Prove to me that the Holocaust was fake

Prove to me that the Holocaust was fake.

Other urls found in this thread:

cuz the guy captured 15 million jews and put them in camps and then paid for the entire duration of WW2 to keep them fed, clothed and warm, and even after the point where they were supposedly determined to be marked for "extermination" in 1942 he continued to feed and cloth them and keep them warm for the next 3 years. as well as provide alcohol, movies, organized sports teams and sometimes brothels in the camps.

Prove to me it was real.

Where are the bodies/ashes.


give me a list of every number registered and killed in the camps

according to anyone not on Sup Forums, the bodies of any jew who died during ww2 are "the bodies" but obviously there are a whole host of ways that people in camps can die during wartimes that are not attributed to malice. typhoid and unintentional starvation being two that are commonly cited.

there wasn't even 6 million Jews captured, every 'mass grave' has been debunked to be empty and the chimneys at the 'gas chambers' were added after the war.

It really happened.

Jews are milking it tho, imbelishing the truth to gain sympathy support.

No. If you want to learn about the holocaust go to /his/ this Sup Forums

The holocaust was real in that the nazis totally wanted to kill all the jews, but the number of jews killed and the methods claimed were exaggerated and fabricated.

The jews who died in concentration camps mostly died of starvation and disease.

It's not practical to gas and cremate millions of people, and the six million number was quoted before the war.

To reiterate, if the nazis could, they would totally have killed six million jews in gas chambers and cremated them in ovens. They didn't though, that shit is too hard for anyone, let alone a country in the process of losing a war.

Thats the ending to Portal.

Detailed Allied aerial reconnaissance photographs taken of Auschwitz-Birkenau on several random days in 1944 — during the height of the alleged extermination period there — were made public by the CIA in 1979. These photos show no trace of piles of corpses, smoking crematory chimneys or masses of Jews awaiting death, things that have been repeatedly alleged, and all of which would have been visible if Auschwitz had been the extermination center it is said to have been.

OP another important point to note is that there is no order produced. there's really no evidence of any kind of "plot" to murder jews other than one recording not from hitler, of which the translation is actually in doubt and before it was released to the public it passed through the hands of the US government and its intelligence agencies, meaning its likely edited as propaganda if not outright forged.

do you really think that if this whole thing was happening there would be only one little measly audio recording of someone talking about it and not a single other shred of evidence that there was ever any centralized plot to "exterminate the jews" in 1942? I would have an easier time believing NO evidence than just one tiny shred. the one tiny audio recording just makes it seem so much more like a plant for propaganda purposes. might have been believable in the 40s but since people have been studying ww2 for the entire 20th century and beyond, something more would have come out in the meantime if it were true.

also remember the plan was always to send the jews to fucking Madagascar, not murder them, until 1942 IF you believe the official narrative:


Cremation specialists have confirmed that thousands of corpses could not possibly have been cremated every day throughout the spring and summer of 1944 at Auschwitz, as has often been alleged. Ivan Lagacé, manager of a large crematory in Canada, testified in court in April 1988 that the Auschwitz cremation story is technically impossible. The allegation that 10,000 or even 20,000 corpses were burned every day at Auschwitz in the summer of 1944 in crematories and open pits is simply "preposterous" and "beyond the realm of reality," he declared under oath

Brothels in the camps? I'm no history expert but I'm not sure he would've allowed that

academic treblinka revisionism

So what I'm getting is that, the Holocaust happened, it just was heavily exaggerated to make the nazis seem more like the bad guys.

think about all of the documents and journals and first hand accounts recovered from ww2 OP. none of them mention anything about this "plot to murder jews" unless you count the testimony from people at nuremberg but obviously they were under duress and if you think that testimony is reliable then you should study false confessions and also consider that, for example, Rudolph Hoss was ordered to write his confession and his book which is still sold in bookstores today and considered "evidence" and he was kept in isolation by the authorities until he finished it. Hardly "admissible" as any kind of evidence and similar stories abound from all of the nuremberg trials. they were just political theater selling propaganda to the public and they used duress and intimidation and dirty tactics to extract fake confessions.

