers period. I will side with my siblings over Boomer strangers and will side with my parents over Millennial strangers.
You keep saying Boomers when you mean to say Jews.
Who owns the media your grandpa and grandma view the world through?
Who told grandma and grandpa to support Israel and be a good goy?
The Devil deceives the world and now the Devil wants you to turn on your family instead of embracing them and granting forgiveness and charity.
I'm not turning on my family. I'm staying loyal to my family and watching the strangers sink. I will side with a Boomer family member over Millennial strangers and will side with a Millennial family member over Boomer strangers. If I don't know you, I don't owe you loyalty.
You from El Paso?
>Please refrain a bit from the constant disparagement and attacks.
sure, (larping)boomaranon...but it's conditional:
1) cease & desist the consumption of ALL psychotropic meds.
>but, user, muh needs muh meds. chemical imbalance, muh muh muh
HOGWASH! how has humanity survived the scores of millenia without this much 'needed' brain poison. nueroscience doesn't even understand the function of seratonin/dopamine. they're so fuckin myopic they think it's a basic binary action. you've willingly transformed yourselves into a whole generation of soulless virtue-signaling uber-consumers.
shame on you all.
go grab a six pack and rake your fuckin lawns.
2) either stop abusing the social safety net or watch helplessly as it's yanked out from beneath you. many anons bleat endlessly about niggers and welfare. user is more concerned with the fact that boomers see the medical industrial complex as a sort of recreation.
they feel a sweeping sense of relief -- if not pride -- in having attained a new and fashionable diagnosis.
3) start giving a fuck about your country and realize that your thinking has been conditioned. collectively, you think like teenage girls. you're so desperate to fit in and win approval that you'll adopt the most ignominious and thoroughly cucked opinion if you feel it's been sanctioned by your media overlords. conversely, you're as callow as they come. none of you has the courage to express -- much less generate -- an original thought.
4) stop pretending you're terminally 30. age with dignity, for Christ's sake. be something that succeeding generations look up to, don't abase yourself in attempting to effect the manners and mores of younger generations. grow in grace and knowledge...shit, just grow the fuck up.
as it stands, the only purpose you serve is as a negative contrast...you are a cautionary tale...we will point to you long after you're gone and tell the coming generations, 'see this, young autists? don't be this.'
I'm Millennial and will act however I want. I don't care if people make an example out of me. Nobody says it's against the law to act how I want just because I was born in this arbitrary time. I was forced to be young during a worse time so I'm going to do whatever I want in adulthood to make up for it. Get used to it. I don't have social status to lose so I literally don't care.
Call me cringey. Then I will embrace the label cringe with pride.
While boomers aren't blameless, the left festered into what we have to deal with today on thier watch, you millienial scum really need to do the rest of us a favor and kys as a generation, sitting on your 600 lbs asses dilating yourselves with your bongs.
Why are you saying strangers so much?
That's a little strange, especially for user board. Something isn't right with you...
Nope. I feel no generational guilt. Are you pissed? I feel no guilt at all just because I was forced to be born in the time I was. I'm completely shameless now and I lack empathy for most people including you.
The kikes don't want you to support your family.
Kid just probably has ass boogers.
Because these people expect me to sacrifice my own family for a bunch of people I don't know and who would never help me. It seems absurd to me.
Very interesting response we have here.
What do you see in the related pic?
A friendly merchant with a rich culture and distinct religion that is totally not Satan worship goy.
I see a person trying to escape obstacles in their path with the first triangle being bulky and in the way and the second triangle being hostile and trying to block the person from moving forward.
Controlling Body language absolutely requires talent, it requires control of your emotions in stressful situations. Maybe that's not a "talent" but a skill? I dunno. It can be a hard one to master for many people.
Very interesting indeed.
Now what do you see?
Um some kind of parasitic alien lifeform that worships itself despite being disgusting and immoral in every sense of the word?
I see a witch riding around on her broomstick. Please psychoanalyze my results.
Delusional uninformed ignorant fuck head
That's just what the Nazis said and we're gonna Nuremberg you.
>For several decades in the middle of the twentieth century, San Juan Island was virtually overrun with rabbits. A population of several thousand domestic rabbits released in 1934 from a failed breeding operation grew by 1971 to an estimated 1 million on the 55-square-mile island, part of the San Juan ...
Ferrets fixed the problem.
