This was a good show, admit it.
This was a good show, admit it
First half was good. Second half was shit. The ojou-sama was unlikeable and they spent way too much time on her story-arc. The storyline with the fat kid made no sense and ending is pointless.
It was too smart for its time
The only thing I didn't like about it was that the issue with Gasou Kanetsugu was unresolved.
My understanding is that he was mistaken for Masamune because he's fat himself, and he's trying to con his way into marrying rich.
They didn't quite wrap this up as neatly as I thought they would.
If that was the case then how was it able to sell less than Fuuka, a less-"popular" and less-well received anime?
This, I didn't mind it at all but then Neko came in and then fat boy came in and it was just went all down hill because them two characters are so shallow and garbage it brought the rest of it down.
As harem sol go it's one of the best. Which isn't saying much but it was pretty fun to watch/read.
>Gets fit to go nuclear
>doesn't go nuclear
The only way this shit could have been good is if Aki and Masamune became a fatass couple.
Because then it would have had SOMETHING, ANYTHING that sets it apart from your typical romcom that you could see on Disney Channel movies.
Ignoring the lack of revenge this is still the most generic thing ever, only even looked at because Sup Forums is just as shallow as the characters in this mess and go 'muh Aki legs'.
Aki is top tier. Masamune is fun to watch for his struggles. Watching for any other reason is just plain dumb.
i dropped it the episode where fat boy was introduced at the end
how long did the whole "no i was the fat kid" storyline go for? i wasn't ready to go through that shit.
And even THOSE reasons are dumb
Even ignoring the fucking retarded 'Oh noes my actually intelligent audience doesn't like my main heroine better shit on the character they like.' Neko retcon, Aki is still a bitch who gives people insulting nicknames and through peer pressure forces the entire school into doing it as well, which I am 100% she was aware and gave not one bit of remorse for.
And Masamune is a fucking pathetic PoS. He trained for 10 whole years straight, and his results was somehow having less muscle than a Minimumweight FEMALE boxer. Second, he nearly instantly questioned his revenge after ONE (1) fake date with Aki. So guess his 'revenge' was just as shallow as him, Aki, and everyone else in this piece of shit series
He didn't even get fit. I'm pretty sure Mr.Burns has more muscle than Masamune.
It would have been great if Masamune looked like a Fist Of The North Star character in this world of moe highschoolers.
It honestly probably would be funny seeing the contrast, but that's too complicated for this author.
I stopped watching after the first 4~ episodes. Looks like I made the right decision, apparently he gets cucked by some trap fatty?
I watched the whole thing and hated it. Why can't I just have my beta uprising anime in peace?
It's mostly good only for Aki-chan.
I liked the fact that Masamune was the one who moved the plot and tried to get the girl instead of the usual scenario where the girls fight for passive faggot MC and I pretty much watched the whole thing for him. But as usual, all the characters including Masamune were too dumb and dense so I couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.
this what i liked too, we need more MC that actually move the plot
It's trash.
As said, second half was shit. Neko came in, and then fat boy appeared all of a sudden and the anime just ended.
First episode was good. Snow White arc was good. The rest sucks balls. Neko best girl.
chapter 40 fucking when?
Read the manga
>beta uprising
After seven more filler chapters.
Whatever. Hadapure karaoke was nice.
umi and shimamu seiyuu :)
>breaking best girl's heart while she silently plods along behind her Master
Was the revenge worth it, you twisted bastard?