Please happen

Please happen.


I could live with it

It would fuck up entire planet

All the yankee scum will pour down south in search of food. They will be forced to worship christ lord jesus and succumb to southern pride.

It would fuck up the whitest and most conservative states.


How much of Canada would be fucked?

I don't see it reaching Ontario maybe not even Vancouver.

Fuck that and fuck you. I might be moving to Wyoming next month.


Imagine the refugees from neighboring state squatting and pitching tents on your lawn, and then breaking down your door and raping your family and stealing your food... good times.

why you gotta play oklahoma like this

One state south and two states west then make it happen

>last bastion of armed white men is now fucked
>retreats to bunkers
>rubs hands furiously
>new world order time

What's the next step of your master plan

why would you want that? It will cause the world to enter a second ice-age right, it will basically cause the US to be forced to move south and conquer mexico.

>ash induced ICE age
>lol what would happen to canada tho

>Kills half the red states
>Blue states advance globalist agenda virtually unopposed.
>Italians BTFO by sub-Saharans brought in by army of blue staters.

>Not destroying Los Angeles/Hollywood
Not interested

Massive global cooling would solve the nog problem.

You would be wishing death on Europe as well. All white conservative parts of the US destroyed in one blast. The insane leftists in Jew York and Commiefornia would immediately assume power and begin focusing on the brown invasion of Europe unopposed.

Only the part that matters

Why the fuck would you want the pure, forgotten about mid-west to die, you fucking degenerate? Let the East and West coast perish.

Initially a pyroclastic cloud would do the most damage, the a lack of oxygen from all the new fires would continue the havoc and the nuclear winter could last a year. US would be under an icecap let alone us

We'd be ok.. at least the ones that actually live in winter, not the pussies that hide indoors / head south during those five months.

You know how Canada is cold?

You would have record lows for a hundred years. The supervolcano would spew ash for decades into the upper atmosphere blocking out most of the sunlight.

Nice try wop seems Italy has a realistic chance of a caldera eruption soon.

that kills the whitest parts of america you dumb nigger

Pompeii II when??

Isn't that yellow-red death area almost precisely the area of USA that's still white?

Soon i hope

>killing montana

please don't happen

>Praise jebus while raising tryone's son

No thanks.

it'd only take out the stupid racists

Good luck, Yellowstone-chan! I love you!

>not aiming at Yellowstone to trigger eruption

okay have fun plowing your new permafrost
also the ash with make the soil too acidic so you'd have to think of that

also have fun competing with millions of people trying to hunt the last few deer and moose now that they have nothing to eat (the animals that is- you will always have nigger cannibalism)

Yeah, it would kill all the jews too.
too bad it would kill everyone everywhere with them.

Meanwhile on Craigslist
>Antique rifles, WWII era
>1 Careful owner, never fired, only dropped once
>Country of origin: Italy

it would take out the breadbasket and you niggers would starve to death lmao black genocide when

Finally! A reason to be thankful for living in SoCal.

I love you yellowstone -chan!

Only until we’re overrun with ash covered zombies demanding gibs. Within a year we’d look like Sweden.

>For its part, the U.S. Geological Survey puts the rough yearly odds of another massive Yellowstone blast at 1 in 730,000—about the same chance as a catastrophic asteroid collision.

Hopefully an assteroid hits your ass, mexico

that could also just open up a giant hole and relive the pressure