is he controlled opposition?
Is he controlled opposition?
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Yes, Zippy the Pinhead is controlled opp
>fucks up a hashtag
Is richard /ourboomer/
spencer is a cutie senpai
the only people who think he's controlled opposition are anti-racist alex jones tier boomers and other confused normies who had no idea who Spencer was until the end of 2016. for the rest of us who've been following his podcasts and shit since 2012 he's been basically straight up and the exact same guy he is now for all those years. people are right that the media picked up on him and boosted him to fame, but this doesn't make him fake, even if you think he's gay or not hardcore enough or whatever, he's a top lad
There is literally no chance that within the next five years we dont find out he's on a CIA shell payroll.
If spencer is controlled oppostition then there is no movement and we've already lost. Same is true of TRS.
So if spencer is a deep state honeypot, we've lost anyway. But he hasnt done what honeypots do. He hasnt tried to get his people to do illegal shit so they can all get ruby ridged. If he were going to do that then he would have done it 6 months ago when violence was actually happening country wide. Now the "battles" are all gone and antifa doesnt exist. The left is defanged, things are proceeding more or less as expected.
So its easier for me to believe that "le spencer is CIA" is total divide and conquer bullshit than its some sort of conspiracy. The facts do not fit your paranoid assessment. The facts fit mine. Spencer is legitimate , if not ideal , and its you and people LIKE you who are attempting to take him and his movement down either because you are the enemy , or you have been tricked by the enemy. The simple fact is the time has elapsed and spencer has proven he is not a fucking fed. He is in this for the long haul.
The right has a serious problem with paranoia. Its what makes us capable of seeing things the left overlooks like race , the dangers of multicultrualism , the JQ. But it also makes its easy for you stupid faggots to scream conspiracy at every thing that moves. I try to subordinate my natural caution to reasons , which is why i done share your entirely baseless observation. It doesnt help that every single time this starts , its accompanied by mass produced memes designed to make him look silly. Much like the the 53% meme which is being dumped everywhere.
You are ascribing superhuman powers to the enemy that we know for a fact they do not have. If the deep state created richard spencer we already lost and you should be figuring out how to marry some gook immigrant to survive the diversity police in 15 years.
it's all part of the CIA's plan to mainline white nationalism in the US because ???
over 90% of nazi/fascist/whatever stuff online is controlled opposition. create your enemies and you can predict their movements
Either that or he's just an idiot.
You mean making a mockery of
>working with Zionists
Yeah no
He actually pulls it off, but just barely.
>explain how any of your ideas could realistically come to pass without conflict and death
>Let me tell you about Israel and Poland, they're ethnostates!
What kind of person is convinced by this type of argumentation?
Because you're fucking retarded. It's not about mainstreaming white nationalism. This happens every time a popular right wing movement starts: as soon as it gains even a modicum of traction POOF suddenly the white supremicists show up, claim the whole thing was about them the whole time, make themselves the public face of it, and all of a sudden no one wants to associate with the movement anymore because of the connotation to racism. It happens every single fucking time, goyim. Spencer is just this cycles face.
>You mean making a mockery of
how is he making a mockery of it? he's pretty photogenic and intelligent senpai
>>working with Zionists
you don't need to want to destroy israel completely to be a white nationalist, that's retarded. Hitler wanted to deport Jews to Israel and did deport a couple hundred thousand with the Haavara agreement, is Hitler a controlled opposition cuck too?
so you're a pussy faggot who is scared of being called racist by liberals, okay, you're worthless and we don't need you. go back and join your anti-racist conservative movement you fucking baby
What's wrong with Spencer? I want specifics. Facts.
The shills littering this board today are proof enough that he isn't. Where were you stupid bastards yesterday night? Watching Will and Grace reruns and jerking off because you can't do anything without (((input))).
the best they have is that he was photographed with Laura Bush once in 2011 so that's proof he works for the CIA
>Of course he's controlled opposition, look at what he's doing for white nationalism, by catapulting it into the mainstream after having been on the fringes for a few people for so long and making white identity a legitimate position
>And, ugh, now he's destroyed one of the keystone figures of the Sceptic(TM) community and brought even MORE attention and detractors to the Alt Right
>But the Alt Right is controlled opposition anyway because something something Dugin Laura Bush Paul Gottfried...?
yes for the millionth time. beating up on sargon is a nobody tier thing to do.
dat youcis
Poland sucks too and is suffering from massive brain drain, some of the lowest birth rates in europe, and a matriarchal society. Does he really use Poland in his arguments? fucking kek
No, and you'd have to be stupid to think otherwise. Anyone asserting that Spencer is controlled opposition is either a leftist infiltrator attempting to sew division, or else a paranoid who has been gaslit by said infiltrators.
