

Do you understand why this thread didn't work, toiletfag?

I like both in some way.
Asuka for her insecurities and sexual confusion.
Rei I don't know why I like her.

But I don't even like Asuka



Rei is just a robot. She simply follows orders and has no personality of her own.

Asuka has her issues and temper like a normal human being. That's why she's lovable. She has an actual identity and character.

>Rei is just a robot and has no personality

Are you brain damaged ¿?




Oooh. Thanks for making these :)

Say that Rei has no personality is being an asshole but it's right that she has a pathetic sense of autonomy - and it's normal and part of the plot and nature of the character - and she's a sumise "girl" who defines her actions and motivations from what others - Shinji and Gendo - want


>who defines her actions and motivations from what others - Shinji and Gendo - want

That's not true though, it's a common misconception.

She has a good story about a being that has a false body and a false soul, becoming an individual through the instrumentality of her links and relationships with others. She wants to break free of her fate and actually manges to do that in the end of evangelion. If that is not character development and personality, then i dont know what is.

She only merged with Lilith because Shinji was calling her.

Not him but admires Gendo and Shinji to great lengths while Rei II was getting ready to die against Ramiel

Only when Rei II heard Shinji wanted her to be happy she became something for a bit, but was completely sidelined by Asuka's introduction up until Asuka's mind rape.

Then Rei III was bullshit, as she managed to dislike Gendo and not care for Shinji defeating any growth Rei II had as an intresting character

I try to like Asuka, but she's just too self centered and kind of a bitch. Aside from being good looking, what do you honestly see in her?

Rei wouldn't want you to make threads like this.
This is more Asuka's MO

If I tell you that you still have it wrong, will you be upset?

NGE shows you that Rei's loyalty go too far. The original user said that " she's a sumise "girl" who defines her actions and motivations from what others".

But in this very scene, Rei declines the idea that she pilots EVA because Gendo wants her to very explicitly.

Thus the assertation is wrong, and you've got alot of good character bits to learn from Rei if you rewatch with this in mind.

She's alright if you'll try to understand her and become her genuine friend.


You lost all value user

You can't be friends with a fictional character.

get out of Sup Forums

If you were serious, you'd know that she says the same thing in NGE. This was just the first picture I could find.

Reminder that Shinji is used goods

Here's a transcript I googled for episode 6
Shinji: Why are you doing this?

Rei: Because it's my bond.

Shinji: Bonds?

Rei: Yes, bonds.

Shinji: Bonds to my father?

Rei: To all people.

Shinji: You are strong, Ayanami.

Rei: I have nothing else.

Shinji: You have nothing else...?

Rei: It's time.
Here we go.
Good bye...

Something like that, yeah. So it's not for Shinji's father she pilots, but because it's because of her duty to the people.

This also explains why Rei is shown to defy Gendo when fighting Angels, because she wants to get the job done not simply listen to Gendo.

>"the secret Eva thread"

Bu the same goes for everyone else, as long as you try to be their friends. Rei would be pretty good as is, wouldn't she? She's a nice girl that doesn't berate you, and she doesn't like others berating people she cares about either.

I think the Rei=Doll is because she doesn't have anything else like she does state even if she's not being controlled, she's still not a "person" with hopes/dreams that make up a person

The same actually goes for all the people. You just need to try and understand them and show some genuine care, that's it, that's what people truly need. Same for Rei, yes.

Not everyone. Then there's only so much imagination you can do.

Rei wants to protect the smiles of everyone. 10/10 Bodyguard. The Rei=Doll thing comes because Asuka fans are bitter that Rei isn't a doll but Asuka is.

>Rei wants to protect the smiles of everyone

Asuka isn't a doll, she's a person with feelings and fears.

She's a doll, NERV's doll to be precise.

By that standart Rei is a NERV's doll as well.

>not wanting hundreds of naked girls around you

He was just a fag

She would be, if not for the fact that Rei is not dependent on NERV mentally.

See >Shinji: Why are you doing this?

>Rei: Because it's my bond.

>Rei: I have nothing else.

In her own, weirdly and goddless-like motherly way, by shoving everyone into her womb where she can mother them for eternity.

That does't mean dependence. Rei without piloting the EVA would still retain her sense of individuality, but that isn't true for Asuka.

It's true, Rei does think she has nothing else but this, but if she were to lose that, she'd still be herself and still carry on.