You also have to remember that it was heavily used to support the reason for the creation of israel. There has never been a reason for them to be honest about the situation or to think critically about the numbers.

The gas chambers had wooden doors.


oh that's interesting, so you're no history expert and you don't know the first thing about what you're talking about but you're still claiming it's untrue rather than just doing a little bit of simple research for yourself and seeing that it is. uh huh. ok cool. guess you weren't really asking this question in good faith at all, but rather just trying to troll Sup Forums in a pretty lame attempt or whatever.
no. jews being put into camps is not "the holocaust". they're two separate events. the US put Japanese Americans into camps during ww2 also, you don't say there was a Japanese "holocaust" in the USA though obviously.

"holocaust" refers to a genuine government conspiracy to murder every jewish person, for which their exists exceptionally little evidence (and what does exist is unreliable) and a lot of critical thinking which would tell you that this did not in fact happen.

I've always been right on the edge of supporting the nazis, but you guys kind of are pushing me over that edge. Things didn't add up before, and looking the evidence l, things don't add up. Thanks for the jew pills guys, I just needed a little more clarity.


Auschwitz - The Underground Guided Tour - Caolyn Yeager
Brandmarked - Gulag Prisioners After Their Release - Meinhard Stark
The Giant With Feet of Clay - Raul Hilberg and his standard work on the "Holocaust" - Jurgen Graf
Disecting the Holocaust - The Growing Critique of "Truth" and "Memory" - Germar Rudolf
The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Wiston Churchill - Mike King
The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century's Biggest Lie - Victor Thorn
Homecoming: Returning POW's and the Legacies of Defeat in PostWar Germany - Frank Biess
The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power - Deanna Spingola
The Sky My Kingdom - Hanna Reitsch
The Chemestry of Auschwitz: The Techonlogy and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers - A Crime Scene Investigation, 3rd, Revised and Expanded Edition (March 2017)
Healthcare in Auschwitz: Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates, 1st Edition (October 2016)
Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography, 2nd, slightly corrected edition (October 2016)
Auschwitz: Open Air Incenerations, 2nd, corrected and expanded edition (October 2016)
Auschwitz Crematorium I: and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings, 2nd, slightly corrected and expanded edition (October 2016)
Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies and Prejudices on the Holocaust
Auschwitz: The First Gassing: Rumor and Reality

Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda versus History
Special Treatment in Auschwitz: Origin and Meaning of a Term
Curated Lies: The Auschwitz Museum's Misinterpretations, Distortions and Deceptions
Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich
Did Six Million Really Died?
Auschwitz: Plain Facts: A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac
The leuchter Reports: Critical Edition
Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides
Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality
The Central Constuction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz: Organization, Responsabilities, Activities
The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz: A Technical and Historical Study
Holocaust High Priest: Elie Wiesel, "Night", the Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism
The "Extermination Camps" of "Aktion Reinhardt": An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious "Evidence", Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the "Holocaust Controversies"
The Real case for Auschwitz: Robert van Pelt's Evidence from the Irving Tiral Critically Reviewed
The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
The hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry
Air Photo Evidence: World War Two Photos Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzes
Concentration Camp Stutthof: Its History & Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy
Chelmmo: A German Camp in History and Propaganda
The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation
Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined

>the holocaust is a lie

I never said it was fake, I just wanted evidence that it didn't happen. I don't want to assume it didn't happen without evidence, neither do I want to assume it did happen without evidence to say so

FWIW I don't support the nazis one bit. I'm a major libertarian and I think their policies and philosophies are horrible. but it genuinely didn't happen and it ESPECIALLY didn't happen the way Hollywood and other people try to pretend it did. were they put into camps? yes obviously, nobody has ever denied that. but that's not "a holocaust". nobody ever set out to murder jews and wipe them off the face of the planet. that's a bold face lie that is rooted in nothing and it's almost provable that it's NOT true as well as much of the mythos surrounding it like gas chambers, or lampshades and soap made out of dead jews

without lazy copy and paste

"lazy copy paste"
says the lazy mutt too lazy to read a book or even watch a documentary
want it spoonfed too baby?