Spencer the soy boy slayer has got all the Sargonite shills in a spin tonight. stay mad
He's a millennial you underage shit.
Does it matter?
>has never listened to richard spencer
>wants us to value his opinion
>he actually did it
>a white male pulled off a fedora
Because he knows that his ideas WILL lead to conflict. It’s inevitable. He’s trying to instead convince white People in a semi religious way of the validity of the end goal.
People apply such a retardey high barrier to future endeavors while gleefully enjoying the benefits of all the past and barely challenging it. Any new shake up in the status quo will cause conflict, anyone who thinks otherwise is a dullard so he just moves past the question each time because it genuinely doesn’t matter.
>20 threads a day about Spencer being controlled opposition.
This shit is really getting old.
Pol is so full of shills now that everyone is trying to convince everyone that every single signifigant figure speaking for white values is a jew/shill/honeypot/controlled oppisition. Im so fucking tired of this nonsense.
I second this. Spencer has to be legitimate, it doesn't make sense otherwise. The people who leap at him being CIA are mostly 8gag lunatics. It's just a fact that Dick and the TRS guys and even Anglin, despite all being weird cartoon characters, are all making a far more positive impact on the public than anyone else has in decades.
What we need (and what we presently lack) is a Rockwell. A George Lincoln Rockwell to unite these disparate groups and lead them to victory.
He was born in 1978. He is Gen X. Not even close to a boomer
I love posters like this
>i wont present an arguement but seriously guys can you believe someone said this arguement
Youre either a liberal or a conservacuck eitherway your a shill and you need to leave.
I think so but maybe he is just really stupid on certain things. Or doesn't know how to generate good PR. Or maybe he just sucks at explaining Ethnic Nationalism well to the masses.
Something i notice with all of these e-celebs is that as much as molymeme, peterson, sargon, spencer, anyone talk about how they want to make the world a better place. They never volunteer their time or money to do so.
Why doesn't spencer organize all of his followers to go to poor rural white communities and help people?
Donate labor, money to whites and help those down on their luck to be self sufficient?
Shitskins will say "ayy yo dats mine, wut da fuck?!"
White people will think "well shit, finally someone is helping us out"
why would you be afraid of conflict though? why would you be content with the status quo? why would you not want to fight for a better world?
Whats the difference? Millennials are pretty much boomers 2.0 anyways
Fuck off, op. SAGE
you may not like it but this is what peak masculinity looks like
>tfw we can finally wear our fedoras with pride again
>Spencer BTFOs Skeptic
>next day a dozen threads attack ‘pro-spencer shilling’
What did they MEAN by this?
I didn't think it be like it is, but it do.
Spencer literally has spent the last fucking 2 years pushing the Alt-Right doing speeches and debates so
>They never volunteer their time or money to do so
Also, not even attacking you here, what do you mean by Molymeme, I just started listening to him so I am out of the loop.
Fr. It is just telling of the groups that are on pol. Liberals, Shills, and boomers. GET OUT!
>alt right pushes vaping
>now fedoras
Wait a minute, I'm starting to believe this controlled opposition bullshit.
That’s the point of my post.
He ignores nonquestions like “but won’t it cause conflict” (literally any change does) and instead just tries to preach in a different set of words. Idk what you know about Spencer but the traditions he comes out of (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Evola) are for all intents and purposes religious in nature and he himself is best understood as a preacher of whiteness
literally this
This is a good post.
yeah fuck that i want white nationalism to be fringe or else it becomes normie and gay
>controlled opposition
enjoy your zionism goy
Why would you not want a movement as important as this to grow?
so u be sayin race is just a social construct and based civic nationlism is the way to go mane i hur dah
Sup Forums contrarians memeing. I personally spent most of 2016 larping as a Hillary shill on Sup Forums because it got me a meteoric fuck ton of (you)s
>Shilled constantly on this board
>Wants to herd whites onto a reservation, erm ethno state like the American Indians
>Gets humiliated in front of the MSM cameras every other month
>Claims to be our leader and thinks Sup Forums is his personal army
Yup, all that suspicion over Spencer is totally just astroturfing and not legitimate organic sentiment.
race realism is a natural right given by God
Spencer doesn't believe in natural rights
Is he the George Lincoln Rockwell of our time, lads?
