Antifa has been advocating poisoning food and bringing it back to the shelves of stores to oppose "consumerism": How sick these people are?
It's a legit account made in 2012. And this isn't against Twitter's terms of service.
Antifa has been advocating poisoning food and bringing it back to the shelves of stores to oppose "consumerism": How sick these people are?
It's a legit account made in 2012. And this isn't against Twitter's terms of service.
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Are these the same people that think rural farmers are retards.
Isn't that bioterrorism? Leave it to a commie to be dumb enough to document and post evidence of this.
Not sure why the Feds don't just kill them
To be fair, I poison Jews already.
Tampering with food or drinks is terrorism.
I mean..Checked
Wait what exactly is occurring here?
So to prove that non organic food is poison, these faggots actually poison said food?
What is the substance in the syringe?
Label literally saya The left even overlabels their irl images
Op these guys are beta and will be crushed, pussies who cant win a fight. So they do sneaky shit thar hurts innocent people. Soon they will hang from ropes.
so what? Its all junk food anyways, all this is gonna do is cull the fatties. Literally nothing wrong with this
Idk is he injecting bologne into coca cola? Lol
so what ? Greeks are subhuman shitskins anyhow...
Can't wait for retarded journalists to dismiss it. If they're hurting people, it's apparently fake news.
Just do it at progressive journalists and entertainers. They've been encouraging this bullshit.
It's not against Twitter's terms of service to link news? That's a news blog. The original post
>literally poison the food of what you consider to be the proletariat
>good guys btw
I don't know about Greece, but here in Leafland, we throw that shit out when retards (customers) bring it back, no matter what. Grocery stores aren't very profitable.
i rub ham on the halal food every time i go shoping
wew lad they are going for hard time if caught poisoning food get the police involed
You, and these twitter retards, are a few weeks behind. This whole fiasco happened a few days before Christmas and (like the OP says) was committed by a bunch of clinically braindead anarcho-primitivists to stop consumption (especially of animal products) of certain goods in the cities of Athens and Thessaloniki during said Christmas/New Year period.
I read their whole post when it when up in their blogposts and it was what your would expect it to be, lots of crying about poor animals dying as we celebrate these days and how unfair it was, how evil people and capitalism is, the whole works.
Feds are on their side
What happened to them in the end?
Probably just sat at home with his heroin needles injecting water into food taking pictures for attention. Probably never took them back.
they would be eco-terrorists, not antifa or communists.
But I wouldn't expect the nazi faggot brigade to understand.
yeah, I work retail and we have to throw out returned products that could be tainted, from perfume, hair products etc to drinks and food stuffs. US companies dont want to deal with liability if someone does something like this.
The products in the OP were pulled in some supermarkets and the police said that these "terrorists" were going to be brought to justice, nothing much since then.
Surprisingly enough this whole thing is uncommon here, our anarchistic faggots limit themselves to throwing Molotovs and protesting in Athens (since if they try to pull the same shit elsewhere like Crete people bash their heads open).
it all goes in a 'destroy' crate
Because it apparently never happened and the "antifa" were deep state or foreign intelligence agent plants like always.
Greeks are actually the original whites and the strongest nation on earth.
>we throw that shit out when retards (customers) bring it back
I'd expect they would actually do it in the store.
>Have extendable syringe up arm
>Wire it up to movement of feet/toes
>Hold product as if you're reading label
>Inject death juice
>Put back on shelf
Kek they are the feds
I'm not against this
Bbbbut how is big pharma going to make money on fake diebeetus drugs when people who guzzle coke everyday drop dead from rat poison?
Do you want to know why euro antifa is out of controll and ours is scared to even show up on a pre planned well hyped date? And when they do show up it always ends up with them running away? Hold your breath because this will make you rage.
We have guns.
You're doing God's work.
>they would be eco-terrorists, not antifa or communists.
Anybody hear an echo?
>Kek they are the feds
Truth. Seen enough videos of these faggots wrecking up private property then having a pleasant chat with the riot police.
how often do you check if people are shoplifting backwards though?
They literally blamed capitalism in their blogpost and use the green-black green-anarchism flag, you glue sniffing abo.
