We can't study
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I'm not gonna read that shit but I'll just say brown is best
Of course the guy can't study when his tanned childhood friend is practically throwing her tits in his face all the time
Erm i dont like this tanned Tsugumi
Please eviscerate yourself.
>tomboy in a girlie dress
Nothing feels as good as this.
She's the only reason I'm reading this garbage.
She's hot tho
remove tan then i am good
Tanlines are the sexiest.
>not liking tan
You should be banned for life.
I should be studying but I guess it's a good time to read this.
This is a terrible crime.
Thanks for fap material
tan is like skin cancer, wait, it is skin cancer for gaijin
Get more sun onto your face you pasty fuck
I want to wake sleeping beauty with a kiss!
Swimgumi is the best grill.
Hey, I read Fukashigi Philia from this guy ages ago, It was pretty detect.
2 minutes you fuck
Except she's not a shitty tsundere
u wot mate
I'm shitposting in another thread.
>her friends think she likes Yuiga and is shipping her with him
I was certain that a Chad would show up and woo her and she would stop showing up in the manga. At least she doesn't like Yuiga that much so the chance of her of falling for someone is still good.
Uruka isn't tsundere. She's like a failed genki semen demon kinda like those pics about girls trying to be good at getting the guy they like but are actually shy and spill massive spaghetti.
Tsugumi was a shitty tsundere until the last quarter of the manga
>At least she doesn't like Yuiga that much
Your a fucking idiot.
Go back to the English test chapter and reread it.
If fucked you're mother bitch
Giving a friend you like as a friend a swimsuit is out of bounds. That is why she was embarrassed.
fuck your mom and blood-related female relative
>another Uruka chapter
And you dense faggots think she is going to lose. Fumino and Rizu aren't romance heroines. Neither will fall for him.
>At least she doesn't like Yuiga that much
I can't believe someone still say this. Bait or not this is way, way beyond pathetic.
Lemme guess, she was talking about agape love, right?
i ma gonna bleach her before use, too brownish
Love is a bad translation because it implies more than what the characters are implying.
Tsugumi as in the girl trapped in a mirror?
The 2 ''lead'' girls didn't even show up this chapter, it's a bit unconventional, but I think the third girl's the main one this time. The author has been gibing her a lot more screen time than the others, she shows up about as much as the other two combined.
>she doesn't like Yuiga that much
I kept telling you fags this for weeks and you guys just kept calling me a moron. Fumino and Rizu won't fall in love with him and I don't see more girls coming.
But the black haired hime is the star of the episode though? Her getting sick?
I wouldn't mind brown as much if she didn't force her way into the other girls' chapters. She even got a whole chapter to herself as
pointed out. It kind of bugs me that the focus isn't distributed that well.
She really does seem to be falling for him, hard. I am not seeing her giving up so easily.
Yes user, keep wasting time on boring girls instead of the best one. That is a good way to keep you manga interesting.
>I think the third girl's the main one this time
It wouldn't be unheard of. Didn't "Hoshino, Me o Trubutte" have the mc ending up with the qt gyaru childhood friend?
>Fumino and Rizu won't fall in love with him
It's a love comedy and it's been advertised as such. I mean, I'd love for the series to have the three of them just becoming good friends as Yuiga keeps tutoring them, but I know that won't happen.
>and I don't see more girls coming.
See, I have my doubts against that. Uruka was obviously added after the fact, or there would've been hints about her in the first three chapters, even small mentions. It wouldn't surprise me at all if we get /i/ girl by chapter 20~25.
Because you are a moron. I bet you thought none of the other girls in Nisekoi would like Raku after it was established that only Onodera did at that point.
>Yes user, keep wasting time on boring girls instead of the best one.
I agree, there should be more /sci/ chapters.
Yes let's only have 2 characters of any importance in an ideally long running weekly manga. You're retarded.
>I'd love for the series to have the three of them just becoming good friends as Yuiga keeps tutoring them
*I'd love for the series to have the two of them just becoming good friends and Uruka to be his girlfriend as Yuiga keeps tutoring them
Hmm yes perfect.
But I might read it.
Bitch sensei has a 60% chance of joining the harem but an /i/ girl sounds likely too.
You have to hook people with the best girl. After you are established then the world can expand.
