I was instructed to view this board as part of a project in my college class about toxic ideologies...

I was instructed to view this board as part of a project in my college class about toxic ideologies. This is my last day and I've gathered everything I need for my report.

I know you guy's probably won't care or even respond, but I have to say that some of the things you guys post really hurt my feelings. Me being of Jewish faith and decent, it is really painful to read some of the things you guys post about my people. I am not some greedy, evil person out to get you and neither is any other Jewish person.

I hope you all rot in hell.

Other urls found in this thread:


Asian larping as a native.

Still my penis is hungry.

>I have to say that some of the things you guys post really hurt my feelings
>I have to say that some of the things you guys post really hurt my feelings
>I hope you all rot in hell.



I giggle when Jewish whores get raped and beaten. kys


>"I-I'm not evil goyim I swear"
>"You have opinions that differ from mine rot in hell!!"
Also, I thought you rats didn't believe in hell? Would explain why you're all such shameless parasites.

>I am not some greedy, evil person
>I hope you all rot in hell

kek, your hell will be on this earth. pains greater than you ever thought were humanly possible

we don't care about your feelings. we care about the thruth

you might be a nice person, but that doesn't devaluate the claims made on this born

also, i though jews didn't believe in hell.

yeah, well YOUR FACE

what now, faggot


Get gassed, kike.

Nice pasta this.

Good, fuckoff.
Don't read too much, it might change you

fuck off and kys, kyke

>college class about toxic ideologies
Studying your own faith then? Put yourself in oven and save the rest of us the hassle you piece of shit

Glad you had a good time!
Feel free to visit us again whenever the fancy strikes you for more Sup Forumsish hospitality.


Hmmm. Any butthole pics?

>Jewish faith and descent

> intersession course
what are semesters?
fix your GPA, you loafer
been there



> Jewish
> Hell
you should sue your school for the psychological torture they assigned; there's no way it's ethical to base your grade on enduring this place
we didn't hurt your feelings -- your teacher did


Is there anything we can do to help with your assignment?

I fucking miss surge

Maybe you can use Sup Forums as an excuse as to why you cannot finish your assignment. Just like niggers that skip out in final exams to protest over fellow niggers.

You’re Jewish, so act like it. Guilt your prof into excusing you from the exam.

I know theres not an ideal way to look when shot in the head. But if it happened, 1 is the way to go.. so there is an ideal way to look when shot in the head.. & Its 1.

>Neither is any other Jewish person


Here's a life lesson: nobody gives a fuck about anyone's feelings. They "care" about reactions of others, which might hurt their feelings.
Use your reason, use your mind, intelligence, wisdom. Don't use emotions. Animals use only emotions and the only reason they live is because rational humans have mercy. That's how inferior emotions are to mind. Don't be at mercy, be enlightened and be the one giving mercy.

I wish you the best. Therefore, I wish you to stop caring about emotions and feeling. I wish you that, because my mind tells me that more smart humans will improve wellbeing of everyone. Including me, including you.



fuck off with your fag talk and post more pics of porncatitties

>hurt my feelings
not an argument. also most likely bait either way. saged and reported. not your blog faggot

Modern social sciences
By the jews for the jews the post

> I am not some greedy, evil person out to get you
>I hope you all rot in hell.
Bice nait mate.


i thought jews didnt believe in hell rabbi.

if you havent noticed, no one is excluded here when it comes to shit posting. stop being a butthurt faggot and join the party.

Stop LARPing as Jewish, Polescum. You’re not Jewish; your ancestors lied to gain sympathy to get out of EUrope. You have no dead relatives from the Holocaust; all Jews in Europe (save for those in England, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal) died in the Holocaust. Your grandparents are lying, and your professor is encouraging you to lie by feeding you more lies.

>I know you guy's probably won't care or even resp...

>20 replies
> 1 post by this ID
u can't even get this right. In the real world you'd fail your college diploma. Lucky the bubblewrap world of sjw u live in ( created with the blood of white men for women to safely life and moan in ) u will pass despite having no common sense

Watch this video by a jewish attorney and rewrite your report, kike.


>some of the things you guys post really hurt my feelings
Good, now take a (((you))) you kike and leave

We'll send you a shekel, will that make you feel better?

Fake and gay. His ID only has one post.

