Pick your waifu.
Pick your waifu
Baselard a cute.
Pick your onahole
the baka
I pick Ao.
So this is like Busou Shinki?
Do these two on the left come in 1 pack
also the short one is nice
I think I'll fall for the toy jew and buy them
>I think I'll fall for the toy jew and buy them
Do it.
Materia are sold individually so you'll have to buy both if you want that twincest.
I choose Super Fumina
I pick Strarf.
Like a worse Busou Shinki where everyone's autistic, robots aren't as cute, and the MC doesn't care.
only this time it attracts waifu autists because of female MC
but they're all garbage
busou shinki didn't attract 'waifu autists'?
how delusional
>those glorious twintails
>Do these two on the left come in 1 pack
No, but their kits are cheaper than the others due to having less accessories and no weapons included (The weapons rhey are shown with in the OP and ED are MSG weapons called Grind Circle and Beast Master Weapon. The twin's episode will probably be about shilling the MSG line).
Why are their panties visible?
because it's marketed to losers
Same designer as Strike Witches.
it's a bodysuit
>FAGirl Project
What did they mean by this?
I just ordered Gourai, Amazon apparently only had 4 left that could ship by tomorrow. Are there any tools besides s a small snipping tool that I need to put her together? Never got into model kits, dabbled in the Gundam ones as a kid. According to user reviews, her pantsu are the hardest to set up
I really want her to show up on the show even if it's just a minor cameo or a DVD special or whatever.
Grab a hobby knife like an exacto knife and some high grit paper (Like 1000 grit, you can get it at auto stores if a hardware store doesn't have it) for proper nub removal. Nippers leave a little bit of nub left unless you're using SUPERIOR JAPANESE STEEL FOLDED 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 times $50 Godhand nippers, and even those don't always leave it flush.
/toy/ has a guide on plamo basics like what tools and how to remove nubs and such.
why so dead? didn't 2nd ep air today?
>me on the left
HGUC Zudah
what's the difference