Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho

Episode 1 in two hours

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where can I watch it online later?
Also Yohei is really cute.
He really just want to find a girl that would love him the way he is and create a famiy and open tavern.
Husband material.
I want to know how his human appearance looks like.

same stream as always?

And now I have something else I have to watch because that is a cute Tiger

I hope they won't fuck this up.

yiff in hell furrfags

which one is that ?

What is with this season and exposed witch bellies?

>Zero Kara Hajimeru
What did White Fox mean by this?

Japan likes Zero.


Is this related to Re:Zero? why it has a similar title?

DIdn't know Shimakaze had her own LN.


Just because japanese like the word Zero and language structure.

It's not related. Although funnily enough, both series have white haired witches. The nature of their powers is pretty different though.

>This is a story of prejudice and redemption, religion and vulgarity, that offers social commentary on the most pressing issues of the day, such as racism and religious conflict.

Fucking dropped. Japs could never do this shit right.

Hell, we can't do this shit right either. Look at the SJWs.

Because it's a standard phrase meaning "starting from zero" or something. In this case it's also punning on the fact the heroine's name is Zero

I want to fug this Shimakaze

Yukikaze had one too.

That's more like tanned Taihou with Yoshinori design than Beaver.

I want to have the keychain with that Yohei she has.

Will the tiger's barbed dick fit her?

Is this any good?

This season is complete and utter Dogshit because of all this trash navelservice. Fucking piece of shit fetish, taking all the limelight from feet.

I'm so sorry about your shit taste user, hopefully one day you will see the light.

technically he supposed to have human one because he just cursed to look like beast.

Life will find a way.

And like clockwork, the feet-hating autistic arrives to defend his autistic trash fetish. Are your shitshows Eromanga and Rokudenashi not enough for you degenerates? Do you faggots have to shit up another series this season, too?

>likes feet
>calls another person degenerate
Calm down sperg. You feetfags are the obnoxious ones.

30-year former NEET employed to DEMOCRATIC PMC, go full Ender's Game on the Muslims, get a squad of child soldiers, betrayed his employers and get a trip to Japan to them.

Well, you can just read it, damn.

picked up

Tiger look comfy as fuck

I didn't see the ender's games connection until now. I am blind.

But it is fun. Child soldier PMCs are the best.

First we get Leopard man with cute twins a decade ago, now tiger man?

I can't wait for the two doujins that this will get

>Nothing but Bara shit with tiger dude

Who doesn't like tigers?

Where can I watch stream?

I hate furryshit but this guy actually looks fine.

>Not-Shimakaze starring huge tigerman
Rev up those doujins

5 mins

get in here niggas

is it 66 or 99?




Flat cute witch is cute and flat.


Fuking hell that is creepy

>kemono bait

oh no you don't you fagget





What are those 2333 japs type men?


Will there be doujins where she dresses up as speedslut?


There's a lot of white-haired females this season

And a ton of fantasy. I like it.


Considering the current trend of Shimakaze, she will become a trap.


What does her bellybutton taste like?

Tiger semen.


I need more shows like this

Fuck the trapfags.



Welp, dropped.



yiff in hell



>you can use me as bolster
What does she mean by this

That's some slow ass mage.


HS in how many hours?

That was maximum comfy

picked up

Amazon got this show, so it's going to take some time.

>Not listed on HS schedule
Who knows. Also the simulcast is only on Amazon and AnimeLab.

They know!

>comfy ED

How much witch belly did we get this episode?

>He doesn't want to see a small female get manhandled by a huge beast
God damn you're such a shitter

When can we expect first pictures with Shimakaze getting impaled on barbed tiger dick?

I'm pretty sure pixiv already had a few from before the anime started

>furfag calling others shitter
Yiff in hell

Wouldn't it be more like beastiality than furry since it's a normal human girl taking the knot?

The hell is going to be really nice place so far considering all my favourite artists and folk goes there.

raws are up

I love bestiality and this did not triggered me.
I think "real" animals are bestiality and anthropomorphic things are furry. May be wrong on that though.

Oh it's definitely furry. People like to call a lot of things that aren't furry furry but this time it's most definitely the case. This tiger dude most definitely falls into that category.

Though there's nothing wrong with that. It's still going to be hot seeing notShimakaze's stomach bulge after taking a massive barbed tiger dick into her womb. Let's hope that's the case and they don't just attach a boring oversized human dick on the guy come the doujins.

I'm not a fan of furry myself but I do make an exception when it's a human girl getting fucked by a big anthro three times her size. The beastiality elements combined with the size difference outweigh any sort of furriness for me.

I also think it because it's still a human girl and it's the girl you mostly focus on, hence why it feels more like beastiality to me.

>cute loli witch
>cool beast warrior

I love it already. I just hope future threads don't get too filled with furry bara.

Did it even air on amazon already?

There's a massive difference between a girl getting rammed by an actual bull, a girl getting ravaged by a minotaur, and a girl getting fucked by a furry bullman.

I enjoy furry guys on human females but I focus more on guys though.
I like the aspect of human girl being filled with beast semen.