So Rei isn't a doll, but more of a "host" for Lillith right?

>she'd still be herself and still carry on
the things that keep her up are actually Eva and Gendo's care. In a flashback of Unit 00's test launch, Ritsuko refers to it as being the result of pilot's mental instability, which means Rei feels unneeded and abandoned. Later on, as Gendo saved her and led her to believe he cares about her and genuinely needs her, she successfully passes the test. We also see her looking at Gendo's glasses in the cockpit, as a reminder for her to be mentally stable. Asuka didn't have any seemingly genuine caring for her, at least as she saw it. So if it wasn't for Gendo, Rei would go insane. It's the same with all the characters actually.

This. It's why she autistically cares for the glasses so much, it was Gendo literally reaching out to her specifically

Every pilot struggles with replacablity when ironically Rei is literally able to be replaced. Rei II is best Rei and only good Rei II

No, Rei is Lilith herself. They removed Lilith's soul, put it in a human body and called it Rei.

>the things that keep her up are actually Eva and Gendo's care
Well, what exactly is there to back this up?

Because while Rei was saved by Gendo, everyone who watched Evangelion knows that Gendo is just using Rei and will abandon her. Rei herself said this, so even she knew.

>Asuka didn't have any seemingly genuine caring for her, at least as she saw it
Why do you lie to yourself like this? You say "as she saw it", and that inherently invalidates your argument. Asuka had a lot of people that cared about her, more than Rei. Even if Asuka was being manipulated as well.

Truth is that Asuka had a relatively normal life compared to both Rei and Shinji.

So Rei is literally a host?

No, Rei is literally Lilith.


>Well, what exactly is there to back this up?
My previous post? And this post? >Because while Rei was saved by Gendo, everyone who watched Evangelion knows that Gendo is just using Rei and will abandon her. Rei herself said this, so even she knew.
Yet she saw it as a positive thing for herself and genuinely liked it, since he was the first person to do so. Even in the moments of her death she sees Gendo's smiling face.
>Truth is that Asuka had a relatively normal life compared to both Rei and Shinji.
>normal life
Training your whole childhood to pilot a giant robot after seeing your insane mother hang herself when you were 4 years old is normal?
Rei here is in a different situation compared to her since she never even knew what it is to have someone to love you (especially a mother, the first person you recognize in your life) so much and then lose him in such a disturbing way, shattering your concept of love on the way.
>Asuka had a lot of people that cared about her, more than Rei.
None of them actually cared for her genuinely, like her mother would do, (and that's the kind of care she seeks, along with Shinji) and she knew it perfectly well. Not even Misato, not Shinji. No one. No one even came to visit her or tried to find her after episode 22 because they genuinely cared. She was truly alone.

Yeah, yeah you love 3DPD we all already know.

She was a massive galloping cunt who at no point ever attempted to be nice, friendly, or connect to fucking anyone.

Not only that, but she's been outright useless as a pilot and an adverseral antagonist that helped drive the actually useful pilots to distraction.

No one knows her history save for a few people, and those few people never gave a shit.

You expecting people who have only just met her to love, care, or even tolerate her is ridiculous and childish wish fulfillment.

Asuka hair's the same color as my shit.

Lilith's host, you mean.

She's Lilith. Why do you think she keeps the form of Rei afterwards?



>My previous post? And this post?
Both are debunked as inaccurate. Rei is able to separate herself from piloting Evangelion and her inner thoughts don't relate to it either. Rei is all about the "I am me" line of thought, not the "I am x who wants to do x".

>Yet she saw it as a positive thing for herself and genuinely liked it, since he was the first person to do so. Even in the moments of her death she sees Gendo's smiling face.
Sure, hence the development of Rei. These are complex feelings, and even if Gendo is using Rei, even he has a soft spot for Rei, something Fuyutsuki points out in the series. The same goes for Rei, she looks to Gendo as a father but at the same time, acknowledges that he is also the one keeping her down. Rei's development is about ackowledging these things.

>None of them actually cared for her genuinely, like her mother would do,
They raised her well and gave her a normal upbringing, and they even talk on the phone. That's far more than Shinji ever got, not to mention Rei who was raised in a lab and strangled.

Asuka did have genuine love, and you can't really argue that Asuka's mother "would have loved her more", considering that she was actually the one who put her in that situation in the first place. There's no point in imagining "what if" here, what happened happened.

