Little Witch Academia

>She sees our ____

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2ch on hannah barbara



Magical prowess

Akko x Sucy

>Graduates Luna Nova with honors and Moonlit Witch title
>Chosen by Fountain of Polaris
>Becomes street performer
>Sells powerful magic as an entertainment
>Makes bad financial decisions and has to hide at Luna Nova
>Pretends to be a teacher for the last 10 years doing nothing until Akko arrives

>Graduates Luna Nova with honors
>Goes into STEM
>Studies magitronics
>Develops SSS and magical roombas, also >>CUBESComes back to Luna Nova to save witchcraft

Jesus Christ, someone already get rid of useless piece of shit Ursula is.

futakuro live comments
>New OP this ep?
>Will it finally reveal the mystery of Shiny Chariot...? Why did such a cute girl become a cute teacher
>Akko looks great in the OP

>Modern day, 2017
>Although capacity is unchanged, somehow energy is insufficient
>Something strange appeared
>We Gurren Lagann now
>Another American comic-type person
>Is that a woman?
>Flying roomba
>Basic knowledge is modern magic
>When the broom evolved, it passed through vacuum cleaner and became a roomba...

>Died without the ability to bathe
>When listening to the story seems likely to be on the fairy side lol
>But only the Japanese take baths every day

>Stockholm syndrome
>That persuasion is unfair
>It's a revolution

>Yellow bukkake

>Suspicious mail order begins
>Is it just a battery?
>This sounds too good to be true, smells like fraud

>Why did you come out in bath robes!

>This is bad, it's rape!!
>From demonstration to terrorism
>Someone caused this
>Is this from the new teacher?
>Akko afro
>Is this a takeover plan?
>Way too suspicious
>Starts by taking over the infrastructure

>NTR development!

So on top of everything else Diana is pro slavery. How much worse is she going to get.

Already done.



I love the part in the OP where the singer goes "it's showtime!" It's really adorable for some reason. I can imagine Akko saying it.

This is my wife, say something nice about her

post chariot and how she became so popular

On the other hand, I believe Croix is very well aware of the rod and Akko running around, unlocking words.

She was at the top of the tower right as the festival was ending, and most likely saw Akko's performance. So now she's trying to gain her trust by "being at the right place and time" when Akko was in need of help, acquire the rod for herself, and use it for who-knows what nuclear magic powerplant, and having a monopoly on the flow of magic.

Super comfy.

what section do they even discuss anime under? cause I really doubt it's called "anime"

Fat ass.

I want to kiss your wife's butt.

Those that can't do, teach.

Where's my unionist Akko squidward parody art?

She's GREAT in bed. She also told me she wa- l-loves children

>You will never wake up in the middle of the night because Akko is hugging you too tightly

Why even live?

Hannah pls

By all that is holy!

What are they feeding these witches?

>but only the japanese take baths every day

Wait a second. What the hell does that mean?


really really comfy

She can has a perfect dab

contemporary culture

No Hannah doesn't want children. She over heard the conversation and said she hates children

unlike other people, japanese bathe every day

You're right, she watched Akko's performance and unlocking one of the three words. She also might have general knowledge of Shiny Rod since she was friends with Chariot. I doubt Akko owning Shiny Rod was in any way part of her plan though, it would be more like an extra to what she's already planning.

That's very nice of you


Which Witch would make the best Ahegaos?

The only places japs travel to are Paris and SEA.

You're pushing this to hard. You don't want it to shrivel up and die put do you?

We all know who's at fault here.

Thanks for validating your disgusting hygiene for us.

is this count?

>evil person uses an angry worker class to take power
wow why can't all these liberal artist types stop inserting trump into everything?

Trigger thinkin' they slick

This is a NTR free zone. Please refrain from posting NTR. Thank you.

>akko will never impregnate diana


Any previews for next episode yet?

Genetically modified potatoes that cause adverse side effects such as excess fat in inconvenient places no doubt.

Give me a shot of Akko to use

You know user kun, you're right

Is she married to Akko now?

Max comfy

That's Lotte's job.


What about ryona?


I am almost certain that Holbrooke incompetence is just an act and she knows very well what is going on. The only question is - whose side is she on?

The only place nips know from Europe is Paris.
We should be thankful they hadn't depicted europeans as sandniggers who enforces sharia laws.


b-but she did develop the code as well, right?

>Majorlaine will never impregnate your asshole with her huge magic cock

Kill me

Croix is doing all of this to fight back against the anti-magic aristocrats (i.e., Andrew and his daddy). Don't forget who the real enemy is!


No. Just pure, cute witches.


When Akko has a bad day
Diana gets the belt instead of yay

I bet Sucy's mouth feels really mealy

Like Lotte!

why is Nelson-sensei the best witch?

>teaches a practical skill
>thiccc braid

Akko is gonna an hero for magic and happiness, isn't she?

Erotte is my favourite witch.


>stares at you

>Wastes magic on things like graphs
>No one can so much as lift a cup without magic
>Fairies need it to live and want proper compensation
>Nope not enough. Go to hell slaves.

Still worth it

But Croix is their agent sent to subvert witch culture and turn them into technology-dependent zombies.

I would rather have her dead than end up in homosexual relationship. So unless Andrew is going to make her give birth to bunch of hapas she's free to die.

Hanah and Barbara after the Minotaur shoves it's fat bull cock up their tiny witch cunts

She thinks she's doing the right thing for humanity, like Elon Musk. But they are just pawns for the government.

I hope the white backgrounds in the new OP get filled with stuff as the story goes on. It feels rather barebones. Also, the first half of the song doesn't sound right. The chorus is great though. It sounds like magic and yays.


It's not a homosexual relationship if she marries both a boy and a girl, user

Not really that, I just want a pic of her doing really anything squidward is doing from this video.

Sucy or Diana



They could simply cut useless magic expenses and forbid them from using magic from, let's say, 2AM to 6AM or any other time window, really.

Post more commie akko

>Not wanting Akko to end up with Andrew AND Diana

If trigger kills my wife I'm protesting

I want to take Nelson-sensei out on a date!

Do you still have that video where they're listening jefferson airplane as they drive?


While I agree it's not homosexual, it's still degenerate. Also Andrew doesn't like to share.

collective dick

>you will never attend an Anti-Fa rally with Akko only for her to go home with BLM's Tyrone at the end