Anyone else here has this feeling of being trapped in the rotting corpse of a civilization? Everything is stagnant. Nothing is happening, but slow creeping decay. The feeling is unbearable at this point.
At some point it will collapse into itself under its own weight. But I would almost welcome it. Just so SOMETHING would be fucking happening.
Anyone else here has this feeling of being trapped in the rotting corpse of a civilization? Everything is stagnant...
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Sounds like a you problem, this is a period of dynamic social change.
Have you ever read a book you dumb fuck?
Everything is stagnant? How did you even draw that conclusion you stupid fucking dick butt motherfucker.
Things are a lot of shit, but they sure ain't stagnant m8
>Nothing is happening,
White genocide is happening. Fast. Especially in your country.
I've never heard this song nor do I ever want to
>White genocide is happening
Is it bad if I dont want children?
Maybe it's my eagerness but I just want something to happen, anything! I want the commies to rise up so I can go in the street with my friends and hunt them, I want the fascists to rise up so I can join their ranks, I just want something to escape this monotonous living.
You must have your reasons
shut up and listen
>slow creeping decay
There's nothing slow about it, and it'll be far worse this year.
Accept that we live in a post US world and prepare yourself for what is to come
hello underaged
Times of chaos needs order.
To be honest, it needs to collapse...only to rebuild it.
The Muslims, the blacks, the non-whites are just cattle for the left leaning parties in order to stay in power. When it falls, they will do two rather things:
1) Fight aginst whites. Will it go well for them? I don’t think so. Good.
2) Go back to their countries.
Either way, a cleansing is needed.
>Either way, a cleansing is needed.
Very true, but first we need to awaken more whites to what is going on. We need to reach more of a critical mass.
Not underaged, but I don't like most music made between 1995 and 2005. It's all edgelord depression shit, which is incredibly annoying.
>I don't like most music made between 1995 and 2005
i.e. a time before you were born, because you're 13
To only thing you can do to feel better is be active, fight the decay, fight first your own vices. Passivity is the road to powerlessness and nihilistic depression. Meet (best in real life) people who think like you and talk with them. Strngthen your mind (Meditate) and your brain (read!!!!!! and write down your thoughts). Society always decays because time ALWAYS keeps going, it's your duty to inject society with new life.
Nope, I'm 19. I just don't like edgy emo music, which was all too common 20 years ago.
It’ll come, in the most least expecting way.
What does Zyklon Gen even listen to?
Transhumanism is the way forward.
Did you forget the old 2010 tutorial videos on YouTube?
>The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
>Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
>Just so SOMETHING would be fucking happening.
Just hoping for WWII or the race war or something to kick off while I am still young enough to participate.
It is depressing to think that we will just have to suffer through the worst era of civilization and no radical changes or collapse will happen until we are too old or long dead.
The sounds of robots fucking
We're talking about two decades at /least/ so sorry.
Get 'em hooked on transhumanism young, eh?
rap songs with dissonant beats about slitting your wrists and taking xanax
Room for European Dominance 2.0, time to colonize shit and slay some darkies.
It's already collapsing, that's what we're witnessing.
You're in the calm before the storm, user.
Savor it. I mean really fucking savor it. Even the fucking idiots jerking off for a race war are going to recoil at the level of blood and horror that the world is about to be plunged into to.
Stop being such a faggot and savor the fact that at least you got to savor the ass end of the post-peak decadence.
The only civilization I see on a daily basis is a lilly white little town of 2000 in middle of Montana. Its 82 miles to walmart parking lot but there isn't a single nigger for a few hundred miles in any direction. Civilization could collapse tomorrow and most of us would barely notice . Raising cattle today isn't much different than it was in the 19th century and just about anything will grow here
Feels like the peak of the rollercoaster, right before the plunge right? Want my advice? Enjoy the peak, cause there's nothing you can do about the plunge.
This user gets it.
We're long overdue for a major collapse.
The antichrist is coming. I can feel what youre describing too. I can just feel this rot, this decay. I can smell it in the air, i can taste it. Just this gross feeling of immorality, decadence and apathy
Whats it called? Is there a trailerpark nearby? I want to go there
I like numetal. This bands pretty based. They know shits fucked
just a bunch of bored, understimulated young men.
