Remember that time Marvel made anime?
Remember that time Marvel made anime?
>Iron Man
Did I list all of them? Or there is more?
Better than some of the recent American Marvel cartoons.
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher.
they are doing another one for next season
I Kinda wish they would do a Big Hero 6 manga in one of the big weekly shonen magazines followed by an anime
This one doesn't seem too bad.
I wish they did Spider-man manga adaptation. It's nuts.
>Spectacular Spider-Man is still cancelled
I wanna die.
Remember Heroman? Nobody does
I do.
Still haven't seen it though.
>Earth's Mightiest Heroes was supposed to have Josh Keaton
>Jeph Loeb brought his fuckboy and re-recorded lines
>EMH and Spectacular Spider-man could've been first good Marvel Animated Universe
And this is where Drake Bell is now
Yes, he's doing Spider-man and Elsa tier Youtube videos on Disney's payroll
>a Big Hero 6 manga in one of the big weekly shonen magazines
But, it did happen. Just a manga adaptation though.
Has the Mouse paid off debt though?
How was Ultimate anyway? Only saw the first episode when it aired and I didn't care for it but I've heard they've added shit like Agent Venom, mah nigga Ben, Spider-Gwen and Miles voiced by Donald Glover himself.
>finished, 2 volumes
I want a weekly long runner
Ultimate Spider-man was complete trash first two seasons.
Starting with season 3 it's just poorly animated garbage.
Watch only if you want to see ugly cookie-cuttered versions of your favorite characters flail around awkwardly to resemble animation.
I remember watching a little Wolverine and maybe X-men but nothing about them besides the fact that that version of Storm got a bit of fanart, particularly from Butcha-U
Disk Wars > Blade > X-Men > Wolverine > Tony Stark in Japan
The seiyuu for DIO did the voice of Deadpool in this
Why do they need a Japanese Rick Jones in these things?
For reference sake, where do we cross the line for what is anime/manga and what is comic/cartoon when we have stuff like that, trying to merge them both?
A more recent example from marvel again.
Gwenpool, is a mildly successful comic currently being published by marvel, in english, on the US first.
On the other hand, it is drawn by japanese artists, in a japanese studio, with manga art style and common manga tropes (the whole premise is "real person stuck in fictional universe, of which she was a fan").
I want to fugg the Gwenpool.
I don't have any lines. I read comics, American, Japanese, European, I like the medium. I watch cartoons, American, Japanese, European, you don't call French cartoons some sort of tongue raping Franime, do you?
Anime and manga are made for the Japanese market.
Dracula getting a burger was literally least of that movie's problems.
>I was only pretending to be crippled so I could hide bombs in my wheelchair!
>it is drawn by japanese artists, in a japanese studio
Seriously? I thought it just looked manga-esque.
So there's even less of a chance for a Secret Empire tie-in, huh?
Still better than modern Marvel writing.
>Marvel whining that people don't like diversity and aren't buying their books because of it
That's not even the worst thing. There have been a lot of poorly written series lately.
>Civil War II
Marvel hasn't had a decent event since Spider-Island.
Why is Iron Man's abs a large cylindrical pipe?
It was a fun series desu
Because he was drawn by John Romita Jr.
I am still upset at how Wasp and Ant-Man were shafted from being part of the Avengers in the MCU.
>Not Secret Wars
>Not Standoff
C'mon, user.
Info on the artists.
Madhouse was shitting these out like it was no one's business in the late 2000s/early 2010s.
That was made by Toei though.
Reminder that there was a Batman anime that took place between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
Blame the original 4 movie deal with Paramount.
You sure there user?
You mean next season?
Are you from the future user?
Yes. You should be able to find out yourself quite easily.
You can indeed.
That's the wrong anime. Notice how Captain America doesn't appear there.
I'm talking about these. The ones that aired in "2000s/early 2010s".
2014 is still early 2010s.
I was obviously talking about those. I forgot Disk Adventures even existed.
I envy your good fortune.
I didn't even know Toei made a Marvel series. The more you know but shouldn't have reminded myself existed.
>tfw no Spider-Man Loves MJ shojo series
Glover only played him for the first appearance, it was so terrible that they got a bad but less terrible actor to play him for the final season.
remember that time Stan Lee made an anime
did you know hes gonna make another
its by DEEN btw
man Butcha u and chiba toshire sure love westaboo stuffs