Reminder that if you still play video games as an adult you're a manchild and a soyboy. Grow the fuck up and stop playing with toys.
Reminder that if you still play video games as an adult you're a manchild and a soyboy...
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Reminder that if you still browse an anime website called "Sup Forums" as an adult you're a manchild and a soyboy. Grow the fuck up and stop watching cartoons.
t. triggered soyboy trying to deflect
>no kids, some ok headphones, and games
Well shit, she's the best wife ever.
Now he gets to fuck raw for life.
OP doesn't know video games aren't just for kids.
t. can't afford to buy vidya
stop projecting to hard, daniel
how many times are you going to make this thread?
He's going to keep on making it until people stop responding to it.
Ok i will prefer non interactive experiences (tv, books from now on).
Interactive is childish it seems. Interactive is bad way to learn it seems. Interactive makes u stupid it seems. Dont confuse 2d surfaces potential with prehistoric art when looking at cave wall. Games are the ultimate art form.
Lmao this soyboy fuck is actually defending that manchild who gave away the only objective purpose of his life (to spread his Gene's) to play a bunch of fucking video games instead like some 12 year old kid. That guy and you are going to commit suicide when you reach 40s or 50s without children. I bet that guy's wife left him for a man who can actually reproduce with her as well.
>for life
or until sh gets sick of him at which point he cant have children oh and in second relationship what if the women wants kids?
Manchildren getting mad because I'm exposing them, lol.
Unironically what am I supposed to do with my time when I don’t enjoy anything
Locusts spread their genes too.
Spread your genes while underrating your Nature-given upper intellect is not what Nature intended.
I bet all that seriousness comes from unexpanded horizons.
Yer even locusts spread their genes which is why it's so embarrassing that the filthy manchild can't even do it now.
Also how does playing games have to do with intellect?
I play video games sometimes. But I am married, own my own land, am in the process of building a new house (all that is left to do is put up all the window trim and the molding on the walls and finish the woodwork on the staircase-- which I have been doing myself with sanding, staining etc). I pay taxes- (make too much money to get any money back at the end of the year), and am completely debt free (even while building the house). Call me soyboy all you like, I play videogames for fun just like shooting guns, bow hunting and fishing.
So you criticize games but you havent really known them?
Vasectomies can be reversed.
let me guess, you're a high fructose fatass that likes to pretend it's muscle
Wow congrats you're doing what all adults should do. Do you want a fucking medal or something? Hey dickhead you're supposed to get married, buy a house, have a job, etc. that's expected of every adult and it's not an achievement at all. It's like thinking you've achieved something because you finished high school. Ffs this soyboy generation actually thinks doing what is expected of them as adults are achievements lmao. Clearly by your mentality you're still a manchild.
>t. LARPing faggot who wasted perfectly good trips
>when i don't enjoy anything
This is your problem. You frame your life in terms of what brings you pleasure. There are a lot of modern, scientific ways of describing your problem but I'm gonna go with the classic one and just say that you're an asshole. Get over yourself and you'll find joy in living rather than being spoon-fed a digital simulation of living like the overgrown gerber baby that you currently are.
>Defending a manchild who got a vasectomy so he can avoid the responsibility of being an adult and having kids (purpose of life) so he can spend his time playing video games
Holy fuck the absolute state of Sup Forums manchildren are actually defending this just to defend their video game addiction. Lol!
Are you or your parents in any debt whatsoever?
says the faggot on Sup Forums why don't you take your own advice an get off this website even moot grew up an left, take a hint loser
No my parents paid their house off years ago. I do have debt but that's just the mortgage because I'm 22 but other than that I have nothing because I didn't go to university and went to become an electrician instead. From 16 to 20 I was getting paid a wage as an apprentice electrician and I saved 80% of my money.
my goodness, yer quite the tool
Games are the Ultimate Art Form.
They feed imagination with pictures, animation, sound, interactivity.
They can take you FAR
Nobodies defending anything, you're just another shit breathed hypocrite, another preacher on the pile without a follower insight. A fucking virgin loser trying to change the world from their computer. Borrow a rope an neck yourself island dweller.
I come here once every couple of days to speak out against manchildren like you and leave, I'm not a Sup Forums addict like you, manchild.
so you come here to share yer fantasy. 'cause you can't afford gaming?
No it's the God honest truth. Manchildren actually think having jobs, paying taxes, getting married, etc. are achievements when they're things all adults should have done already or are in the processing of doing. Sorry snowflake.
Fuck off OP, videogames are the future.
So you don't have anything, you have negative assets and are not impressed with someone that didn't fall for the debt jew and paid out of pocket for everything they have. You don't see how funny that is?
>Having a mortgage means I can't afford to buy some $50 game off steam
Lmao what? Are you literally retarded, poorfag?
Arma 3 is for alpha males
lulz, no really. ur a tool
Says the guy playing on his computer with his internet friends. Don't dig yourself in a hole.
Nothing wrong with playing WoW and many other games at a competitive level to improve yourself.
ignoring the trips, why the fuck are you on this board since its based on asian cartoons and vidya?
Shenzen io
Eu iv
Please gtfo OP
>Nothing wrong with playing WoW and many other games at a competitive level to improve yourself.
Lmao he thinks getting achievements on a fucking game mean nothing! Absolute state of degenerates
>Grow the fuck up and stop playing with toys.