You had unlimited potential. but squandered it. And rather than accept the fact make up conspiracy theories and other excuses.
It might feel like it's rotting now but let me assure you that civilisation always moves forward
We have been at this for over 4, 000 years and your generation of 80 or so years is only a measly 2%
Pessimism is a very naive outlook if you learn about history. Global violence is always decreasing, disease has decreased and standard of living rises (on average)
I don't know what you worry about. Immigrants, radical terrorism, North Korea. All of that combined is absolute child's play until you read about global wealth inequality. 11% (I think) of wealth is stored in offshore accounts that could solve many national problems had they been paid as tax.
Its just you Mehmet.
Stop being a faggot by using the word savor too much in one post and fuck off with the reddit spacing
you need to get laid
Enjoy the decline
Last time Germans started talking like this, a lot of Krauts died in Dresden.
>And rather than accept the fact make up conspiracy theories and other excuses.
like what?
If you're man enough you'll survive the collapse
>All of that combined is absolute child's play until you read about global wealth inequality. 11% (I think) of wealth is stored in offshore accounts that could solve many national problems had they been paid as tax.
if those problems werent caused by 11 percent of the money being offshore, the problems will come right back
No trailer parks around here my friend just high plains, mountains and small towns full of white people . my family homesteaded here in 1870's and our land has been in family ever since with scalps intact
No shared goals except looting the corpse of White Civilization.
In the media...never talk of conquest of nature. Only talk of (((progress))) and selfish fights.
This will end badly. Prepare.
Could i park my motorhome anywhere in town?
t. Actually wholesome poster.
Blackpill, plz go.
We are slowly invaded and remplaced by shitskins, it's a silent war, that's why you need to wake up and redpills people about this invasion
Show people all the problems and crimes muslims/non-whites commit against white daily, hide by the media
The white genocide and who is behind it : the jews and leftist traitors.
In every white country
I want to sniff
Only if you're passing through and aint planning on staying otherwise Montanans only....sorry no room for out of state diaspora
Nah nigga im moving there.
If you're a racially aware white and you're just sitting on your ass waiting for the end, you aren't using your time wisely. The day of the collapse will mark the day when men are judged not by what's in their wallet, but by what's in their hearts, and by their willingness to not only stick to their convictions but also to act upon them. An iron will to live and an eagerness to slaughter anyone that poses a threat to the existence of you and your people are crucial. The times we live in have created weak men. Can you shoot another man and watch him collapse in a heap on the ground and leave him? Could you drive a steel blade into his gut over and over until he bleeds out? Could you wrap your hands around his neck until the life drains out? These are things that many of us are going to have to do on that day, because if we don't, they'll do the same to us. Harden yourself physically and mentally for what lies ahead, Hanz. It won't be pleasant.
>To only thing you can do to feel better is be active, fight the decay, fight first your own vices. Passivity is the road to powerlessness and nihilistic depression. Meet (best in real life) people who think like you and talk with them. Strngthen your mind (Meditate) and your brain (read!!!!!! and write down your thoughts). Society always decays because time ALWAYS keeps going, it's your duty to inject society with new life.
sounds legit senpai. come to order in your local freemasons lodge. you shall find guidance there to ba all you can be
Honestly sometimes I wonder if we had an extremely full scale large war it would fix a lot of problems.
Unironically this. Emo rap by guys like Lil Peep and XxxTentacion
I feel the same way bruder. I had a revelation today. The beaner invasion is part of the Gog/Magog invasion, because they are mongoloids.
We're in the eye of the storm - 1848-1948 end of the old way; 'Wave of Revolutions'. 1948-2018? Cold War/fake Israel/decadence. 2018-real Israel {spiritual struggle}; rise of a new, based way.
I relate to that feel. Our priorities as a species are absolute shite.
>muh hard work
>muh money
Why the fuck aren't we reaching for the stars? I just want to unironically LARP irl as a space bounty hunter. Fuck being a debt slave.
I will hold mongrels like this back, give em Hell Deutschland and Europa.
Deutschland Uber Alles
Ave Europa
you can thank (((democracies))) for this, lots of people in most governments don't care about the country, don't care about the population, have created an environment that favors minorities, and everything takes an excruciatingly long time for minimal results.
Hello underaged.
>lease or finance spaceship
>owe space shekels
Nothing new under (or beyond) the sun user.