They'd be regular terrorists you fucking faggot.
Any actions with intent to harm, kill or intimidate with a political motive are terrorism.
They were originally White. Now they're not.
Too much Turkish blood. Every "Greek" I've ever met is visually indistinguishable from a Turk.
don't be retarded. there's a hard split there, like how there's a hard split between white nationalists and people with jobs on Sup Forums
where the fuck are you where they restock returned food?
>be me
>work full time
>niggers don't want to work
>africans don't want to work
>jews don't want to work
>poles don't want to work often
>neets are usually faggots who don't work
>arabs don't want to work
I am a white nationalist, yet I feel like each of these races of people would do better in thier own country. Neets would be better on a diet however.
no that's dumb. they're eco-terrorists, isis are islamic terrorists, and james fields and levoy finnicum are white nationalist terrorists.
it's useful to draw these distinctions, so we know whether property damage and assaulting police are evil or not, and can get on our knees for zionists we like like richard spencer.
Diaspora Greeks are white
oh, so you're in the closet.
nice meme
Store security/ loss prevention watches for that stuff on a camera. Theres a team of them in there watching a wall of screens all day. I'm sure some people slip through though
Yeah, they don't want to try that. There are laws on the books specificially to punish this kind of thing, after the Tylenol issue. It's a felony to even know of the plot.
They're intent on being labeled a terrorist organization. Let them do it, then we can all laugh as the Feds cornhole them hard.
about what, ausbro? Oh wait you're a chink.
LOL place I work at LP doesn't do shit. People shop lift shit off he shelf and return it all the time. They're not going to catch this if they can't even do the bare min of their job.
Not my problem, just degenerate "food".
What if they actually return the item and it gets restocked?
They are busy arresting white supremacists who are trying to derail trains.
>re-shelving returned food
Grocery stores do it all the time. They have to restock returned grocery items. They don't get credit on that.
There is no one constantly watching store cameras.
Most of the time we look at camera footage it's when someone is trying to commit slip and fall fraud.
Or when someone grabs a cart full of meat/beer and rushes for the exit.
Obviously they are trying o "fight consumerism" by a marketing campaign to make people scared to buy food. This is pure Greek faggotry, Sup Forums doesn't need to go into a boomer-rage over it.
That's actually against FDA laws in the us. Same with electronics.
t. sad man
And also the workers,and that's why they need them,a guy that has never worked but can read some Wikipedia article about communism and a few articles so he knows those retarded peasants need someone like them to lead them
I think you'll find that train was antifa.
You shouldn't stop your enemies when they are making a mistake.
That stuff is already poison, no help needed.
Even pretending to do something like this would net you a custodial. This is beyond stupid.
It's not a sin to eat haram meat if the Muslim didn't knew, was lied to, was forced or was starving. And even if you do eat it knowingly you just go to the Imam and do together a especial prayer.
I've eaten pork before and really it's nothing special.
Sorry to ruin your fun.
This is so not true. Most corporate stores just fill the place with dummy cameras to deter idiot shoplifters and save money at the same time.
Well if Allah can forgive childrape then I suppose he can forgive anything?
Kind of how like a large and overbearing force with lethal assets will use what they believe is righteousness to force their will upon others, regardless if they see it as wrong or not. By fear, they shall be ruled or put to sleep where they cannot resist.
Not justifying these faggots. Just pointing out the cause to your problems that you normies always seem to have. These people are just baby versions of something else. All based on "good" intentions, of course.
twitter is a saudi company
Notice the name of this account and the associated website.
>*Insurrection* News
This is a psyop to demonise any anti-establishment anti-government movements and make people fearful and more reliant on the government for peace of mind and protection.
You could argue that antifa as a whole serves this purpose.
friendly reminder anonymous tips are accepted
I literally can’t wait for the day when we can start killing these fucking cunts. Right wing death squads now.
You know, if your goal actually is to protest consumerism, this isn't such a bad idea.
Only, instead of poisoning random people, you should tell the store a few of their products have been poisoned (doesn't even have to be true), tell it to the cops, on social media, etc. Either they have to throw away all their shelved items and lose customer confidence, or they risk getting their customers poisoned, which will imply massive fines and massive loss of customer confidence.
