You're my girlfriend
My trap sensors are in overdrive right now.
They're not very good sensors then.
Then why aren't you on top of me right now?
LITERALLY in every way shape and form me.
Kill trapfags.
If I had to look exactly like a girl, I'd at least want to be as cute and feminine as possible to enjoy something as far from my normal self as I could.
You mean you want to look like Koito?
No. Koito is too boyish and has a general "cool" look that's basically the opposite of what I want.
Stop posting these threads.It makes me want to watch this shitty show just for you, and they make me hard.
W-watch it, user. It's good.
Reina best cat.
Weird. That's exactly what I want to look like as a girl
>mai trying to seduce koito
I want to look EXACTLY like Mai.
I never said there was anything wrong with that. It's just not what I'd want.
I want to resemble Koito Minase such that, in a double-blind similarity test, the differences in observations recorded is not statistically significant.
But that would be scientifically impossible unless you're me.