30 Billion could end world hunger

But greedy white westerners would rather spend that money on war a multiple times.

When will white people put aside their pure, irrational hatred of dark skin colour and fix world hunger, a problem they have caused?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do black people keep having kids if they have no food?

Just use the ordnance to kill the hungry children.

Win win.

>When will white people put aside their pure, irrational hatred of dark skin colour and fix world hunger
>kill whitey farmers
>no food

>30 billion
For one day you fucking μnigger

How? 30 billion magic bux won't stop people from being hungry again. They have to help themselves.

I know it was a rhetorical question
but just for the record

No one gives a fuck about those beasts in africa, I'd sooner feed the starving animals here. Like black bears, those poor things can have food.

How many times have you donated to niggers?
Go ahead, lie to me to give yourself a false sense of righteousness.

here have a (you)

>world population increases
>end world hunger

my government's responsibility:
national security and defence

not my government's responsibility:
feeding other countries that can't control their own population growth and food supply

fuck off OP

Would you rather give money to conniving greedy kikes for a (((Greater Israel))) or would you rather give it to a bunch of starving shitskins
Pick one

>30 billion this year
>40 billion next year
>55 billion the year after
>75 billion the year after that
>110 billion the year after that

Wow nice solution bro, you did it!

OP, perhaps a better, middle of the road solution is to spend that 30 billion sending you and every other niggerfuxated person to go live with the niggers and grow food for them. Everyone knows they are incapable so you could work for them, for free to PROVE your commitment. I'm sure they'll all think you're a great person. In fact, I'm certain of it.

30 billion to end hunger today, 40 billion to end world hunger tomorrow, 50 billion to end world hunger the next day.

Keep feeding niggers and they'll keep shitting out more niggers with mouths to feed. Then those niggers will grow up to shit out more niggers with more mouths to feed. If the population explosion in Africa over the last century isn't an indicator of this to you, then you are wilfully blind.

>would rather spend that money on war
Id rather spend it on extacy and strippers, At least it would go to a good cause. Stop feeding poor nations who refuse to support themselves and stop shitting on this board with the same useless thread

it goes in options

Who is José Dos Santos? Who’s is Isabel Dos Santos?

Africa has all the money it needs to sort out its own problems without our tax money.

But meh, GIBS ME MOAH1

if white people stop interfering surely their condition will improve?

You utterly dumb CUNT.
Dont you realise that by allowing these 3rd worlders access to food, money and gibs, they will continue to breed at an exponential rate with little foresight to subsequent food shortages it will cause.
They only way for the white man to dominate and take back possession of the planet is forcing embargos on any type of international aid and forcing 3rd worlders to do or die. That is, to demonstrate how incapable they are and bring forward their demise.

More like 30 trillion desu. The costs exponentially grow, because if you feed the wildlife, they just make more wildlife to feed.

This thread again.


>give money to charities
>charities get robbed
>charities are corrupt
>charities are retarded and cant manage worth shit

$30Billion for enough nukes to end world hunger? Sounds Good!

30 billion could end it for what? one day? form an actual argument, we dont care about your fee fees

Life is so absurd sometimes...

I'm the one living in a frozen wasteland but I'm NOT the one expecting Africans to send me food.

said to myself wouldnt come back here again.
But i got racist nonetheless.
Now i go back and find this same shill image from more than 6 months ago
jesus. they really emplyed paid shills.

captcha is school trans wtf

>Feeding niggers
Pic related.

every fucking time I pay taxes

Make White man Great again!

How does the $30bn breakdown into?
Is it farm setup? Rations? subsidies?

You can actually see where the money goes in the war machine; Mechanical and Technology advancements etc.

Whenever money is handed over to hungry countries the bourgeois and gangs take the money and then gamble/ransom the food.

Thus just pushing money into the hole isn't going to solve any problem - including world hunger.

Even the hobo on the street is better off with a sandwich and water then getting the £3 it costs to buy them.


not my problem



>why are you defending yourselves we're creating and endless let's just throw bodies at them military who you willingly allow to take over your society from within through massive immigration everytime there's war in Africa, hint there's alot

Why not just kill the blacks?

Thats 5$ a person. That isn't solving anything...go away UN

It's the whole "give a man a fish VS teach a man to fish" ordeal.

if you feed them, they will multiply even more, you will have more trouble.. give them condoms instead

>But greedy whites
You mean greedy jews.


How would you kill them then?
Round them up?

Right, give them food, meds and shelter and watch then start getting frisky and breed some more, then you'll be back wanting more$$$.

Any money spent should be on birth control.


Here, have one of mine

Why would we want alive niggers? You lost your usefulness once automation made you redundant.

Saving those niggers is a black problem, not a white problem

""""""""""""""""""end"""""""""""""""""" world hunger

Culling or forced sterilization.
I'm down with both.

you shouldn't give money for nothing becouse it's immoral and causes avalanche of problems in a long run.

For how long? Those niggers will just make more niggers, and we'll have an even bigger problem

Aids was created for that exact purpose and look how well it worked
Thanks Henry Kissinger...

