Brit/pol/ - Milkmaid Memmies Edition

>Brexit: Corbyn's Labour 'aiding Tories', says Tony Blair

>Claim Trump aide warned of UK spying absurd, says Tony Blair

>Freezing temperatures set to follow Storm Eleanor

>NHS England figures set to expose unprecedented pressure on health service

>Jeremy Hunt calls for ten-year plan to revamp the NHS

>Farmland could be turned into meadows post-Brexit, says Michael Gove

>Mark "Can't let out the pet" Coal-ette
>Mark "stamps unlicked, so from the BNP kicked" Coalette
>Mark "soft Rs; soft head" Coal-ette
>Mark "sleep unfought, by searchlight bought" Coalette
>Mark "Russell Brand's coquette" Coalette
>Mark "built like a cigarette" Coalette
>Mark "MI5 cadet" Coalette

okay, thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for take the vargpill

Does he browse brit/pol/?

Give me some videos to watch lads while I polish off these beers

Feeling totally hopeless about the future, chaps. By the time my sister's newborn is in school he'll probably be in the minority as a true Brit.


Depending on where you live he may already be the minority. It's a fucking joke. It's all a fucking sad, sorry joke.

There's no recovery.

LARPing about kicking niggers and pakis out is pointless, it's as much of a meme as Obama's 'HOPE' slogan. It's just pathetic.

It will never happen. Britain, this green and pleasant land, has been lost. The absolute best we can hope for is to gather our people, the people who feel the same as us, and start again somewhere like fucking Greenland.

Poles out

He looks like a retail manager. Don't you get the feeling he would've been the manager of W.H.Smith if GamerGate hadn't given him a YouTube career?

Seen it, classic Joe.

Varg's a bit of a daftie tbqh


Fucks sake.

OK thankyou

You'll get to a point in your life where you start to agree with a lot of his points, despite the crazy uncle persona he has.

I just want to fucking top it.

My life and the entire world has been shit for several years now.

There just doesn't seem like any desire with people to even be led towards some recovery.

Too much hedonism and ease has made people so risk averse that even taking a minor stand seems terrifying to them.

Mosley supported the Irish Republicans though

kek. I was watching some Limmy earlier, was cracking up over this one:

I can't help but see this as LARP-y now.

This man is honestly why I haven't yet.

I just saved it during the Eternal Anglo bullshit for a laugh.

Is that pewdiepie?


>Mong face

Still would

It's all perspective. Relative to everyone else who has ever lived, you are probably in the top 1% in terms of comfyness mate.

Reflect on your own lives with this lovely bit of music

She's white and ginger. What else do you need.

Do you guys think it's about time Britain accepts it's no longer a superpower? I think we should drastically think our armed forces and abolish our nuclear arsenal, becoming like Germany or japan

I don’t really like ginger girls

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>fuck off you twat


SAVE EVROPA!!!!!!!!!11


>we should drastically think our armed forces
>think our armed forces

We should become England contained within a pan-european economic zone.


LARPy why? It's a great speech (albeit made by an actor) and it's objectively the truth.

It's not even the fault of hedonism. Hedonism led the West to lead the world, hedonism comes, in large part, as a result of intelligence and making life easier; and that's what we're best at.

It's absolute cultural marxism, it's white guilt, it's self-hatred and it's weakness. We're fucking pathetic as a people at this point.

Literally we are accepting the mass rape of thousands upon thousands of our most vulnerable for the sake of 'diversity'. And 'diversity' means absolutely fuck all. It's a word. For the sake of a word, we're allowing ourselves to be killed, raped, maimed, outnumbered and replaced.

No amount of education, force or energy can turn the tide before tipping point. I believe tipping point has already been reached

More for us then

I never want to give up, but us playing our own part in the Europe region is enough to for me.

Alright Rightly lad?

Nah, not suicidal. Just realistic

If you are not a paki then why not kill yourself then?

>le blackpill should be in a coffin

Looks like he would have been middle managing a supermarket or something. Total insufferable faggot

Your only conclusion must be suicide.
I'm not even trying to bait you, its a simple fact

>it's about time Britain accepts it's no longer a superpower?
We already have and it was roughly just over half a century ago.

>LARPy why?
Just seems like it's speaking about a world that is long gone and no one wants to bring back.

>Literally we are accepting the mass rape of thousands upon thousands of our most vulnerable for the sake of 'diversity'
Those victims families didn't have to do nothing. But they're so atomised and addicted to booze and T.V. and video games that they sit in their house and not care about what happens to a girl they have no direct blood relation to, as they have no feeling of connection to them.

