17's big arms
Dragon Ball Super
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they are pretty
But can that match Super 17's gun arm?
literally chink super buu
Super 17's design is so shit.
Are 17 and 18 Slavs?
What can you except from GT?
Did Toriyama design Super 17?
4 u
How so? The clothes are fantastic.
Not really and his hairstyle and face are shit.
His hairstyle is perfectly normal and his face is just GT's artstyle.
designs are pretty much the only thing he was credited for regarding GT anyway.
Hyped for some gentlemen watching
If Bra was born then that means that Super is going to somehow tie into GT and make it canon.
Android 17s death confirmed
Bra was first introduced in Z, idiot.
>calling someone an idiot for not remembering an episode they haven't seen since November of 2003.
Ill fucking kill you paco
>not doing a quick google research before saying something stupid
Nice try Pedro.
>he doesn't know the manga inside out and upside down
>he hasn't even memorized all the dialogue backwards in Japanese.
>Thinking GT isn't canon anymore
Get educated Jorge
How are they going to work out the fact SSJ4 is a weak piece of trash right now?
>blue eyes
>black hair
Clearly some kind of mongrel, so possibly.
Apply yourself user.
It always was though
>Didn't even win the fight it was first used without another powerup.
>Didn't matter for S17's defeat
>Had exactly 0 impact against the Dragons (except 4-star) and wasn't even a speedbump against 1-star
>SSJ4 Vegeta was just fusion fodder
It may look cool but SSJ4 is only slightly less useless than SSJ3
>they're not androids they said
>his cells are just augmented they said
he has no stlyle
he has no grace
his neice has a funny face
God Ki is too much for a mortal to handle and it causes their body's to detonate after a while.
Bam GT is canon
Kibito and Shin would also have to fuse again
>beautiful mother
>ugly noseless father
>ends up looking 100% like father
Marron is so unfortunate.
her modified cells must've been dominant
It got scaled up in Xenoverse to be about equivalent to SSG.
>>Didn't even win the fight it was first used without another powerup.
remind how that went down. I haven't watched GT since it was on TV. All I remember is Goku going to SS4, forcing Baby to go apeshit before having his tail blast off and launched into the sun.
Doesn't Haibara's arm look kinda big here too?
What the fuck would be the most appropriate english name for him (besides Lapis)? He isn't an Android 17, and he wasn't made from scratch so Artificial Human 17 feels erroneous too.
I refuse to believe he designed Vegeta to have a mustache and a shitty hair job.
Will Helles grab the saiyan cock before the arc is over?
>Helles tries cucking Chi-Chi
>Chi-Chi makes Goku's favorite meal
>Goku immediately runs back to Chi-Chi without hesitation
>background arc of Helles trying to learn how to cook to get Goku's interest
I'd watch it
But what if Helles thinks Chi-Chi is hot too?
He is called Cyborg in every translation except the English one
>GoD + Angel + 2 Saiyans
I don't think even Chi-Chi could cook that much food
>"my masterplan all along was 17, not the composite being made of cells from the strongest fighters in the universe"
what were they thinking?
Aaaaaaaaaand stretch his arms out, just for Goku.
Super 17 was probably the most nonsensical arc outright in the whole franchise. Thankfully it was also the shortest.
baka desu senpai
BoG was horrible trash. I can't think up one thing about it that wasn't trash.
thats just his super rug beating technique
Piccolo vs #17 is one of my favorite fights.
No, I think things like Baby, Super 17 and SS4 were designed by someone called Nakatsuru
Remember when TFS used to be funny?
good fight but I wonder why the animators decided that they have no ribs or bones at all
I dunno, Ki ko How you doin was pretty good.
I claim Yamcha (all sagas).
How many Namekians do I get if I pick that option?
seriously what the fuck were they thinking
this always bothered me
I pick Dodoria to fuck with this guy
I really liked Baby Vegeta's design desu.
Me neither
Oh come on, don't be dumb.
TFS had great serious moments as well.
This scene is even better done than the original.
Well then it's not funny than is it?
It really isn't.
i wonder how they are gonna do the SSJ2
So bad
I still can't imagine how they're gonna do Buu.
Probably a butthurt subfag as well
reminder of best character
Not even close
do you have one for vegeta?
Reminder that Goku's name is "Gokou"
Beerus is "Beers"
Buu is "Boo"
Mr. Satan real name is "Mark"
17 and 18 names are "Lapis" and "Lazuli"
and nobody knows Turtle Hermit's name, same about his sister
Your taste is terrible just accept it.
>dubfags like TFS
that is a really good edit.
Weak bait
she shaves her pubes....
And yet Fusions has SSJ4 bellow SSJ God. There's no consensus right now.
>people say tfs are Japanese only elitist
>they used bruce cuckner remix
What if Goku hit puberty?
turns out people that aren't autistic weeb subfags that don't wear fedoras and have little anime girl body pillows have not-shit taste
>this guy again
Not tired of make a fool of yourself, son?
can you prove that?
Yeah, it was Nakatsuru
Don't reply to the weeb shitposter.
Subfags have shit taste, don't feed your pearls to swine.
his true form is even better
too bad he dies immediately after showing it
No need of consensus, even DBGT Perfect Files wonders about Vegetto being even stronger than SS4s, and SSG Goku is already stronger than him.
That guy did a good job. All of those looked great.
I have wanked to that scene so many times.
I know all of the Japanese names and have watched the sub. I'd rather listen to "techno rock" than repetitive Godzilla music.
Wait what the fuck the androids are in Super?
Fuck I loved those guys in DBZ
Do I have to pick this shitshow up now?
No, seriously you'll regret it.
>hating Godzilla music
Talk about shit taste.
>Uncle Broly plays with his distant relatives.jpg