I will vote for literally any politician who campaigns on taking social security away from boomers.
Excellent description user. You are free to go.
I'm afraid this will not due. Would you like a pill to clarify your mental state?
Ya dun goofed. Keep it subtle next time, kid.
>Gen Z pretending to be a boomer
I don't want to pay for my parents retirement. I want the government to. They spend so much time and money on me while my peers parents refused to help them. Why should I be punished just because I got to have good parents?
Holy shit, have you seen the state of the world? Do you take no responsibility for having the wool pulled over your eyes by the media and voting in the idiots that helped us get to this point? Bullshit, no one gets a pass. Anyone could have dug deeper, tried harder instead of being told what to think and do by Dan Rather.
you whiny kids need to stop bitching, get out there , and get on the payrolls! I worked my ass off all my life and now it's your turn. I have never seen such a whiny bunch of loser scum. No wonder people say that they have lost all faith in millenials and generation z.
And what has all that working led to? A 56% white country that will be less than 50% white in decades. Low social trust. Soulless materialistic culture. Broken families and marriages. Rootless consumers only concerned with hedonism. Hurry up and die you old cunt.
Your greed cost everything.
young people will plunder your wealth and not care for you in old age because you put them in debt before they were born and did not teach them the importance of family, only subservience to the state.
then things might straighten out, who knows.
Moron. Literally playing into the depopulation agenda.
Thought you 'people' were supposed to be smart.
Fucking boomers.
Most of the world is overpopulated. It's a fact.
The world you made a living in doesn't exist anymore. People don't hate you because you destroyed our societies. They hate you because you're so detached from reality, you're still living in the 1960s. Where you believe you can pay your way through college on a summer job and come out with a wife and two kids. You have absolutely no idea what the real world's like and you don't have to. Your generation sustains itself by stabbing your children in the back, then bitching and whining about how 'lazy' your kids are. You are a walking cancer on this earth and I don't think it's an exaggeration to say almost every single person under 30 prays for the day you most of you die.
It's not only that, but most boomers fell hard for the 'out at 18' meme. They not only acted as if they didn't give a shit about their kids while raising them because they never matured themselves. Quite a lot of them actively work to not help their kids. Then why wonder why their kids hate them, or don't see much meaning in 'family'.
>We just made the choices that were right for us at the time
Reads to me as
>We dindu nuffin
>mfw Sup Forums actually believes a 60+ year old browses Sup Forums.
Sup Forums will believe anything.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>Grandparents, both sides, Greatest Generation
>scrimped and saved, lived frugally
>did so, so kids would have something to inherit
>they die
>parents, Boomers of course, inherit small fortunes
>go on spending spree
>both tell me and siblings
>"don't expect to get anything from us, we're spending our money"
Fuck Boomers, no regard for the next generation or building generational wealth.
>I got mine, fuck you
Pretty much the motto of the boomers. So many boomers never matured or learned what being a parent means.
>So many boomers never matured or learned what being a parent means.
And yet they wonder why so many of their kids turned out like crap
Boomers where dubbed the 'me' generation, all the things they claim about millennials is projection from whiny boomers.
Gen x grew up trying to appease their parents, living in their shadow. Millennials saw this and how Gen x got nothing but shit on for it and said 'fuck it', became introverted.
And now I have to deal with them. I was raised right. My parents put me first while my peers parents put themselves first.
>My parents put me first
We and everyone else who had that good fortune will have to become the parents others of our generation never had. We will be cleaning up the mess and rebuilding from the corpse of the dead nation we're living in. The road ahead is rocky, but we will create a better tomorrow
Overpopulated with all the wrong people because boomers are their social programs threw and anchor on the white race and fucked the future without lube. Good game all. When's the civil war start?
I plan on takeing care of my parents for as long as possible once they get to that age
Most of my peers (am 22) are either like me or complete fuck ups. A lot of people my age that i know hate boomers and fow not to be like them
"Millenials" are fucking ass too
I will sacrifice as long as I get rewarded and I don't have to sacrifice my personal freedom or liberty. But how will you make sure you don't create the next people who will ruin things?
I'm talking about things like the favelas of Brazil where poverty runs rampant. Too many people. They need birth control propaganda.
By preaching the values of community and humility. Make sure my kids know the world doesnt owe them anything they dont earn. Boomers are fuck ups because of the massive economic boom after ww2 and just got everything they wanted.