I see why Trumpfags aren't talking about immigration anymore.
why the fuck does congress want amnesty so fucking bad
>why the fuck does congress want amnesty so fucking bad
don't buy it. illegals are already a massive drain on society. if they get access to social security, it's fucking over.
Because they are jew controlled. They are implementing the jewish white genocide agenda.
>breitbart in 2018
when will you faggots learn that this shit is tabloidi tier?
That's what you get when you elect a Democrat President.
>. illegals are already a massive drain on society.
Not for big corporations that fund the GOP they aren't.
Pence is such a manlet.
are leftists reading breitbart for hope now?
>6’0 vs 5’11
>They are implementing the jewish white genocide agenda.
No matter who you vote for, every president bows to Jews and kiss Israel ass. Has there EVER been a US president to name the kikes? Nope.
>if they get access to social security, it's fucking over.
oh no we need more taxes!
People pay them to vote for amnesty* Is what he meant.
Nixon, and you see what happened to him.
Funny, innit?
Yes. And quite literally, for hope
Trump campaigned on amnesty you retarded nigger. he literally said they are sending their rapists and we should invite them in.
>Nixon, and you see what happened to him.
Yup, he hated the fucking kikes even though he had a few kikes in his cabinet and they got rid of him. And that's what happened to someone who was doing what they wanted 99% of the time.
>Nixon forced to resign over illegal wiretapping
>Obama assassinates a US citizen and his son without a trial
Obama he kissed muslim ass so it didtnt fuckn matter
>oh no we need more taxes!
On the goyium
Trump will.meet with anybody. He's said this. In 2 months Flake will be screaming for a wall to be built.
>Obama he kissed muslim
In all seriousness Obama was one of the best things to ever happen to Israel and anyone who says otherwise is a shill.
>. In 2 months Flake will be screaming for a wall to be built.
Yes Flake who's running for relec-
> assassinates a US citizen
Oh noes! Poor Anwar al-Awlaki! He dindu nuffin. He was going to mosque and tryna get his life back on track yo!
what the fuck do Jews have to do with this?
Bill Gates, the Clintons, Bushes, Merkel, the Pope, churchs that hide illegals, on and on and on....the goys are pushing this shit more than the Jews
Jews that I know are all against mass immigration
You fucks are the ones welcoming the hordes of 3rd world invaders and a few liberal Jews
I want every illegal currently here that has not committed a felony to be fast tracked to citizenship, get them all on the books paying taxes, get them in the census. Then, throw up the WALL, and implement much much stricter penalties for being in the country illegally. What's done is done, whoever's here can stay, just cauterize the wound and be done with it.
Side note I want a cool wall. With solar panels, a high speed rail etc. Make it a tourist attraction. Plus, lots of new towns/cities will pop up to support those constructing the walls, then they'll stay, cuz hey no illegals.
* violent felony
now were talking about DACA ONLY
IF we get the wall AND stop chain migration AND visa lottery
I say fair trade
> the wall
we need it
not for immigration but for smuggling
both drugs north and guns south
Please explain then because i only saw america fuck up the world and itself while he was in the drivers seat. Syria libyia rekt. You had blm riots and the resurgence of racism. Show me the pics of obama at that prayer wall. Ill easily find you a youtube vid of him saying hes a muslim.
Fuckkkk this
If US doesn’t get in with the ethnonationalist wave, you can kiss goodbye to your ethnostate. Tired of losing yet racists?
And his son? And his trial? Not to mention the numerous times the US government has been caught illegally wiretapping citizens.
>I want every illegal currently here that has not committed a felony to be fast tracked to citizenship
And I want you to get testicular cancer
Jesus.... is Pence really that much of a manlet.
Why would an ancap care about a border? if he's not on your property where can you rightfully shoot him what's the problem?
>are leftists reading breitbart for hope now?
Its over. If they are reading breitbart, they are a few days away from ending up here.....
The question is....Do we accept these former sjw and other undesirables IF they mend their ways?
Mark my words: in 2020 Trumpfags will be parading BASED ILLEGALS FOR TRUMP
Sceencap this
grant Mexicans amnesty but deport niggers and poos
restrict Asians too women only too
Most illegal immigrants are actually productive and work for a living. They're creating an economic boon for employers everywhere, especially down South. Only a buttmad trade unions worshiping socialist would be against immigration. Trump has promised to revive our economy and so far he's doing it in an outstanding way. This and Tax Code have already pumped in billions of dollars into our economy.
>I want every illegal currently here that has not committed a felony to be fast tracked to citizenship
Glass yourself you fucking faggot.
I'm serious, fucking go out and kill yourself.
>le amnesty don XD
jesus christ bannon is really assblasted huh?
>rumpfags will be parading BASED ILLEGALS FOR TRUMP
They already fucking are, this is what you get for voting for civic nationalists over real white nationalists.
>your government may be importing hostile aliens you will never assimilate and are opnely hostile to your ethnicity, religion, culture, and values
>but think of the profits goyim!
Every person who supports legalization of illegals should be moved to central america if they love them so much. This isn't a dumping ground pacho, this is a country
And what “real white nationalist” was running in 2016? Face it, trump was the beast choice we had
>Most illegal immigrants are actually productive and work for a living.
Citation needed.
Also if these fuckers are so great how come Mexico is such a sewer?
Sorry, Schlomo, but there's more important things than a few quick shekels at the expense of turning our country into Mexico.
>someone breaks into your home
>judge lets him off but grants you restraining order
>someone breaks into your home
>judge lets him off and orders you to let him stay with you
not amnesty
Try "invasion license".
>Face it, trump was the beast choice we had
Yeah I sure want to go die for another useless war for Israel, just can't wait.
>Obama worshiping socialist cucks
>how come Mexico is such a sewer?
it's hard to start a business when you're a dirtpoor, subhuman IQ brown person. doesn't mean you can't work menial tasks. The only whites affected by immigration are trash tier *people* who have to compete with illiterate Jorges. The only non-whites in my neighborhood are gardeners and garbage men, or as they'd affectionately call themselves: landscapers and sanitation technicians lel
it's all talk
>it's all talk
Just like the le wall :))))))DDDDDDDDDDD
You think mass deportation is honestly easier to achieve? Amnesty then WALL.
When did it happen before?
Based Sweden.
Luther Strange is 6'8"
>Obama worshiping socialist cucks
Mexicans are literal socialist cucks you neo-cohen. Only 4% of illegals work in agriculture the rest are competing for white jobs. I realize scum like you won't even be fazed if the country turns into Brazil. More cheap brown labor right?
Ever notice all the pols only discuss the DACAs?
>They never push to deport the DACA parents that knowingly broke our immigration laws
>they never mention the other 25+ million illegal immigrants
>they never mention stopping the anchor baby rule
>they never mention confiscating the illegal's possession to offset the BILLIONS they stole from taxpayers for social services and health care
They are fucking Americans over to help some overstuffed burritos
but im for all of that
Most citizens don't even pay taxes
fuck brown people. desu
>why are republicans cuckservatives
You need a wall before amnesty can happen.
One of the downsides of replication.
This is hilarious
Calling a racist to lobby for amnesty
Neo-unipartyists BTFO in the near future
Top Kek!
Your day is coming Soft John