Hell is for ever!
yes, if GLR was metrosexual
> Poland sucks because it's an ethnostate, not because it's an ex-communist state
Fuck off.
found the kike
meme flag says he's /ourguy/ and name drops alex jones which makes him controlled opposition.
jews vs jews is the end. anything after that is a joke
found the high school retards making their first rounds in politics. he's right. they've done the same thing by blowing up antifa to make the far left seem ridiculous. learn your strats and history before posting your troglodytes
found the negro
You know, if you guys just stop talking about him and giving him attention, he'll go away. No one is giving him power or money besides you. He's just some guy, like who cares what his opinion is.
Only faggots let other men speak for them, that shit is for women.
great argument. thats why anyone with three digit iq scores will never buy into your mindless bullshit. go back to watching your ecelebs you cuck faggot
Thank you for further lowering the discourse of this board without addressing any of my claims. Spencer is a faggot and his few remaining cultists deserve whatever will happen to them at their next fail rally. Only a retard would still follow this guy after all his scams and failures.
Capitalism did break down family and community bonds and create atomized individuals though. Just look at fucking Sargon of Akkad, the man worships this alienation as a moral good
I don't think so, I think he really believes this shit. He probably started reading some philosophy on his own when he was already a bit old and then came to hi current positions. That's why he has some silly views that other white nationalists find ridiculous.
He's a straight up glow in the dark CIA Nigger
Ultra Devil's Advocate posting incoming:
The Serbs who assassinated Archduke Ferdinand were instructed to do so by a chain of command. The head of that chain was Black Hand Leader Apis, but the man who directed them personally was one Milan Ciganovic.
Milan Ciganovic is suspected to have been working as a spy for the moderate government to keep an eye on the ultra-nationalist Black Hand. He was controlled opposition, but sometimes even with "control" the opposition can and will do what it must.
Such is the case with the Stormcloaks
That is quite literally being used out of context to imply that he supports marxism (which he doesn't).
The recognition of what we have thanks to our system "capitalism" being bad is not an endorsement of gommunism (which is retarded).
He doesnt look euphoric in that. It's true fedoras are back baby.
>I destroyed skepticism
what? kraut did that.
andy, braving and JF did that.
what the fuck did this george mcfly faggot do?
>Spencer is controlled opposition because he debated low-hanging fruit
What a retarded opinion.
Intellectually, Sargon is a lightweight. But it's worthwhile to debate him because he has a huge audience. Sargon appeals to people who like to think their beliefs are based on logic and evidence. People like that are susceptible to having their minds changed by new information. This is good for us, because every time Sargon debates an Alt-Right figure, it's clear that the facts are on our side, not his. His arguments in these debates are based on emotion and a doctrinaire belief ascribing importance to race is always wrong no matter what.
He's useful to us in this way, because his audience is a large repository of potential new Alt-Right supporters who only need to be sufficiently familiar with our arguments in order to begin to sympathize with us.
You may disagree with that strategy, but the fact that Richard Spencer subscribes to it does not suggest that he's controlled opposition.
This pasta is stale.
The existence of controlled opposition doesn't mean there is no movement. Only that our side is growing in strength and the forces which stand opposed are becoming more active in subverting us.
Wow, your life must be awesome.
Notice whenever Spencer does anything positive there will be dozens of threads for days and days about how he is a shill all at the same time. That really makes you think. lol
The ultimate redpill
Everything is jews.
Notice how literally no one on Earth had ever heard of this guy until 3 months before the election when he suddenly became head of the "alt-right"
Yeah, guy is so fucking obviously a kike plant
Tentatively this, although it is a bit oversimplified imho.
IF hypothetically Spencer is controlled OP we haven't 'already lost' rather we've 'not yet begun'. Additionally while I totally agree that he is definitely not a 'honeypot' (an entity designed for the purpose of tricking members into outing themselves IRL by self-doxxing or committing crimes) he theoretically could still be 'controlled opposition' (an entity designed to take the energy/momentum of a movement and guide it away from the original goal/target) although I personally do not believe he is controlled OP either.
>tl;dr = stay vigilant, but don't be too paranoid.
He is gen Z actually. This is what 56 percenters look at age 17
>he got media attention
What he spouts is a brand of "white nationalism" which is completely anglophillic and drawn along amerocentric lines. He basically parrots a mix of german idealism, Heidegger and the pan-european nationalism the ex-nazis advocated after they got buttblasted and were forced to extend their "all white club" to Europeans they deemed sub-human just a few years before.