No, can't do that. Video games are awesome!
Based Greek
>hobbies are bad
Achievements need intellect. Degenerates' pattern recognition by habit and not by intellect is why high ideals dont get their full potential. OP fails.
jesus christ get off of Sup Forums and go out in the real world you fucking loser lmfao
Imagine being this far in the closet that playing video games is a huge detriment to your perceived manhood.
I'm happily married with 2 kids and a job and I play vidya almost every day. I grew up with vidya, and I like the stories and the challenge though to see what it's gone through in the recent years is depressing. There's a lot to learn about Jewish business practices and stupid consumers as you've grown up with the medium.
To summarize - shut the fuck up closet homosexual, video games have nothing to do with being a man or growing up.
stop watching movies and tv, start building log cabins and working with sheet metal in your spare time you boy obviously made of soy.
t. butthurt soyboy
Enjoy suicide at 40 you childless manchild. Keep playing the Vidya Jew, goy.
Reminder that playing video games is perfectly fine as long as they teach you something useful.
>wives are encouraging men to be children
I mean, I get it. Sure. Hobbies are okay. But they don't get to complain about the "manchild" problem when they're instigating it.
Oh no.
I still play video games.
In this regard, it's the same mindset as saying that playing with dolls is a hobby.
>what if the women wants kids?
Letting women make decisions about your life choices will leave you empty inside
>calling you out is defending vasectomy-boy
Maybe you're BOTH wastes of life?
Reminder, if you still watch moving pictures for entertainment, grow up.
Belittled by the grandeur of such and argument.
He could have waited for Destiny 2 to come out, would have chopped off his balls all the same
I would but there's fuck all else to do in this soggy cold country/shithole, my only proper hobby is basketball cause you can do that inside a building, away from rain or terrorists
>He says trying to deflect the fact he's spending his free time on an anonymous message board for teenagers.
A wise man
My wife couldn't have kids so we waste money on stuff we don't need and use it to travel to go to places we have never been before. When I was young I had a bunch of unprotected sex, with a bunch of different women, so I may have a few kids out there I don't know about, some of you might be my sons for all I know.
So any good games you guys can recommend?
Fighting games like mortal kombat are a great way to practice your anger management prove me wrong
Nice mindless childish arguments loser
Games are Great! they are fantastic you've never played a good Video game have you are you a baby boomer?
Fallout: New Vegas
When human totally stops being a child death begins.
Alright fine then I’ll vote Democrat, fuck drumpf fuck white people and black lives matter.
>we waste money on stuff we don't need and use it to travel to go to places we have never been before
Vacations and guns get really expensive really quickly
>le ebic social conservatives are secretly gay maymay :DDDD
Divinity original sin 2
>I'm happily married with 2 kids and a job and I play vidya almost every day
You clearly are a soyboy if you think bragging about having a job, having kids, getting married, etc. are big achievements and not a normal part of being an adult. This is the #1 identifier of a manchild - he thinks being an adult is an achievement.
Also I bet your kids think you're pathetic because you still play video games when you're in your 30s. I know if my dad was playing Vidya instead of teaching me how to play sports or Hunting I would think he was a joke.
You mad homo?
Video games wouldn't be bad if it were not so heavily influenced by (((them))).
Its one of the easiest and most effective way to bluepill people.
based ladypede dropping the REAL redpills
I loved videogames but the industry has deteriorated to such a point I can't even fathom why supposed fans still cling to and play them.
I wasn't just memeing on Sup Forums around 2007. I actually just gave up and I actually can't conceive how someone can consider themselves a fan of the medium then hop on psn and play battlefront 2 for a couple hours every night and enjoy it.
Fucking uneducated poor fags like you make me sick. Kys quickly, I've got games to play.
Nuclear throne
Clive Barkers undying
(Mostly horror genre except first two)
>Not learning orbital mechanics while you have fun at the same time
Worth it though. Memories on vacations will last a lifetime and having the security of having at least some type of gun at arms reach in every room of your house, no matter where you are, is worth it.
>paying for software
what did good goy mean by this??????
ahahahahahahaha you sit on Sup Forums all day and cry about race and soyboys while you contribute less than nothing to the perfect white society you envision
so pathetic
>manchild manchild manchild manchild manchild manchild manchild manchild
>hehe if i say it enough they'll get assmad
>a huge debt that will hold you for up to 40 years and can make you homeless if you loose your job for a few months
>that's just the mortgage
I think that's the illusion of video games. You think they take you far, but actually you don't leave your room.
I love racing simulators, own a pretty good wheel, I think it may come useful for me one day, but I don't lie to myself that it makes me grow as a person. As far as hobbies go, gaming is a very low-tier one.
Does anyone know for certain that this guy doesn't have any kids? For all we know he has 3 or 4 and they decided they were getting into their 30's and didn't want to chance making a tard.
>I've got games to play.
I'm sure you do there isn't anything better to do for you in your miserable life.
Western games are absolute trash outside of a couple specific genres like Grand Strategy, but there's a lot of good stuff coming out of Eastern Europe and Japan.
This desu
>not supporting the devs you like
pic related is you people's fault
I can live with that.
Bing bing wahoo
>supporting (((devs)))
what did my leafy buddy mean by this???