Same basic principle as a bomb threat really, you're just getting them scared of the consequences to force a reaction that's still a net negative.
>People want to eat
>Dem consummerists.
Heh some old style classics.
Get caught doing something like this and you're going to be treated as a terrorist in the eyes of the law, regardless of whether there were any truth in your threats. Fuck with the economy of a country and you're going to get crushed by its judiciary.
liquid sugar isn't food
Well you're right here. But the rest looks like normal food.
>thats all food niggers consume with EBT
>they are literally going to perpetrate hate crimes against minorities
oh goody :3
It doesn't really work tho, it just makes people hate you and your cause. The amount of vitriol I saw from the people thrown at these terrorists and the unironic videos/posts of people guzzling down Coke bottles to show they aren't afraid and won't bow down to threats were unrivaled when it comes to reactions to anarchists doing retarded shit.
This move is a power play without any backing, doesn't really work to advance your agenda assuming their intentions were sincere and not a troll or something else.
Of course, but it'd be effective
Do you think a few hippies boycotting supermarkets chains have any effect at all?
Because the FBI, CIA and Interpol are full of far-left commies themselves.
I agree with the image. The problem has always been the chink. China is a horrible country. The United States may not be perfect, but it is light years beyond that fucking shit hole.
I figured they would put it back on the shelf themselves.
This is completely true, Walmart does it even. Half of those cameras are for show and most of AP will be roaming the aisles, and looking through creeper holes, not looking at cameras.
>t. fuckbuddied some chick in AP
this might be the worst optics ive ever seen in my entire life
I'm struggling to believe this isn't a false flag to make them look bad
are they really this stupid?
t. manager of a grocery store
californian poisoning californians. portlander poisoning portlanders. for some reason i'm ok with this and that means i spend too much fucking time here. but looking into this a bit deeper and i have to wonder who is actually behind this twitter acct.
Depends on the store. I worked for a high-volume grocery store that had 2 loss prevention people in a room from open to close. They could zoom in and observe every item in a customer's cart and ID them through their membership card/credit card records. As soon as the suspicious customer leaves the front door a police squad car would be waiting to arrest them. I witnessed it all the time, they even went after co-workers who did not pay for their lunch. Then I worked for a big Jewish-owned retailer. They had only 3 cameras rolling in a massive warehouse full of expensive products, no recordings, just live feed. No one watches them. As a sales associate my job is to essentially at as security, monitoring customers in a friendly manner. But, there is nothing stopping them from walking out the door with a $500 vacuum when no one is watching. People get away with petty theft through taking advantage of the store policies, turning in used and abused appliances for new models at no charge.
>Communist waging war against food
>It doesn't really work tho, it just makes people hate you and your cause.
Only if you get caught, or what, did you think all the governments of the world did everything fairly? You're just not aware, and if such a campaign happened and no one was aware, or even better yet, a few psyops were created to divert attention from the truth so that the idea would work.
Like, maybe create some fake circumstantial evidence while going online as an anonymous person and connecting the dots for the rest to see. You could even use existing things that can be portrayed as "circumstantial" and with enough smoke and mirrors, you can keep the public in a perpetual state of confusion while you carry on with your agenda. Even better if you give it to someone who would do it for free thinking they're fighting against a conspiracy while not realizing the true purpose of this information who is capable of keeping his mouth shut.
There are already things like this. It only doesn't work when you get caught. Just as how one can be ruled from behind themselves until they become aware they were being lead from behind. Then, are they able to conquer where their psyche was telling them to go.
See also: the constant Western intelligence agent provocateur-posting on here. Chemical explosive formulas, elaborate instructions for committing murder, repeated insistences that "violence is the only way to change things", etc. it's outrageous. The Deep State is clearly on suicide watch and desperately trying to meme a right wing terrorist attack now that the house of cards is crashing down around them, recall how hard they pushing for basically martial law after Charlottesville where ONE person died
Some stinky greeky is injecting food products with a virus that makes you default on debts.