Why do Conservashits believe trickle down is a sustainable economic system?


kys commie bastard

Notice all the things the government subsidizes have increased in cost dramatically.

Conservatives don't want (((trickle down economics))), we want free market economics

So... even a ceo can’t afford college

I'm sure none of this has to do with mass 3rd world immigration because supply and demand doesn't apply to the labor market, or the housing market.
Oh wait..
As for medical care I'd say if you were to accept 1978 level medical care in 2018 it'd probably cost roughly 1/6th as much as 2018 level medical care.

Oh, and the CEOs deserve that pay bump because they had the genius idea of bribing enough politicians so they would allow the mass immigration/H1Bs, thus keeping wages down and their profits up. CEOs gonna CEO after all!

The problem lies with immigration desu, they get free education, free medical, and a lot of the time free housing at the expense of the govt, knowing that the providers of those services raise their rates knowing the govt will just pay it. And the average wage cuck who used to be able to afford those things is stuck like a fucking idiot not quite understanding what is going on.

>not blaming the government for every problem the nation faces
I shiggy diggy

amazing argument

"Trickle down economics" was always an intentionally strawmanned term developed by the left during the Reagan era. It would be like if Bernie's plan were popular and people started calling it "free gibs ass socialism" and popularized it and then told you to defend it.

Look up "supply side economics" if you want a more accurate term for it that has larger proof behind its success.

I've literally in my entire life, both sides of family are very conservative, never met a single person that believes or espouses trickle down economics. Kys

you don't come to Sup Forums for an honest debate poofter

Trickle down isn't an economic system, it was a metaphor to explain the benefits of tax cuts to stupid people like yourself.

However, tax cuts don't help if you don't reduce government spending.

What is inflation? What is mass immigration followed by overpopulation?

Are you retarded? State and Federal governments have been reducing funding for higher education for decades which is a huge reason why tuition keeps climbing.

sounds like your family is inbre and retarded bro

Sounds like you're the retarded one, bucko. If the government got outta higher education loans, the colleges would have to slash tuition, or they wouldn't have any customers. Put a bullet in your brain buddy.

Why do liberals believe that handing out money is the solution to everything. Leftism is completely bereft of competent money management.

"Supply side economics" doesn't work. It has never worked. North Carolina tried it, now they're looking at a 2.5 billion dollar budget shortfall. Oklahoma tried it, they lost so much money that most school districts are on a four day week because the budget can't sustain five days. Kansas tried it, their economy cratered so hard that a supermajority of Republicans votes to raise taxes. At what point do you admit that you're wrong and try something new?

>impling this is trickle down and not the federal reserve and global trade fucking us

Not loans, appropriations. Were you unaware that colleges and universities were including in the education budget or something?

Clinton passed Nafta. Fucking over working class Americans.
A traitor (black hawk down), a coward (refused OPs to kill BinLaden) and a cheat.

Pay did not increase because it did not have to.

Women and immigrants flooding the workforce meant your work wasnt valuable anymore. When there is an abundance of workers their value lessens. On top of that you let in people willing to work below minimum.

If millenials want the right to bitch then stop being dumbfuck democrats and start giving a shit about properly enforced immigration laws and policies.

Since 1978, the government has poured trillions of dollars into higher education, healthcare, and housing. I am sure that has nothing to do with those unsustainable price increases though.

>medical care
>so everything the government touches becomes corrupted and exponentially expensive.
color me surprised.

Why can't Americans understand economics, no i mean it, basic economics, like they actually think it takes no effort to run a company or that high quality colleges should be as cheap as renting an apartment.

not to mention all the inflation.

Vote for me! I'll fix everything!

Come on, let's be honest here. Do you really think Bernie could drive an R8 without having a coronary?

You're both right.
The loans became more available because costs went up because funding went down.
The extra loan availability caused extravagant spending by colleges because students/parents became less cost sensitive because the costs were deferred, which increased college costs even more.
t. Dude with econ degree.

thats bernie

It would work if we made (((offshore banking))) illegal.

The only reason tuition increased is the fucking loan systems in place and affirmative action got every fucking retard and shitskin that can hold a pencil into college thereby increasing the demand

Conservatives want family first income and family values traditionalism
where the mother can stay at home or do something productive

and the father can work and provide for the whole family and can aford to have kids a house and run a simple car and buy food for everyone

anything past 1950 was a mistake.
kill it with fire
roast it untill it burns baby.

its time to undo the bullshit economy

politics is for childless betas that work for me.

Reposting threads is against the rules.

Quit importing labor to drive down wages.

and the cost and pay of the thing you mentioned decreased in obama era ? this is why you get the name libtard

It isn't about "trickle down" anymore. That was a bush era meme. It's facing the fact that every other county in the world is competing with the US. It isn't the 20th century anymore, and money knows no loyalty. Update your rhetoric please.

>post stats that correctly show horrors of government induced inflation
>blames capitalism
You go to public school, don't you?

>At what point do you admit that you're wrong and try something new
What exactly is "new". all the economic models are pretty old.

Any proof any of these are connected with trickle down? Any sources? Where's the correlation or are you just stupid? Do you believe everything your liberal arts teacher tells you?
Have a truck faggot you deserve to be run over by it

Supply side economics doesn't prevent government incompetence. It is still the most accurate and efficient model we have.