How a single studio can be so successful without making any fanservice?

How a single studio can be so successful without making any fanservice?
Kyoani thread I guess.


learn what fanservice is


>bringing back the fading 'no fanservice' bait now that other bait is getting stale


Why are KyoAnifags mentally challenged

>what is lucoas entire shit character

Because they treat their animators as humans and thus shits out a better product

Kyoani wants to be the next Ghibli and be known to the rest of the world. And to do that they need to stay away from fanservice. Thanks Kyoani!

True true. The other day my dad took me to Starbucks and i saw a poor wageslave working the cash register. I place my hand on her cheeks and say "you sad little soul. If only you had born in Kyoto and work at Kyoani". After i had my dad pay all the coffee we went home so that i can binge rewatch K-On for the 8th time.

I don't believe you.

>(The fanservice episode)

True or not, the world needs more people like you. You are a rare person. Keep it real.

Nice bait OP. Any true Kyoanifag knows that Kyoani has no problem with fanservice.

low energy effort

This entire show is made of fanservice, though?

Ha, I wish.

this show was kyoani? no wonder it looked so good

Which Kyoani girl has the biggest butt?

Lucoa or Elma.

Post pictures. Are you sure it isn't only because they are the most fresh on your mind?



probably the clip girl

Ok. I thought it would be between Mai and Kumin, but it looks like it isn't very clear cut.

Why are Kyoanus so fucking retarded? Do they even wattch other anime?

>kyoanihater is a mentally deficient spic
Every damn time.


Most of it.

The main character of maid dragon is literally just a genderbent Sup Forums poster.

kys reddit

Just finished the show. Is the soundtrack for this out already?

I would say it's only about 20% fanservice. Definitely present (especially in Lucoa's scenes) but not really a focus.

Is it ever explained why they couldn't interfere with this world?

The opening theme song has some anti-semitic tones, which is right up the average otaku's alley.

Please, everybody hates the kikes, and for a good reason.

>Kyoani thread I guess.

If kyoni would be 0 fanservice then fairy tail would not be considered a porn manga.

first of all, Phantom World, second of all, fanservice is more than just tits and ass. Kyoani has plenty of moe fanservice.

Those look smaller than pic related.

There is something terribly off about this picture

Your taste, maybe

Mai is a very anatomically incorrect girl.

Your mom is one though.


Full moe!!

Wonderful story

thank you for drawing out the comfyfriends