Is Koito a well-written character?

Is Koito a well-written character?

What's with all the Koito threads lately?

Koito is an edgy fuccboi bait. Only those guys like her.


edgy? she's socially challenged

And what do you think edgy fuccbois are?

koito is female & she's not full of herself

What show were you watching? She ignored the main group for more than half of the season because "I want to do things all alone, hmph!" Plus she's always wearing headphones listening to Evanescence and other edgy music groups to cut out every possible social interactions. She's socially challenged just like any edgy fuccboi which is why edgy fuccbois like her.

She's a well written clone of ME.

Fuck no, there were no well-written characters in this show. I am a huge kyoani fanboy, and even I know the characterization here was trashola. Ep 11 was solid, everything else writing-wise was a mess.

don't know how you interpolated her avoidant behavior as stemming from an ego

She's first introduced in the second episode and starts interacting with them in the fourth, the rest of your post is just fanfiction.

Koito is cute.


You still haven't explained why she was so reluctant to interact with the rest of the crew. Her whole character is just edgy fuccboi pandering the same way the loli panders to lolicon audience. Heck, she's even shown wearing ALL BLACK when she's in casual outfit.

I wear all black and I'm not an egdy fuccboi

Okay, buddy.

>still saying this a year after the show ended
boring yet strangely admirable


I mean facts are facts. I'm not gonna bring it up out of nowhere but if I see a Koito thread, I'll lay out the facts.

You liked episode 11. Why do you think Mai was poorly written?

Ruru was great. Mai was great. Reina was kinda iffy. I was about to say Kurumi wasn't that good by thinking about it, her's was pretty good and believable actually, especially considering her age.
Haruhiko was good too.

Yeah now that I think about it they all had pretty good character developments, I really don't know where the idea that they aren't well written comes from they each have more believable conflicts and developments than most anime, even in the solutions come from a fantastical nature. I mean they each even have their own episodes devoted to them, Mai and Koito each pretty much have two.

It's the same faggot making the same thread because he's too attached to a fictional character

Don't we all user?

I want to be her.

I liked the cat-house episode


mary sue

No, only you and the waifu cancer


Are niggers good citizens?


>ctrl+f 'AAAAA'
>no results

She's my waifu so yes she is.


The story of that episode was well written, which can be completely independent from whether the character is well written. In this case the character of Mai had basically no bearing on the episode being good. If you had replaced Mai with, for example, another character from the show, the ep would have worked just as well. If it had been Reina, for example, the ep would have been basically the same. Just as effective, just as emotionally touching. Mai's established character up to that point (what little there was of it) had zero bearing on anything that happened in the episode, and what's more, the episode didn't even fit with the rest of the show. The whole thing felt out of place, and was tonally completely different than anything that came before or after. It was such an incredible outlier that it's not even worth considering despite being the best episode of the show by a huge margin.

>Ruru was great.
No. Totally generic genki. Well animated, well designed, not well written.

>Mai was great.
Mai had nothing going on. She just hit people.

>Reina was kinda iffy.
Reina was probably the most interesting, but still just purely archetypal.

Koito was nonexistent.

Characterization in this show was all bland and uninspired. The characters basically didn't exist without their archetypes. They were rarely even charming.

Let's compare this with the most obvious parallel: Kyoukai no Kanata. KnK had the opposite writing problem from PW, the characters were pretty strong but the plot was shit (the plot was shit in PW as well, but you get the idea).

Mai is strong, obstinate, courageous, and simple. These traits are all illustrated in the most standard possible ways (mostly by fighting monsters).

Mirai is stubborn, insecure, haunted by her past, quick-witted, and conflicted. These traits are illustrated in clever and charming ways, like her harassment by internet trolls, like the juxtaposition of her immense strength with her immense insecurity,

No, just like everybody from that show

like the fact that she killed her best friend or whatever (I don't really remember).

And don't even get me started on the MCs, they're incomparable. PW's MC is utterly generic bargain basement harem MC, while the guy from KnK has obviously distinct traits (whether you like them or not) like the whole glasses fetish thing.

Kyoani's greatest strength after great direction is their characterization, but PW has the worst characterization of any Kyoani show.

They're simple archetypes, but the situations and world they're in are interesting. Simple=/=bad.

