Do you think this is overhyped? It's not that good, but people watch it because ONE made it. It's just not on the level of OPM.
Do you think this is overhyped? It's not that good, but people watch it because ONE made it...
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It's better than OPM, The fights and characters were all more enjoyable.
Mob 100 was one of the best shows last year, Bones did a solid job with it.
I think it was far better than OPM.
It really switched gear at the 3rd episode.
A thing I really liked about it is how the "problem" and growth of the protag is more focused into a plot point than in OPM.
Was the original line here that "jodan janeize" or "fuzakeruna"?
In any case I am absolutely dying to see this part animated
it's a meme anime, taylor made for reddit
>It's better than OPM
>I think it was far better than OPM
It is not better. You are just saying it because it's overhyped. Stop lying to yourselves and admit it, it's not better than OPM.
it's the HxH to OPM's One Piece
OPM worked as being a meme and a parody. This one just doesn't work so well.
Everything is simple,two different anime with different ideas behind,obviously some people like OPM more and some prefer Mob,I don't think it's overhyped that much
I made that Reigen Psycho 1000 thread yesterday I put off watching the show for so long but it really is a fantastic show
Much better than OPM character wise , Mob may seems just as OP as him but he has believable struggles
I liked MB100 better than OPM
The best thing is how he actually develops too.
In the anime it's still early so they play Mob's weakness as a joke, but in the manga as they progress he becomes more physically fit, confident and reliable, it's really nice to see.
>"what are differing opinions?"
I watched Mob first then OPM and love them both,one of my friends liked OPM but get bored with Mob at first episodes but still said it was a good anime,another can't stand OPM but absolutely love Mob,it's hard to say
Talk no jutsu: The anime
I got hooked into the show the second he joined the Body Improvment Club
The first episode felt like a OPM reskin, but goddamn those /fit/ boys are total bros
also the side characters are intresting and are not strictly jobbers
I laughted in One Punch more but liked characters in Mob Psycho much more,both great
Only normies like OPM more than Mob Psycho.
The first episode was pretty weak, give it to Dimple
Mob Psycho definitely had the better OP and ED between the two though.
I find it really hard to choose between them. I think Bones did an amazing job creating an animation style that meshed so well with ONE's art-style. Though the animation in OPM is certainly nothing to shake a stick at, I appreciate a bit more when Bones thinks outside the box with Mob.
At the end of the day I'd probably admit Mob was a better adaptation in an objective sense. But I personally enjoy OPM more because the concept and characters is just more appealing to me. Though I love me some Reigen. I guess my point is that both adaptations really hit it out of the park by some miracle. ONE is one lucky bastard and I think it's totally understandable is personal preference tips your scales either way in regard to these two shows.
when I watched it I was somehow able to remain completely oblivious to the fact this was written by ONE up to the last episode so I guess I can offer you a more unbiased point on this....
No, it isn't overhyped, it's better written than OPM, with better developed characters. The only thing OPM has better than this is original art, since Yusuke Murata is awesome, but BONES did a great job with this adaptation. All things considered, Mob is a more interesting character than all of OPM's cast bar maybe the guys who were fighting the aliens near the end like atomic samurai and kinzoku bat.
Both are incredibly well done shows and Bones is a fantastic company
OPM a shit with only good animation ! mob was better in everything (with an exception for the ost)
OPM is boring as hell dude, at least Mob Psycho has interesting characters.
It's basically the inverse of OPM. The MC has overwhelming power, but using it is never the correct solution.
People like you primarily dislike it because you wanted another OPM.
Ít was okay until they defeated the boss. Everything afterwards is shit.
Dunno,I like both almost equally,need to see how studios manage to do second seasons in order to know what i like more
You gain points for misspelling a common idiom, but lose some for invoking buzzwords like memes and Reddit which makes it lack subtlety.
Overall I give you bait a 6/10. You have some potential though.
I agree actually.
I think ONE just had everything leading up to that and now he can't come up with any interesting new plots.
Mob is the better anime by far. OPM only had its action animation going for it, it was sub-par to mediocre on every other aspect.
The posts like this are a diamond dozen, no need to play a devil's avocado
I actually think it's TOO much like OPM but just a junior version, with highschool bullshit. It's basicallly a weaker Bleach:
1. Two characters are close to each other but one is a prodigy
2. The weaker one gets kidnapped by a powerful organisation.
3. The stronger one has to fight through all the organisation members to get the weaker one back.
Atleast OPM is very clear about being a parody and a comedy. Mob100 tries to be both a shounen action and a comedy but it lacks the parody that OPM had, so it just ended up feeling like a very ordinary and in no way speacial anime.
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
I dropped Mob after like two episodes because the comedy was terrible. Fights and characters are irrelevant in what is like 80% a comedy show. Additionally, OPM was more successfully funny despite the "one joke man" meme being very true. Mob wasn't funny, and that's pretty much that.
I'll grant that Bones did a solid job, though, the show was pretty gorgeous. I'm sure the source material was just weak.
I had fun watching it, but I'm not saying it's the best thing on the goddamn planet.
I think the key to enjoying it is to not try to compare it to OPM all the time.
The entire point of the story is that you should NEVER solve things like how shounen tells you to, though. They're thematically diametrically opposed.
>The entire point of the story is that you should NEVER solve things like how shounen tells you to
Because Mob didn't invade and totally owned the whole Claw organisation, like in any other shouned anime.
>The entire point of the story is that you should NEVER solve things like how shounen tells you to, though
I don't know if I can believe that when Mob's overwhelming power is almost always an adequate solution to a problem.