>rot in hell
>ashes to ashes though Ari?!

Jew conveniently becoming white to shame us then reverting to ultimate victim. A rat looks innocent when you grab him up from your flour!

Maybe shud have thought about that before murdering Jesus?

Is she a flip?

I fucking love flips...

>I've been instructed to be a faggot
>I've sucked a lot of dick
>Rot in hell

Lol. Jews don't believe in hell.

>Fake and gay. His ID only has one post.
you're fucking stupid

>Me being of Jewish faith and decent
I'm also a Jew, and fuck off.

Who gives a shit if someone said mean things about you?

Grow a pair, get a sense of humor, and stop being a coddled pussy.


>oy vey! my feelings have been shoa'd!
I wonder what happened to the feelings of the men of the USS Liberty that were killed that day.

That's the only way they can live with all they done

On behalf of all Trump supporters on this board I'd like to apologize. Unfortunately its only a fringe but very vocal group on Sup Forums that spouts that hateful nonsense about Jewish people. The rest of us try to ignore it and you should too.

Adios Shlomo, here's one moar 4 U!


It's January 5th you larping dumbass.

>and neither is any other Jewish person



I'm guessing that concern for your appearance is miles away from your last thought at that point...

Fucking kill yourself kike

Nah don't sage this, more people will hop on

>also, i though jews didn't believe in hell.
Haha. Fucking busted.
OP confirmed for world class faggot wannabe kike

>and neither is any other Jewish person.
What gives you the authority to speaks for all jews?

im a jew. the difference between me and you is that I have a penis and couldn't care less what others think where as you have a vagina and need constant affirmation from your soyboy classmates.

consider kysyourself

shoo shoo, dirty jew

Toxic is the biggest meme word this side of problematic reddit

>I hope you all rot in hell.

That's not a very nice thing to say to your "fellow white people".

Holy crap the feels

as based as "im a jew" with a nazi meme flag can get I guess. Abandon your toxic tribe and join the goy in peace.

>has intimate knowledge of Judaism
>chooses white nationalism for his "toxic ideology" report.
Really think you missed a golden opportunity OP

>really hurt my feelings

The truth hurts

We're coming for you.

>I hope you all rot in hell.

Sounds like you have a toxic ideology if you ask me?...

Shoo shoo slimy jew

Would racemix with desu

still gas the kikes though


>hurt my feelings
>rot in hell
((they)) cry in pain as they strike you

>Me being of Jewish faith and decent
Nothing decent about that my man

Weak bait and nice pasta. All the newfags took the bait.


You know most of the faggots on here are left wing nutshells doing this to make the right look like bafoons lol follow the trail and the rest will ensure

>and neither is any other
That’s where you’re wrong.

You can be as nice as fuck but every group has its minority of bad guys and the jewish bad guys are the smartest people on earth. Mix that with anxiety and a high instict for survival and you have the ones people describe here.

You might pass your class, but as an intellectual if you come away from here thinking pol is toxic you have failed.

>Im not aware that jews created communism the post

An eye for eye Jew shit.

The same eye for eye bullshit that keeps this planet a Fucked up place for ppl not in North America.

The same eye for eye bullshit that proves POL
and possibly Hitler are correct about the Jew meme.

This is why the Jesus meme is so successful.

>If I were a Christian it would be necessary that I forgive you & wish to see you someday in heaven.

I am not a Christian so fuck you too & I know for fact you're going to hell(Dubs).

Have fun dealing with Chinese Christian's in the future Faggot.

This. Her mentality is exactly this

Trips of Truth!!!!
Your Fhhhuuuckkkeeddd!!!!

Karl Marx was german dumb ass. Literally kys

And a jew

>im sorry for other pollacks hateful mentality

Lol. Jesus the shills couldnt be more obvious. All hateful leftists

I'd poke more than her hauntus! TOGTFO.

Natives are Asians according to liberal land bridge theory.

So no LARP I guess? Enjoy Jap Pocahontas?

jew here. go fuck yourself, kike. heil hitler!

P.S. thanks for the woowoo pussy pic, now kys

First two remind me of the twin towers

>project in my college class about toxic ideologies
you were very well equipped for that project before ever viewing this board

did you just culturally appropriate Pocahontas?

Karl Marx has rabbis all over his bloodline