>the situations and world they're in are interesting

go back to writing web reviews and playing seasoned connoisseur


>Mai's established character up to that point (what little there was of it) had zero bearing on anything that happened in the episode

So you are completely ignoring the fact that Mai was alone since childhood and that was the entire reason she was able to emphasize with Haruhiko as deeply as she did? Hell she outright told him that's why she could relate to him. As well as the fact that Mai is the older sister type? Are you seriously saying that Reina or another character would have made that effective and that Mai's character had nothing to do with the episode when in fact she is the one with the natural disposition to care for others, a personality trait of her that's established since episode 3. Did you watch the show with your brain turned off?

>Mai had nothing going on. She just hit people.

Yeah, you totally did.

>Mai Mirai comparison

Nice try, but Mai has many more traits than that and the way she interacts with other characters in which situation are all explained and built up upon. Go watch the show again and take off your biased goggles this time.


>The characters basically didn't exist without their archetypes

Then which one is Mai's archetype, user? Because fact is she doesn't fit any.

>what is big dumb tank

>I'm going to ignore every single personality trait this girl has to make her fit a non-existent archetype I made up on the spot

Try harder.

How the fuck am I biased? I'm a huge Kyoani apologist, if anything. PW was just an overwhelming disappointment in every category.

>Go watch the show again
Yeah right, what a chore that would be.

Enumerate some of these personality traits for me then.

Because you ignored a major part of Mai's character for the purpose of shitting on her. You didn't like Phantom World, that's fine, that doesn't mean you have to make up lies.

Tomboy, cheerful, oneesan, disdainful, moody, emphatic. Those are her most notorious ones.

Kind of.
Because of ep11 I guess?
Is she?
Calling a character "emphatic" only barely makes any kind of sense. Do you mean she's forceful?

>Because of ep11 I guess?

Not just that. Almost every single interaction she has with Reina, and you can catch another glimpse of it when she strokes Haruhiko's head in episode 3 with a smile and tells him he did a good job. This is probably her most notorious personality trait.


Every time Haruhiko does something perverted, such as in episode 2 when they were going to that all girls school to hunt down the UFO Phantom, or every time she calls Haruhiko pathetic for one reason or another which happens a lot.

>Is she?

She tends to hit Haruhiko or gets mad for little reasons despite being cheerful 2 seconds prior.

>Calling a character "emphatic" only barely makes any kind of sense

She empathises with other people that are experiencing or have experienced loneliness like Haruhiko or Natsuno in episode 9.

>Every time Haruhiko does something perverted, such as in episode 2 when they were going to that all girls school to hunt down the UFO Phantom, or every time she calls Haruhiko pathetic for one reason or another which happens a lot.
So now standard ecchi comedy cliches count as character building?

>She tends to hit Haruhiko or gets mad for little reasons despite being cheerful 2 seconds prior.
Calling this "moody" is delusional, and belies a fundamental lack of understanding of how characterization works. No wonder your opinion on these characters is completely out of whack.

>She empathises with other people
The word you were looking for was "empathetic." And no, she's not.

Mai isn't a shit character, she's just a nothing character. Too thin to be engaging, not funny, not particularly charming, mostly a pair of tits that punches people and moves the plot forward. A throwaway character in a throwaway cast in a throwaway show.

>So now standard ecchi comedy cliches count as character building?

Except Reina doesn't even react to it. She constantly berates him for little reason unlike the other girls. How is that not a personality trait for her? Calling it standard ecchi comedy (it's not) is just a strawman.

>Calling this "moody" is delusional

Explain why then? Because stuff like this is definitely sign of a strong temper. Do you need me to pull out a dictionary for you?

>And no, she's not.

The entirety of episode 11 and her reaction to Ruru's fake story in epsode 11 say otherwise.

>random insults

I don't care what you think of her or how you view her but I think the way you try to discredit her already established traits is funny and just shows how biased you are against her. It's funny to see actually.

I want coitus with koito

Also for your info empathic is a word too and it's an adjective that means to take other people's feelings. Empathetic is not as widely used as empathic evn though it's a variant of it.

What? Did you stop defending your bait? Or maybe you want me to give you the dictionary definitions for moody and empathic so you can understand?