Yeah, it's better than OPM, which people memed each other into hyping up
I never finished watching OPM (stopped at ep3) and I think Mob is pretty fun to watch. Didn't even know that it was made like OPM until I watched it, I just heard that people say it was great.
>mfw it's actually just OPM with different power
it's still ok though, I'll give it 6.5/10
The broccoli arc was great, fuck you guys
Ah man you missed him getting the shit beaten out of him, his brother and peak Reigen
And it almost pushed him into a psychotic breakdown until Reigen got there and handled it by talking down Claw and making them realize they were all retarded manchildren
I never realized how that was an allegory for what could happen to Mob if he kept down his path
>I never realized the entire main theme of the arc
You're right, it's better
>caring about a literal meme anime
I'm really fucking slow to thinking about themes the first time I watch something
I was honestly expecting them to be
Instead I got
>It is a shame for amanto grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of whichhis bodyis capable
They're both great, though it's obvious that ONE is really busting his ass with Mob since it doesn't have hyper detailed art to fall back into like OPM.
As for anime they're both great but Mob anime doesn't really get into the really good parts, so i think if Mob S2 happens (I fucking hope it does) it'll be way above OPM desu senpai.
The last shot of the anime (by One) had many pairs of 2 on screen so it's a safe bet
I really can't wait for five episodes of Mob getting bullied
>I am absolutely dying to see this part animated
user, they're not making any more episodes for Mob like they are for OPM
It will hurt.
But I'm ready for the pain
Just the fact it has a high school student as MC makes it shit and generic.
It's better than OPM, but it still sucks. They are both overhyped: one by normalfags, the other by shit-taste users on Sup Forums.
Desu I just really want ONE to make a SoL without supernatural abilities.
Just make a manga with a grown-up salaryman going through life ONE, I know you're good at that shit.
It's better than OPM but still not good. It's full of cliches... as a parody. Parodies are supposed to make fun of cliches and subvert them, not have them...
I really want to get into Mob Psycho, the only problem is that I hate opm and I don't know why he is also the MC of this anime.
Having cliches is a way of making fun of them user.
It subverts expectations many times in the anime user.
It's not a parody anime user.
You know your points are so shallow I'm not sure if this is an ironic post or not.
>Having cliches is a way of making fun of them
no that's just hypocritical
>It subverts expectations many times in the anime user.
once at the end of episode 2 it does. Thats about it.
>It's not a parody anime user.
then it DEFINITELY shouldn't have cliches.
>Calls Mob overhyped.
>Goes on to praise OPM.
>no that's just hypocritical
You're a fucking moron.
What about
>once at the end of episode 2 it does. Thats about it.
Are you telling me you saw the whole Reigen lecturing claw part coming?
You didn't see that coming.
>then it DEFINITELY shouldn't have cliches.
>Only parody anime can have cliches
For once you have good taste.
so now an MC using talk-no-jutsu on a villain to try and tell them how they're living their lives wrong isn't a cliche?
B-but Dimple!
Both are great, but I definitely liked Mob Psycho more.
I wouldn't call that a parody. It's a pretty classic coming of age story.
I still can't believe Dimple is fucking dead ;_;
the only problem with Mob Psycho I can think of is how strong Mob is, even when he's at 0%
I still can't believe Mob bought that ugly-ass shirt
Reigen should've been the MC.
But he was also criticizing Mob. Can you seriously say that you expected the MC to be told that he shouldn't fight because it's childish?
That OP though
They inspired me to hit the gym as well!
OPM is great
Mob is a masterpiece
Makai no Ossan is the manifesto that proves ONE is a genius, the savior meant to return manga and anime to their full glory
The percentage isn't a measure of his power, it's a measure of how much he's bottling up his stress. Even at 0% he can technically use his full power, he just subconsciously holds himself back. That's why his explosions are so much more psychically impressive, he stops caring about holding back because he gets caught up in the moment and emotional.
Why don't you ever actually engage with a thread? You only ever post once at the start of the thread.
Kind of like an attention whore.
i watched it because i liked it, much better that boku no hero academia
and im not joking mob 100 seem's to be more realistic and filled with feeling
The holy tree arc was my favorite.
RIP Dimple-sama.
It's still a normal society with just a few ghosts
Reign has treated customers who don't feel anything and there's antics that do exist in real life, ex those con artists on Mob
Mob 100 manages to hit the magical sweetspot between shounen and shoujou series where you have the action and high-stakes arcs with interesting powers and fights from shounens, but also the relatable and compelling characters and emotional depth soujous have.
I think it's an area more series need to explore more seriously.
OPM manga < MOB 100 manga
OPM anime > MOB 100 anime
Fight me.
Only reason I don't like it more than OPM is because it came out second. Its still very good. The scene where Reigen gets cut down is the best scene.
Anyone got news on a second season?
Anything by ONE is horrible so yeah
That's actually a respectable opinion.
OPM could have been 3 episodes of him just one shotting the antagonists instead of 12 episodes of people weaker than him trying to stand up to an enemy, lose, and then him cleaning up the mess.
MP100 was really good on the first half but fell off hard in the second arc. Went from 8.5/10 to like a 6/10.
The high points of MP100 > all of OPM but they were about even to me in the end.
Are you talking about manga or just anime?
Even OPM is still in production so wait at least when BnHA ends
If you talking about anime,then you will love at least part of second season(if Bones didn't messed up of course)
I loved it, thought it was a lot better than the OPM anime because of how creative it was visually
and having read both webcomics, OPM has only really been great for me during the Garou fight while Mob Psycho has had the Broccoli arc, the arc where he's in that girl's head, the arc where Reigen gets BTFO, and more
I happened to like it more than OPM.
Anime Mob > anime OPM
Manga OPM > manga mob