Where's these "ultra racist working class heroes?"

Is the decline of NHS connected to the immigration the last decades?

>cultural marxism
Doesn't exist in the way you think it does. George Soros is a student of Popper and of the "Open Society." That is liberal-capitalism. The West is pozzed because of "Progressive Capitalism" aka Neoliberalism.

Adorno was a pessimist, and a crypto-reactionary. I think we can actually learn a lot from the Frankfurt school in their criticism of Enlightenment rationalism, and of the Culture Industry.

Yes. It's starting to annoy me when people act as if we're anything but an impoverished island with no power, let alone "super" power.

NHS is a post-war invention that is not designed for this century. But yes immigration has to play a role because the NHS provides a service to people.

>post more LARPing milkmaids

They are unironically very close genetically, that's why they look similar.

>The absolute best we can hope for is to gather our people, the people who feel the same as us, and start again somewhere like fucking Greenland.

Why not Orkney or the Shetlands? Are they lost aswell?

Probably got nicked along with the other dafties tbqh

The NHS is a leftwing rats nest - the whole aim is not to treat people and make the nation strong and health - it encourages dependency and weakness.

As somebody who truely doesnt give a fuck about this shit... I just want to know why the colour of somebodies skin bothers you.... And how it relates to "true britness".... What is "true brit"?

Oh fuck off.

Of course you don't care because you are a wog

At no point did I say that you fucking pleb. What's your solution?

Not at all. Suicide is for faggots and women. My solution is to fuck off to somewhere like Alaska where I can own some land, never see a paki, live a /comfy/ life and ignore the rest of the world

>no one wants to bring back
Parts of it, yes. But plenty about England prior to the 50's was far, far, far better than it is now.

>Those victims families didn't have to do nothing
The one or two who did something got arrested for doing so. And most of the girls were in foster care, thus no family

>addicted to TV, booze and video games
Correct. And those three things are a problem

>Where's these 'ultra racist working class'
They're out there. They just know that if you so much as call somebody a paki you get your life fucked over.

We're living in a nation where our own government, elected by us, paid by us, instructed by us, puts foreigners before us. Anybody with nationalistic ideals is automatically labelled a threat whereas anybody who praises open borders and miscegenation is classed as a hero

Neoliberalism and (((progressive capitalism))) are all logical progressions from the Frankfurt school and original cultural Marxism. The words don't matter, the concept and aims do.

>Not at all. Suicide is for faggots and women. My solution is to fuck off to somewhere like Alaska where I can own some land, never see a paki, live a /comfy/ life and ignore the rest of the world

Well at least that is positive

>As somebody who truely doesnt give a fuck about this shit... I just want to know why the colour of somebodies skin bothers you.... And how it relates to "true britness".... What is "true brit"?

That's enough to sustain about 5000 people if we're farming for ourselves and want a bit of land each.


Speak for yourself, Ulster isn't lost.

>98% White. (If you count the Irish)
>Socially Conservative.
>One of the cheapest places to live in the UK.
>NI is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe.

And we could do with a influx of like minded people.

Despite my posts, I'm a positive person. But above that I'm a realist. We're in the death throes of our culture, we may well be the last generation(s) that experience the white West as it should be. From hereonin it's just brown. Brown, sad and angry.

>Anybody with nationalistic ideals is automatically labelled a threat whereas anybody who praises open borders and miscegenation is classed as a hero

Then you admit we're fucked.

And I'm sure the Irish to the South, with their European backing, would pose no threat. And I'm also sure the UK government would take no issue with a bunch of Europeans setting up a Christian white ethnostate in its land.

Fuck off virgin, when the niggers come knocking you won't do anything

We are fucked, correct. There is no solution, so far as I have seen, that is even remotely realistic. Even the voluntary repatriation proposed by the BNP 15 years ago would have solved fuck all and that's the closest we got to a realistic solution in recent years.

>Neoliberalism and (((progressive capitalism))) are all logical progressions from the Frankfurt school and original cultural Marxism.

no no no, Adorno criticised liberal-capitalism because it would commodify high art and so debase it, surrendering national taste to market democracy of capitalism. The modern top40 pop songs and the BLACKED adverts, and McDonalds, and so on, are all products of the "culture industry," as Adorno called it.

Cultural Marxism is a meme and distracts us from the real problem, which is the global liberal culture (George Soros, Open Society, and so on) that accompanies global capitalism. If you like, our nemesis is Blair, rather than Corbyn.

