How can one MC be so based?
How can one MC be so based?
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He was great, I loved him.
I heard Kobayashi started making more school rumble manga. Anyone have anymore detail on this?
S-stop it! You're giving me false hope!
Harry McKenzie was better
Great cast. Loved everyone. Hanai and Mikoto were best couple.
It's a false rumor
Man, now I want to read it again. Never watched the anime, is it good?
Yes, it's great.
Not really. He said he wanted to continue it one day back in 2009, and after the recent one-shot, he may well resume soon. It's not like he's doing anything else.
How do I become as awesome as Harry McKenzie?
Your mileage may vary. I remember the MC of Molester Man saying it was worse than the manga.
With that said, it has a cool soundtrack:
That's all I remember from this anime, time to watch it again.
S1 was good but S2 tried doing its own thing I think
>and after the recent one-shot, he may well resume soon.
When it comes to the soundtrack,
Check the archives. The chapter released on March 15 has been dumped and translated already.
Remember the perverted club?
it's just a rumor, then
It doesn't mean it isn't plausible to suggest the possibility, contrary to your idiotic denial.
If anyone wants to watch the anime, make sure to get the old fansubs (Exiled Destiny I think?).
Avoid the Funimation subs at all cost. You will know because Funi has black and white subs, while the old fansubs have colored borders.
an awesome exception to the harem protaganist cliche.
so much blood...
It also helped that some of the other male characters had love interests
>my first waifu was a gyaru
>realize I've come full circle
Fucking hell what has happened to me?
Cannot wait.
The same source that said the manga was coming back and said the characters would be adults said that there would be a SR anime in 2018.
This is a reminder that nobody won the Harimabowl because SRZ took place in a non-canon, parallel universe.
Shit manga. Even shittier fanbase.
okay, what does this stand for?
How can one manga be so pie?
Go read some yaoi then nancy.