what would it take to bring down a modern day megacorp, Sup Forums?
Which mega-corp are we talking about here Mr. CIA?
A nuclear war.
You can't destroy ultra mega hyper nigger 9000 companies like Disney etc.
If their lawyers don't settle the situation, their hundreds of scapegoats will.
You gotta somehow mass redpill people about what Disney wants to do to your kids and how they're creepy as fuck.
Just changing some digits.
Open a federal investigation into people like Dan Schneider and close down their animation studios.
Or simply plant evidence on them. It's not difficult.
>All these numales ITT
You do realize that Disney's Pixar provides us with top quality models to base our loli drawings on, right?
Inside Out is just the beginning, when Pixar gets disbanded because of your quest for """"""""""""""righteousness""""""""""" western loli will also get destroyed.
A river of kike-blood
Change their logo
kys muhammed
Whiter than you, Juan.
unironically, this.
a Pirate Bay using block chain technology. Record, host, send all pirated copies of (((disney))).
A jew with an agenda.
"Robert Allen Iger is an American businessman who is chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of The Walt Disney Company."
"Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City."
Disney bought all of those, Swede-Fag
How do these kikes ALWAYS co-opt these companies for themselves, it's fucking incredible.
Remember goyim that kikes are good at business n shit. They are NOT there to push an agenda. Now be a good goyim and buy their products for your kids so we they can be brainwashed by (((Disney))) before they are out of diapers. Diapers with Disney characters on them that is.
>How do these kikes ALWAYS co-opt these companies for themselves
They have a group-based sense of collective interest and are always watching out for "what is best for Jews". White people desperately need to start doing the same. Collective groups outfight and outmaneuver atomized individualists every single time.
We are close to digits getting shuffled, it's going to be a global mess. Corporations come and go, digits stay forever, they only get re-arranged. Until someone pulls the plug and all the cpu's go byebye. That will be the final shuffle for mankind.
Time to pull the plug. Let their kvetchings reach the stars.
sorry conspiracy theorists, but disney will NEVER go down.
there are plenty ways to destroy a company
physical possessions/buildings/computers/etc
destroy one of these three and the company can't survive
freeze the bankaccounts
kill all employes
bomb their offices
but it's unlikely that one of it will happen to a big company
One thing I've noticed about Jews is they will expend as much effort working to tear down their opponent as a white person would focusing on themselves and their own work.
Like I said, just change Disney's logo to some ugly-ass font and watch their stock tank.
Spoken like a true moron.
Isn't it funny that the biggest idiots always stand out like a sore thumb.
Not that I would ever advocate violence or terroristic acts but for the sake of discussion, bombing their headquarters to rubble during a board meeting. Infrastructure would cost billions to rebuild and decapitating the leadership would lead to a panic sell ensuring they don't have assests to cover it. They'd go bankrupt and probably never truly recover. For good measure bomb the studios as well so they can't make kike movies to raise revenue
Again, completely theoretical and I do not advocate violence or terrorism of any kind, so fuck off CIA
Multiple major scandals which could cripple its fanbase
Disney?. Look into where all the kids that go missing in the parks go.
[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
The vengeful ghost of Walter Disney.
He will rise and take back his legacy from the Jews.
Hope they keep making shitty movies. The Last Jedi may have made a lot of money, but not *nearly* as much as Disney was banking on. It's been out for almost a month and it's barely made as much as Phantom Menace made almost twenty years ago, and less than half of what The Force Awakens made two years ago. Rumor has it Disney is already preparing themselves for the Han Solo movie next winter to be a flop.
100% has to be some sort of memeop or psyop. Mass opinion is the only way to topple Gods, both mythological and corporate.
When people choose discover, and not to rely on entertainment
One damning video. It's gotta be pretty good, and incorporate all the executives into some kind of scandal.
You don't feel that Disney is most Americans intellectual fibre, is enough?
a new mickey mouse
Can't we just get rid of the Jew factor instead of destroying Disney?
I read this entire thread. I assure everyone my way is the only way:
post timestamp picture of your arm
At least quints
Not quite as simple as hitting backspace.
Convince normies that The Last Jedi is pro-Bin Laden anti Trade Towers. By glorifying the idea of a taking out a mega structure with a suicide attack on a ship. It attempts to suggest that what the Jihadists did on 9/11 was heroic.
This would kill Disney. Or they would have to denounce The Last Jedi. I would be happy with either one of those things happening.
Nobody cares about Mickey anymore, they need a new ugly logo
If Walt were still alive today, do you think he would want his company to continue existing under its present (((leadership?))))