Of course it would. War acts as a reset button to purge the weak and light a fire under their asses to innovate and build. That's why the last time we had a huge war we made massive leaps in science, mathematics, technology, and medicine. Hell, Konrad Zeus being funded by the German government to do research is half the reason why we're able to shitpost like we do now, and why we went from abacus to Sup Forums in little more than 100 years.
Whats your skill set? Could you get up at 4am to feed 3000 head of cattle and sit on horse for 12 hours checking bardwire?ever stuck your arm shoulder deep in a cows cunt to help with a hard birth lately? Do you a set of snow tracks for truck rig. Ever had to make a door mat with 16 penny nails in to keep bears out of the smoke house. Youd lose your toy poodle to a mountain lion and die during your first winter
To play Devil's Advocate, would you say the last great war purged the weak in Germany? Because all I see here on Sup Forums are lamentations about the strong Germans dying out when Hitler was defeated. To me, it seems like the strong, not the weak, Germans (and Japanese and some Allied men, to a lesser extent) were purged.
Sometimes I wonder if I should become a mercenary overseas, we were meant to fight were we not? But alas, Id rather fight knowing my parents were safe and could die happy. Not just for the hell of it, I don't know. War is coming though I can feel it in the air as the days pass.
I could work on a farm, any idiot could do it. Whats the money like? I want to start my own business eventually
You feel this way only because you live a very uneventful life. You are a loser that works a very boring and mundane job. The highlight of your day is trying a new Dr Oetker Ristorante Pizza flavor. You are a faggot and I hope you get beaten to death by migrants.
Germans lost, Russians purged the strong.
>hope I have the necessary skills and mindset to kill enough people to pay it back
>am now a badass spaceguy who owes nothing to anyone
Yes, brother. I keep waiting for the Day to finally come. Fire and blood!
It would. The enemy is so entrenched at this point that the mere act of paying taxes is supporting our own extinction. The economy needs to be collapsed to deprive them of their power base, then they need to be destroyed directly.
Yes, we're all living inside the rotten corpse of the west. Arguing over whose flesh is less rotten and how it died in the first place. I'd wager the majority is unprepared for when the bloated carcass pops exposing us all once more to the elements.
Sorry, I don't follow your post. Are you saying the Russians are to blame for purging the Germans? If so, then my response is that that is the nature of war, to purge the strong of the opposing side, not the weak. That is the crux of what I was trying to say: the ultimate goal of war is to deplete the will and strength of the opposing force to, eventually, force them to sue for peace.
>I could work on a farm, any idiot could do it. Whats the money like? I want to start my own business eventually
Any idiot could do it huh? Well i guess anyone with drive and desire could make here it so good luck. I bet
not trapped tho. YOU can escape and you should
there's still time but the window is closing
that goes for anybody else living in a city, especially in Europe
sitting ducks
you're your own microcosms
clean your fucking room
have good relations with your senpai
redpill them step by step
find a qt
go in a gun club
train your body
read some shit
throw the tv out
Make the world great again
I'm joining the internet "reactosphere" and I'm gonna devote my life to politics and white culture. It will ruin my career but I really can't participate in this charade anymore. I'm not letting a bunch of fucking kikes and niggers steal my one time on this earth. I was cheated out of what could've been something great. You can play the game and go to work if you think that's the best way to help but I live for conflict and I am too earnest and sincere to fake my way through life pretending to have any stake whatsoever in this pozzed society. I take it personally what these kikes have done to us and they're not gonna get away with it anymore.
My primary anger is that Boomers put us into this situation, and they'll leave the world before they finally see what their hubris has purchased.
I want one winter, just one, where they're all cold and starving as the bullets whiz past. I want them to know what it's like seeing their children and grandchildren dying in front of them trying to claw back that which they so freely gave away.
Escape ? Where ?
I did but I stop giving A fuck I live in the now
& Live my life by my standards of life & don't fear death nor do Care A after life.
Existential nihilist.
You are like little baby
I don't think people would hate boomers as much as they do if they where not so arrogantly retarded. People seem to like their parents who at least try to understand that the 1960s doesn't exist anymore. I live among retirees in California, and many of them still see the state as being the same it was when it was majority white and republican. The detachment from reality from boomers I think is what bothers people the most