>At no point did I say that you fucking pleb. What's your solution?

We are nowhere near burger levels of race replacement yet and there you go every fucking night with your blackpilling.

My solution is we grab every opportunity to resist and those opportunities will come unless human history has somehow reversed itself , then we will react a civil war or at least NI chaos level very soon, and at that point the real battles start.

You won't have to worry about the police arresting you, you'll be more worried about keeping yourself alive long enough for anyone to notice.

Wogs will go on the rampage and many of us will fall - but that is history and it NEVER changes.

Again, the words don't matter anywhere near as much as the aims. Though you're definitely right and I'll bow to your knowledge on the matter.

Blair and Corbyn are both enemies of our traditional way of life and they're both enemies of nationalism. Corbyn does, somehow, seem to be less of a globalist, but the fact he would suck of a Somalian to prove his love for his fellow man is enough to make him a direct threat to our culture and our (Western) civilisation.

The Irish have been trying to stop us for nearly a 100 years buddy.

Unionist's in Ulster have been pushing for more and more autonomy from Britain for the past 20 years. Because we see how much you guys on the mainland are fucking up.

just going to sit back and watch it all crumble lads
there's nothing i can do to stop it
and anyway, everything that was once good in this land is gone forever

I agree with you, they're both dangerous in their own ways-- but certainly, we must remember that we are attacking neo-liberalism, our enemy is global liberal-capitalism.


>every fucking night
First time I've been on in about a fortnight desu m8

>He thinks we're going to see a civil war
Lad pls

Yugoslavia never got as bad as you're suggesting, Europe during WW2 wasn't as bad as you're suggesting, Zimbabwe isn't as bad as you're suggesting, even fucking Venezuela isn't as bad as you're suggesting.

The English Civil War, even, wasn't anywhere near how you're suggesting we will be.

If a civil war did, by some fucking miracle, break out in the UK it would almost immediately be quashed by the police, the army, NATO or other forces. The ONLY way it would ever get to any sort of worthwhile point is if the same happened across the West at the same time, with sympathetic governments. That is so infinitesimally likely that it's not even worth entertaining.

What are you doing to resist?

>our enemy is global liberal-capitalism.
My enemy is anybody non-white, non-European and with less than 1% Neanderthal DNA

But really, you're right. It just so happens that the same people from 100 years ago are the same people from today. If you want to say 'kikes', say 'kikes'.


sounds entertaining at least

mfw one of my exes was ginger and used to do reenactments and dressed like this with hair like that but then left me because she wanted to pursue a life of helping the needy and ended up in Glasgow tending to crackheads and probably fingering Pube on the regz

>Thinks we are all as spineless as him


Like I say you should kill yourself to ease the pain of all that blackpilling (or is it black semen?) inside you

sounds like you dodged a bullet lad

Nothing I said there remotely suggests spinelessness. Enjoy your LARPing lad. If it ever comes to the point you naively think it will come to, I'll be in the Peaks in a landrover with a couple of shotguns, feel free to join

Check out what that cunt Lily Allen has been posting on Twitter lads. What a piece of worthless shit she is.

She was a solid 8/10 but had the all-too-typical 'save everybody' mindset that women have. At least she didn't end up shagging pakis in Calais though I guess

Stop with the fronting. No one's buying it any more.

>acting hard on a liverpudlian lepidopterist forum
honestly lad, you're touched

Found out my brother is in prison again. What a fucking idiot. Not spoken to him in over a decade when he left home at like 16 to move in with a bunch of druggies. Was only a couple years ago I read he got I think 2 and 1/2 years for something else, so must have been released early since he was sent back in about 6 months ago for a different crime. Should I try contact him and try help sort his life out if he wants to, or just get on with my life and forget about my degenerate brother?


paki you are up late tonight - kebab shop quite?

we already know what a borderline nutjob she is,
save us the hassle lad and give us the juicy bits

>Should I try contact him and try help sort his life out if he wants to, or just get on with my life and forget about my degenerate brother?

You should contact him and do what you can to help. You'd want that from him

You really are a gutless little cunt
I pray you are some sort of wog or nigger because if you are white I really am dissapointed


Yeah maybe you're right, but I really think he's beyond any help at this point. Maybe the prison service or something can help me get in touch with him.

No you can stop with the "we're not cucked here!" act because it's always betrayed by the arrival of a grooming gang that operates freely for years.

help him if you wish, but not to your own detriment

>not being a defeatist bedwetter
>acting hard


She's basically said that girls who were groomed in the various scandals would've been raped at some point anyway.