So, now that the good digital scans are out--and JB is currently working with the shit scans--will anyone translate it?
No, Chitoge was established early. I liked her too.
Just by reading the series and not following shitposting traditions I figured out who would win. Show me any seed inside of Fumino or Rizu that could blossom into love.
>It wouldn't be unheard of. Didn't "Hoshino, Me o Trubutte" have the mc ending up with the qt gyaru childhood friend?
First of all, it's not over.
Second of all, she confessed and this was his response.
That's also stupid. The only reason I'm reading this is because they didn't establish a main girl. That's what's tiring about most romances these days. They get spelled out to you from day one. Like Hatsukoi Zombie for example.
Also I'm willing to bet there will be an /r9k/-chan. Sup Forums and Sup Forums by extension of being a hikki.
what a fucking faggot
We're only on chapter 9 for Christ's sake. The only reason you know Uraka likes him is because that was spelled out and established as part of her character since her introduction.
>Hatsukoi Zombie
I know. Ebino won already.
>I'm reading this is because they didn't establish a main girl.
Tenn more chapters would give you aa better feel. Judging by Sup Forums Uruka is by far the most popular. Popular heroines keep manga serialized.
I am not sure the harem will go beyond 5. Maybe there will be case by case incidents that require tutoring.
New girl likelyhood?
1. /i/
2. Sensei
3. Sup Forums or Sup Forums hybrid
No /r9k/, they need top be gassed no matter their country of origin.
Yeah but there should be signs by now from either Rizu or Fumino.
this guy
Manga suggestion 1: Uruka should have a time machine.
Manga suggestion 2: Whenever Uruka isn't around, characters should ask "Where's Uruka?"
>When it doubt, bug the fug out
A reasonable and level-headed reaction to gyaru, desu.
That's basically the same boat. Hikki NEET characters that escaped to the world of 2D. "NEET" characters are still a hot meme these days. They might not be bitter recluses but "NEET" would still work. It's in quotes because students can't be NEET but it doesn't stop dumb gooks from saying that anyways. I wonder whatever happened to just saying otaku.
>the most popular
You don't know that. We aren't even at the point of popularity polls yet. But I can agree with the 10 chapter thing.
>Purple hair
Wasn't expecting that
Man, I wish translations came out faster for this.
>Why is this broad following me REEEEEEEEE
It's way behind, yeah.36 chapters behind I think.
I know right. I can't even see the highlights. Does she just have greasy hair then? I thought it was blonde or brown streaks from too much chlorine.
Dude we're barely at 10 chapters. Do you want them to all leap at his dick by now? You instant gratification fags are ruining meaningful progression in stories.
I want a sign. It isn't instant gratification, it is a sign of something that may happen in the future. So far there hasn't been anything.
That's perfectly fair. I just don't agree with you retards saying none of the other girls will ever like him. That doesn't make sense in a series like this. As of now they don't like like him. That's reasonable. But closing off the possibility completely is stupid.
I'm not reading yhis but the tomboy seens to be the focus of almost every chapter. Did the author regret not making her the main heroine or something?
Theyre really keeping this garbage huh? Well its not like to love ru didnt do well
>uneven tan
Sorry, I was talking about the latest raw. Only brown girl showed up along with MC, other 2 were absent.
a link to a raw
Do you want translations for this chapter?
As much as I want Kobayashi's boipussi.
Yes please do it. By all means.
I'm okay waiting, thanks for the offer though.
I know jackshit about japanese, but from the ending I infer that Uruka is going to become a magical girld thanks to Yuiga achieving the power of lifts.
I'll take it as a "not really".
>not wanting Kobayashi's boipussi
Are you some sort of disgusting faggot?
But I do want the translations.
Bitch-sensei is his sister right?
Most likely, yeah.
Why do I want to lick off Uruka's drool off her arms?
He is a pretty boy(female)
Flustered tanned tomboys forced into girly, frilly dresses!
Oh God mah dick&feels!
So, who's gonna be the focus of the next chapter?
y u s s
pls measure my penis
Does she look like a princess to you Sup Forums?
Man, I look at her but the only thing that comes to my mind is how her dress is going to look like shitty rags in JB's version.
They're going to be using digital raws from now on, so she probably won't be a nigger anymore. At least I hope so.
hopefully this manga doesn't get cancelled