Rei had romantic feelings for Gendo, not father

Through unknown reasons, rei carries the soul of lilith. Thats why she doesnt quite understand humanity.

Kaworu carries the soul of adam, agains dunno why. Unlike rei he knows whats going on.

He raised her, so that's like a father for her.

Their relationship had sexual stuff to it so not really

No it didn't. You're thinking about when Asuka begged to get fucked by Kaji.

This picture here. Lilith is given a human body, and when she gets back her real body later, she changes it to her new form which she recognizes herself as now, Rei Ayanami.

Ignore , it's a shitposting Kaworufag that trolls because he can't deal with how bad of a character Kaworu is.

Gendo was touching Rei's boobs and body and looking at her naked all the time, yes it did you liar


>Ignore , it's a shitposting Kaworufag that trolls because he can't deal with how bad of a character Kaworu is.
Ah, figures. Thanks. Hope they don't ruin this one as well.

Sounds fake
The angel from the show turned into Rei too so not evidence. Just a host.

So did Shinji and Ritsuko. Rei doesn't care much about showing herself naked, she isn't shy at all. Nothing sexual here, not from Rei's side at the very least.

But Rei was moaning when Gendo touched it, so sexual.
Obviously not the first time either.

It's from the movie itself. Rei enters Lilith, and she even says "I'm home".

Your father touched your mother as well, do you think your mother is a whore?

>22 IPs
>71 replies
Reifags apparently need to samefag like crazy to keep their bait thread alive. Sad!

Moaning? No, she was showing a pretty uncomfortable face making grimaces. I think you're fanwanking too much, it's not explicit or implicit, compare to say Asuka asking Kaji to kiss her and so on while opening her blouse.

Reifags are acoustic.

It's sad that it's only this one Reifag that talks about and defends Rei. No one else on Sup Forums cares about the doll.

who says it wasn't both?

>let's him touch her body for minutes on end
>gendo nor rei look shocked when he does it so it's obviously not the first time

>minutes on an end
Don't think so.

Yeah, it was Usagi Drop relationship

script says moan, fanwank

>even Rei's voice actress says Rei's perfect partner is Gendo

Then this happens.

Rewatch the movie, we see Rei accept the grope, a bunch of other scenes play and we don't come back to that scene until much later
Gendo has made his way to groping her vagina by then and she's still into it.

Yeah, Lilith didn't look like Rei before so it's not her
Just a host

>mad kaworufags


He stops at her stomach, actually.

>stating a fact is now madness
sasuga reifags

These are really nice. Im keeping them.

>thinking stating fanwank is fact
Sasuga kaworufags

again proving you're nothing more than cancer to this board.

>stating what seiyuu said is now fanwank
sasuga reifags, can't accept the harsh reality as usual
get the fuck out of my board and never return

Why are you making stuff up, exactly?

I'm sure you understand that your fanwank regarding Rei and Gendo's relationship is what's being called out here, idiot. The original series Rei has this cleared up and presented nicely as well, plus EoE where she ruins his entire life and whatnot.

So what exactly makes you so butthurt user?

But that's the point..? Lilith didn't look like Rei before, but since Lilith has now become accustomed to being called and looking like Rei Ayanami, so she carries that with her to her old body when she returns.

>ugly old angel man
>cute little girl (huge)

Lilith did just what everyone else would have done.

But it's you who's butthurt
Keep'em coming, user, I'm enjoying your cries

Rei an emotionless husk of a human
Asuka is a bitch
Misato may aswell be a neet

there is no best girl in this anime they are all as shit as eachother stop fighting

Like all other Rei-haters he's mad that Rei is great while his waifu/husbando isn't. That's why it needs to fanwank.

Reminder that Rei needs to be spoonfed on her origins to understand herself
Reminder that she's a literal plot device, to whom author had no relation whatsoever

Ah, I see.

The only one that's true there is that Asuka is a bitch.

Rei has emotions and isn't a husk of a human, and Misato isn't a NEET she's a leader in an organization that's pivotal to the survival of the human race.

Sure Rei is cold, and sure Misato can be a slob, but that's hardly enough to be a NEET or have no emotions. But acting like a bitch, thinking like a bitch and bitching out like Asuka does, does make one a bitch.