Or it could make way for even greater and better artists. Always the pessimist aren't we?
Fucking do it already
there probably wont even be an entertainment industry in a few years anyway.
This question is incredibly expensive to answer. Without giving too much away you convince the C-suite to fight against the board, and the board to absolutely rat-fuck management. The two miscommunication regimes should take the place down in about 3 years.
There would have to be a scandal about pedophiles in a big way. The company name would have to become synonymous with pedophile.
There is nothing nefarious with Walt's autograph.
A few leaked images of the executive board in compromising positions with their precious child actors
Turning social media heavily against it.
>tfw amerishart and mommy and daddy never took me to disneyland/disneyworld
>tfw never had disney channel cause no cable as kid and never got a chance to get my first ever boners to miley cyrus before she changed
Its ok bros, atleast yugioh was on freefag tv and tea was my first waifu. I d-didnt need 3d, 2d was g-good.
Fuck off, man. Go outside.
Don't buy their shit. Any of it.
And Disney was never good.
Walt was a Freemason who planted Luciferian occult BS in all his movies.
Mary Poppins glorified witchcraft.
Yep, Walt Disney was a sorcerer.
Jews took it over because they are an even greater Godless evil.
>And Disney was never good
You take that back
You are correct, but the Disney logo does not use Walt's signature. Ever shit on someone's grave? That is what the current owners are doing to old Walt...
>And Disney was never good
Fight me irl faggot
Who's asking?
a bunch of desperate poor people
no one cares because Disney themselves are a shell. a zombie company that's full speed ahead.
You create the next Mickey Mouse; you kill the old Disney.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a reference to improvised phalluses and the movie was heavily laced with witchcraft.
That's Viacom though.
make a good redpilled indie company of animation and entertainment.
>a bunch of patriots
Firstly, many corporations now use large servers to store much of their data and important information. It would be wise to destroy these servers as they contain a vast array of financial information and important data.
The next part would be to extinguish Disneys large corporate headquarters and kill and the executives all the way down to senior managers and supervisors. If this is done then faith in leadership will be gone and investors would without a doubt sell all their stock causing the company to lose most of it's market value. Moreover, once you cut the head of the beast, the rest will die; the executives and managers who have been killed would only make the average worker not knowing what to do and thus the company would fall. Someone could rise and take lead but they would fail as the company would be destroyed financially by the time they did it.
Do you want to kill it, or corrupt it?
Either way, you have to turn a mouthpiece.
LOL I understood that reference.
It's a pun that uses the name of Dead or Alive 2 character "Sub-Zero" and merges it with the word "serious" because they can sound the same under some circumstances.
Original content
Religious Shitposting always manages to make me laugh
it's simple
you kill all CEOs while wearing mikey the mouse suit
>corrupt it
You mean like corrupt it from what it is now? That would be like reverse corruption. Though I'm fine with killing it
spam social media with videos of their child actors being raped by disneys ceo
would require actually having such videos
Have Trump and Congress say "Fuck Disney" and move Mickey Mouse into the Public Domain like he should be by now in not for fucking with the Copyright Act.
LOL, checked
They'll just make their mascot a trans handicapped princess of color
You cant because its immortal!
Go on
Because the highblood jews are part of a hivemind that is tactically commanded by moloch himself.
Also this, whites aren't unified. Even the ethnic groups whites are divided into aren't united.
Burn their temples, slander their heroes, and destroy their sacred texts.
Bump, fuck disney
Stigmatize Mickey Mouse by turning him into a politically radical symbol, like we did with pepe
desu senpai, I just want to be able to legally and officially publish and profit from really graphic, lewd Mickey Mouse fanfics and have Disney be completely powerless to stop it.
Disney is bigger than mickey user
and thats why they are winning
... Fucking... God damn it
The only thing Disney owns is IP. Destroy it. Spread pornographic and racist images of Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh throughout the Internet. We should own them like we own Pepe.
They aren't good at business. I've worked for all the Fortune 500. They are bad at it like the Indians.
They all have white men propping them up. Take back agriculture, take back America.
Hundreds of Disney employees have been arrested for all kinds of sex offenses. Child pornography, kidnapping, rape, sexual assault, trafficking, crimes against nature, exposing themselves, even murder.
REAL POLICE should patrol the theme parks, rather than (((private security guards))) who are employees of the park.
Find dirt on all the big players in the corporation, make it all public, and show how that dirt contributes to the content they are producing to brainwash kids to normalize the degeneracy.
Such as how interracial relationships are ok, or if they try to normalize gay people/trannies etc.
Walt would be devastated to see what Disney has become.