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Was he really, though?

Goy, bye!

Sloppy Steve was warned, should have never tried to talk up to emperor Trump.

Wasn't Bannon /pol's ideologue of choice. Wasn't he a truth teller? It's almost like all of this is built on a foundation of bullshit.

You aim for the king, you best not miss.

Trump is jew


Sup Forums doesnt have an ideologue of choice, Sup Forums isnt one person






It makes sense now.

It's weird that Bannon just waited so fucking long to do anything and still hasn't done anything to salvage his reputation. Guy has been surrounding himself with yes-men way too much who inflated his ego to the point where he thought was more important than Trump to 'Trumpism'.

He largely has control over Breitbart so he could have just issued a statement almost immediately should he have chosen to, to defend Kushner and make nice with Trump. Now Breitbart's reputation is in flames with Trump supporters who were the main supporters of the site.


What'd he do to cause the autists to turn on him?

The Mooch was right all along, best character from season 1. I'm hoping for a redemption arc in season 2.

Nothing. Bannon is still cool, this thread is mostly /ptg/

season one was pretty crazy.

nothing happens fast in DC but i do wonder where it will all be going.

I'm an Atheist Zionist.

He's the biggest kike lover ever, why were they treating him like an antisemite?

Kissinger is/was actually a huge fucking moron. I've started digging into his books and it's astounding how fucking stupid and poorly educated he is. An analysis of his misunderstanding of the Treaties of Westphalia alone could fill volumes, and an analysis of the sloppy thinking and unfounded assumptions and arrogance in his books could fuel hundreds of hours of online video or podcast.

Basically take everything he says with a huge grain of salt. He's worshipped like a god because he provides erudite sounding justifications for wannabe-tyrant neoliberals, not because he's actually correct about anything.

Jews hate Christ.
Even backslidden fake ones like Bannon.

Drumpf called him an insulting nickname and you know how Pede-Bots are

Talked a bunch of shit on Trump, tried to deny it, Jewish Jones made sure everyone took notice.

We were always at war with Eurasia.

Israel FIRST
Alt-Kike leader
Chinese money loving
Sloppy Steve

>Wasn't Bannon /pol's ideologue of choice. Wasn't he a truth teller? It's almost like all of this is built on a foundation of bullshit.
Bannon was the cunt funding National Bolshivism with Chinese money, giving rise to Spencer's false flags.

He's a bigger Zionist than Kushner. And the guy behind pushing the Jerusalem embassy shit and "fuck Ivanka" meme.

Bannon is ourguy. Anybody still sucking that demented retard Trump's dick or making 4d chess memes are reddit at this point.

Trump publicly and oficially declares Jerusalem as the capital of Israel after sucking Israeli dick his entire campaign
>He's the saviour of western civilization praise kek maga maga
Bannon suggests moving embassy to Jerusalem
>He's the israeli shill we never liked him anyway reeeeeee
I wish I was this woke

The Mooch incoming in 5.4.3...

//hisguy Roy Moore lost. So now the establishment is lining up to pound his ass.

Even Trump wants a turn.

Stevie will need a colostomy bag by the time they are all done with him.

Sup Forums functions on the contrarian ideology when you really think about it.

Trump decided he no longer likes Bannon, so /ptg/ sycophants are no longer allowed to like him. Most deadly mass suicide in human history is going to be when Trump shits on breathing as low energy and sad.

He’s hardly worshiped as a God..why do you think he doesn’t live in the US? He’s a war criminal. Trump & other right wing retards love him...what’s that tell you about how smart they are?

Bannon goes full Soros and hits every globalist talking point on the way there, so yeah its Trumps fault for not sucking Sloppy Steve's cock. Eat shit shill.


>Bannon goes full Soros and hits every globalist talking point on the way there

Like what?

I really felt philosophically aligned with Bannon. When I voted for Trump, it was a vote for Bannon. That is who Trump was parroting at the time.

Trump's Jewish children are the reason Bannon was ousted. Because Bannon isn't there, Trump is just another George Bush neo-con.

wtf i hate bannon now

I don’t know the guy. But I’m not ready to completely shit on him. So many people made it sound like he helped during the campaign. I’d rather try and preserve any allies we can. Plus the media hates his guts for whatever reason.

You should read about his views and philosophy

Literally everything Sup Forums liked about Trump, came from him.

Been in a coma all week? I guess you should have voted for Hillary, at least she's not a neo-con.

What did he say that was wrong?
How does that make him a globalization supporter like Soros?

He's only telling it like it is after Trump ousted him.

Try harder shill, and tell Brock I said hi.

>this is nu-pol's peak argumentative ability
jesus fucking christ, at least try

What's the point of arguing with obvious shills? His shit is "seriously this man can't have the nuclear codes" tier. Anyways I can't defend Bannon after he tried to make time with my waifu.

Bannon is the guy who didn't want his children to go to school with Jews you retarded fuck. Bannon is the guy against globalization, interventionism, and immigration.

Bannon is the guy that truly knows demographics are destiny

So fucking tell me how is he like Soros?

We should just ignore the fact that Trump shitted on all campaign promises that are actually worth a damn after Bannon was ousted by his kike chiildren?

go back to whatever shitty website for babyboomer fucks you belonged to

They have really ruined Sup Forums.
Soon we will be the refugees.

Kek, going to have to try harder than that, shill.

So is Trump and everyone else in government, nupolster. Globalist Marxist Jews hate Israel. Soros hates Israel.

The difference is Bannon didn't want to fight wars for Israel.

Trump didn't either... until he got rid of Bannon.

How is Bannon like Soros?

They're both pals with Miles Kwok?

You keep trying and you keep failing, shill.

I for one still support Bannon. Trump is entertaining and is definitely better than the alternative, but he'd rather assume the reins of the American Empire than actually restore the American Republic.

C'est la vie, it probably was a hopeless endeavor anyway.

Oh you mean the guy Trump won't deport?

Fuck off Donnie, you fucking rat