>Shiiiet de witeboys be gibs us
>cost now 300B

Are you talking about wars for Israel or world hunger

>spend $30 billion to "end" hunger
>make more babies
>spend $50 billion to "end" hunger
>make more babies
>spend $100 billion to "end" hunger
>make more babies
>spend $150 billion to "end" hunger
>make more babies
>can't spend any more and leave them because you can't feed them
>leave them to be
>billions of children starve and die because instead of letting the population naturally adjust """"""charitable"""""" people hand them food creating a dependent society
Giving anything other than teaching the means to provide for yourself is objectively harmful. Sure, you save a kid today, but that kid then has 5 kids, who each have 5 kids, and they can't be fed on your dime. Now they're all dead.

>30 Billion could end world hunger.
Kill all the hungry negroes?



Yeah, the fags hold monopoly on AIDS now. Sheeeeeiiit, you think ebola would've knocked out the rest of them groids.
Gibs dem more bushmeat!

i would buy the starving children plane tickets to israel to piss them both off

Checked, only came to make sure this had been posted


>Would you rather give money to conniving greedy kikes for a (((Greater Israel))) or would you rather give it to conniving greedy kikes for a (((bunch of starving shitskins))).

That was a USSR psyop called Operation Infektion.

both you stupid kike

it would just take 5million actual working africans to fight starvation but it's more fun for them to chop each others dicks off with a machete because their voodoo priest told them raping your neighbors toddler works great against aids

I was being sarcastic mentioning (((Kissinger)))
Because he supported third world depopulation


Here. Have this video to celebrate charity.


30billion to end world hunger for 8 hours, you cant end world hunger forever without killing of roughly half the population in the world because we cant produce enough food to feed everyone



Only the Africans and idiots do that. There are some based black people in the US though who have jobs, families, houses, and vote Republican

why cant africa develop we have given them time after we colonized them to develop yet they still are like a civilization from -0 bc

haha based

i dont understand why niggers cant just get their shit together and fix theyre own problems. instead they beg and cry and then if you do give them some help they start screaming inequality like here in the US where a bunch of millionaire negros kneel to protest inequality despite the fact that they make millions for throwing and catching a ball and have no other skills.

id rather blow our money on god knows what on the jews and israel than protect this planets most hated and shittiest race.

Then they get content and make babies.
Next thing you know, they need 60 billion to end hunger.

People legitimately think that colonialism is why Africa is horrible today. As though we took literally every natural resource on a continent bigger than Europe with the technology of the past.

How would giving the socialist dictators of Africa 30 billion alleviate anyone's suffering?

This kills me

Not our problem, if they cannot feed themselves maybe they should die off rather than keep reproducing so much. Our defense spending is the number fucking reason we have a FEDERAL government in the first place. That is the main job of the federal government, to unite the states against domestic and foreign enemies.

Social security is a scam. We need to transition to health savings accounts and eventually get rid of social security all together.

You know how else we can get rid of poverty and famine in africa? Nuke the shit out of them. Far less expensive than feeding the next to be rapefugees.

who has that one image of why it would be a terrible investment

>Pick one


you can't end hunger retard

>1 post by this ID
I'd prefer to drop bombs on sand countries than feed negroids who will then proceed to increase their populations exponetially.

Whitey pays for their continued existence, but we don't even get to keep any.
Taxpayers should get a picture of the grateful nigger famblies we pays da reparations for.

That's really mean of you to mock your fellow human, soyim.

would end hunger for how much time? Weeks? months? a year? The next year the money not only will be gone but will be x6 niggers.


Like pottery

Exactly. I wish i was at home I'd post an essay I got from a redpill thread. Basically its the one about how a guy with the peace corps or some missionary group teaching the africans how to farm and irrigate their crops and how to use fertilizer etc. After the first harvest they sell off 5 normal harvest worth of crops and seem like their gonna be great then 6 months later its back to normal cause the farmers didn't buy fertilizer again or maintain the irrigation cause whitey wasn't there to ride their ass about it. Also back a while ago in the aussie question time thread (6 months or so) there was the zimbabwean mushroom nigger saying they discovered they could farm mushrooms for food and it was helping to ease the famine. She was asked about immigration.

>ending world hunger by giving everybody on earth a little over $4.

>Would you rather stab yourself 5 times or shoot yourself

Gee, lemme think about that one.

This it, user?

Yeah if we give those niggeds more food they will flood White countries at a faster rate and reproduce faster. Gotta nip it in the bud and starve them

Amen brotha

Fuk these niggers

Accurate regarding Africa.

Why would ending world hunger be a good thing?
It's a natural force that keeps humans in check. Balance must be maintained.

Bingo. Thats it. I sent that to a friend of mine that was big on charity and all (hes a very devout christian, like church twice a week and praying before work and bed) and since then he has instead started helping out charities in his neighborhood and disaster areas, he just got back from one of the Harvey volunteer relief things and told me it was much more satisfying helping people that at least trying to better themselves than send money to who knows where.