-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal satan worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Christianity above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

Other urls found in this thread:









>hurr if you support the only stable democracy in the middle east you should be shot
spoken like a true cuck

>t. triggered israeli cuck.






Why do libertarians hate Israel? (no economics or the existence of the state as an answer, please)






try again. I'm probably older than you too and Israel has always been an icon of stability in the Middle East. Get some wisdom and youll see its true

>run by zionists

>subtly fucking with US and hiding under the skirt of american might and international aid moneyz

>largest jew lobby in north america

Yea no kys fgt. Why should we keep sending resources when we can STRENGTHEN OURSELVES




Most of the world hates israel because they are the people causing literally all the turmoil. They false flag against countries in order to further their interests. They blackmail our politicians.. They crash airplanes remotely. They actively engage in cyber warfare on their own allies.

They are a bane on the existence of huamnity.








spare me douchebag

What are the Jews....fucking wizards?








>nothing to see here, goys
>move along now



Wtf I love Israelis now







I don't give a shit about any of this, i would still NEVER EVER be on the mudslimes side and i would cut off my hand if it ever touched one




Jet fuel can't melt steel, but definitely can burn those rats from face of the Earth.


What? Using jet fuel to vaporize jews isn't efficient?

I was laughing because I agree.

kek blessed your post. Also what do you tihnk about the revolution/jewish coup you guys had?

Killed more people than have died in WW2. It's funny, because how much USA "disagreed" with communism ideology, yet now their youth is all into it.

neck yourself



I didn't mean the long ago one I mean the recent one where Russia hacked Crimea

Lavon Affair. USS Liberty. 9/11

By way of deception Israel does war. Pic related Mossad agent who helped organised 9/11

Fuck off, I want to see the kikes fighting muslim goatfuckers for eternity with your tax money. Shitposting aside OP is right

>genuinely believing that this conspiracy is true, and not some concept being used to divert attention from the real controlling powers


>t. Mutt who didn't read to the end...

No you faggot I wasn't calling you a shill i just posted a funny meme. Stop reading into it.

You truly don't know how to meme, don't take it personal. Text only is a bit hard to know if joking or not

Literally why Israel always wins. Her enemies are retarded.

Yup, pretty much

Whcih country sends billions every year and fight wars for it? Yours...

>icon of stability
Lol and muggers are an icon of holding on to their money



>Israeli lawmakers have legalized the imprisonment of Palestinian minors as young as 12 in case they are accused of grave crimes such as acts of terrorism against the state of Israel.


>Despite massive opposition from Israeli lawmakers, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was influential in the Knesset's decision to support a bill that would allow both military and civil courts to sentence terrorists to death.

>In a narrow 52-49 vote, Israel's parliament, the Knesset, approved the first draft of a bill which could make it easier for terrorists to be handed the death penalty. Current military law allows a person to be sentenced to death for an act of terrorism, but only if such a sentence has the unanimous support of all three sitting judges.

>Israel's governing Likud party has approved a draft resolution urging its leaders to formally annex large parts of the occupied West Bank, a move that is expected to further anger Palestinians.


>created/controls ISIS

Evidence? The standard story of ISIS's evolution out of AQI is pretty straightforward. Former Ba'athists + foreign fighters like al-Zarqawi + Salafi-jihadism + Iraq civil war and ineffectual Shia government doesn't require Israel. I don't doubt Israel has played the enemy of my friend is my friend with respect to covert aid to ISIS once it began taking on Assad. But the notion that Mossad is literally writing policy memo's to Bagdadi is fucking retarded.

Of course you do chaim

*enemy of my enemy

t.tired retard

I don't doubt Zionists have wet dreams of a Greater Israel like attached pic but it would take a world war and extremely lucky outcome for Israel to gain even half of the expanded territory in that pic.


>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was influential in the Knesset's decision to support a bill that would allow both military and civil courts to sentence terrorists to death.

Muh nigga. Netanyahu is a hero and a scholar.


And Trump's the guy that will fight of all the liberalism why else do you think he tweeted about star wars?

Lol gtfo of here


That's the plan, will be easy when kike shitskins own everything through usury and the west and middle east are gone.

Whats wrong bitch?! Scared that Trump is gonna destroy your jeweyness?

How do faithful followers of God address the Jew problem?

On one hand, they are conniving, devious, culture-destroying snakes who have infiltrated the highest powers of the world and no one can even call them out on it lest they be jailed for forgetting the six gorillion.

On the other hand, they are God's chosen people and killing them is probably NOT something that would look good in His eyes. So what do?

Satan shills never get tired of these.....

Rail all you want, jews & israel are not going to go anywhere now.

There are time hacks in play....these things cannot be stopped or changed.

Don't fret though.....when the Israelis build the temple you will see some jew blood flow.....but then again there will be all kinds of blood letting at that time.

So maybe complaining makes y'all feel better?

I dunno, but when the man comes around y'all are going to have some explaining to do...

They are not God's chosen people! The bible says we have all fallen to sin. Yeshua is the seed of Abraham i said yeshua! Not Followers of him (Christians) Jesus himself is the seed of Abraham

>So what do?
Accept the divine providence of the Jew.

Abrahamic & Mosaic covenants were never abrogated....Yah still protects them. The fact that israel & jews have not been fully genocided is enough proof of divine protection for me, anyway....

Netanyahu is the model Right Wing politician, get fucked Pedro

>Satan shills
You are literally supporting the anti-Christ (zionism/israel), evangelicals are a fucking joke.

Netanyahu is a war criminal and will be executed at the end of the coming tribunals.

Nonsense the jews need a genocide i support that..........well not really but.....i mean i certainty know what are lord said about them