The entire claim is based on eye witness accounts.
The Jews have been caught lying about so many details from lampshades to soap bars, to the official death toll at Auschwitz dropping from 4million Jews to 1.5 people including all types of Gypsies etc.
It's standard practice in court that if someone who testifies is caught blatantly lying then none of their testimonial can be trusted at all.
Israel benefits billions per year annually based on nothing but WWII guilt alone.
Use some critical thinking here.
The outrageous claims and the fact we entered the war to save Poland, yet handed them over to the murderous communist soviets.. None of it adds up. Then watch some Hitler speeches which are now all available online and you'll see a very different person than you've been lead to believe. Further discrediting our Jewish media.

I have a question. I usually lurk most of the Holocaust threads but very rarely post. I have noticed that the Holocaust supporters always have the same flags for the most part, it is always one cheaper version of a Kraut (Austrian flag), one 56%, one Alberto and one memeflag (usually UN flag), they always post the same sources and have the same filenames.

What is up with that?

>prove a negative

the evidence is the fact that there are still jews. millions of jews were liberated from those camps. if you want them dead then stop feeding them. or lock them in their cells and then bomb the camps. both of those things would have been small feats for the German army. people on both sides try to make arguments about disposing bodies and say that it's impractical to dispose of that many, but both sides are wrong, just consider all of the towns and cities bombed during ww2, and all of the bloody battles of ww1 and ww2.

if hitler decided he wanted the jews dead in 1942 as is claimed, then he could have bombed those sites and saved himself a ton of money, or just simply stopped feeding them altogether. after 3 years he wouldn't still be paying for millions of them to continue living. prison labor, even in privatized US prisons where the inmates are almost all able bodied men, are not profitable. never mind when you have camps full of women and children too, and when they're run in less of a "prison" style, giving more freedom and amenities to the inmates.


top kek


wish kikes would shut the fuck up about "muh constant oppression" they get everything they fucking want

even the nigger knows, are you intellectual bellow that nigger?


"thats horrible man" top fucking kek

WW1 already with the 6million card. lol

6million more :(

what? 6million again? woooo it's like an universal law

>The JQ:
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
Holocaust Lies Debunked Once and for All

Fuck off kike, these threads are created every day and there are texts worth of whole novels written on the subject if you decided to archive search it, instead of subtly shilling.

what? 6million AGAIN before the WW2 even started? woooow there were so many fucking jews


1936 they already knew a bout a 6million death holocause, end of the WW2 war in 1945 and the 6million number continued, guessed the germans grew tired of it in 1936
top fucking kek

not sure if trolling but here you are. Just google holocaust bodies/victims.


the world will know one day

oh wow nice good one

>There are still jews, so the holocaust didn't happen
>Being this retarded

If I stabbed you multiple times, but you survived, can I say that I didn't stab you? According to your logic I didn't.

Here's info on that same camp:

In a March 1, 1945, letter to Gruppenführer (General) Richard Glücks, head of the SS camp administration agency, Commandant Kramer reported in detail on the catastrophic situation in the Bergen-Belsen, and pleaded for help:[89]
"If I had sufficient sleeping accommodation at my disposal, then the accommodation of the detainees who have already arrived and of those still to come would appear more possible. In addition to this question a spotted fever and typhus epidemic has now begun, which increases in extent every day. The daily mortality rate, which was still in the region of 60-70 at the beginning of February, has in the meantime attained a daily average of 250-300 and will increase still further in view of the conditions which at present prevail.
Supply. When I took over the camp, winter supplies for 1500 internees had been indented for [...]; some had been received, but the greater part had not been delivered. This failure was due not only to difficulties of transport, but also to the fact that practically nothing is available in this area and all must be brought from outside the area [...]
For the last four days there has been no delivery [of food] from Hannover owing to interrupted communications, and I shall be compelled, if this state of affairs prevails till the end of the week, to fetch bread also by means of truck from Hannover. The trucks allotted to the local unit are in no way adequate for this work, and I am compelled to ask for at least three to four trucks and five to six trailers. When I once have here a means of towing then I can send out the trailers into the surrounding area [...] The supply question must, without fail, be cleared up in the next few days. I ask you, Gruppenführer, for an allocation of transport [...]
State of Health.

Looks like they all died of typhus to me

I'm lazy, but i bet those are bodies from the end of the war when the allies bombed all supply lines and the prisoners in the camps starved/died of disease.

>"I have reached the limit. Masses of people are dying. The drinking water supply has broken down. A trainload of food was destroyed by low-flying [Allied] war planes. Something must be done immediately."[90]

The point of debunking the holohoax is not about believing that no jews died in the war, it's HOW (typhus, various other diseases) they died and WHY (supply lines cut-off, lack of food due to Germnay losing the war) AND not because there was a systematic eugenics GENOCIDE against them.

What are you trying to say? That the holocaust happened.

a photo of dead bodies = proff holocaust happened
top kek you bitch
here's a photo of a british soldier with a buldozer on bodies = proof england did an holocaust (which acctualy they did after the war to 2 million germans given to croats to be murdered by british soldiers:

typhus was the cause of death!

>no history expert...

I’ll say you need convincing the holocost didn’t happen if you read some history the gigantic holes in the holocost fable would be evident.

The (((holocaust))) as in 6 gorillion jews systematically hunted down and genocide by ebil nadzees? No. The holocaust with jews being put in well-conditioned buy deteriorating over the course of the war slave camps and then dying due to collapse of the German supply lines? Yes. Nothing around 6 gorillion though, low hundreds of thousands at most.

you cant say the earth is flat but you can't deny the holocaust in many countries by law, top kek


>We kept the jews in concentration/death camps
>But it's the allies' fault because they bombed the supply lines

How about NOT keeping those people in camps in the first place.

Dehomag records, the only official ones, are owned by IBM and kept secret by them. Can neither prove nor disprove without these actual primary source documents.

^Ask yourself who published this and when you realize you won’t be able to find a copy ask also why that might be.

so now you accept that there was no gas chambers, ovens and masturbation killing machines, baby-eating-nazis? ok

what's with your pictures of gas chambers?


Only the Germans were capable of such cruelty, they almost seemed to enjoy the slaughter.


It's all here, Goy.

A commentary, not a proof:

Millions of Jews dead allegedly in concentration camps --> "Never forget!"

One Savior who is the son of God dead on a cross --> "Probably never happened!"

>Showing a photo of british holocaust
>Saying the british did a holocaust

So you showed me a photo evidence of something and saying that something really did happen. Which is what I also did. Kek you just proved me right.

There were no "death camps", shill. Jews were put to work on the German war effort. Slavery has been practiced by humanity ever since the dawn of times and until recently it was never an immoral thing to do, especially to people like the jews who were doing the same things back then as they do today. Hitler understood that way back, as you would find from his quotes about them, they're very reminiscent on what we as society are experiencing today. Maybe it would have been better if the holohoax was real, at least our society as a whole would have been a lot better than it is today. Any sane person would agree on this.

Alas, the holohoax is not real and what happened was twisted and used against us so that we may never rise again.

How about not subverting the German people by controlling their banks government and media? Jews get kicked out of every country they enter because they are tribalistic blood sucking parasites
Hitler wanted to relocate them to Madagascar after the war

Read a book brainlet

6,000,000 WERE KILLED
OR 625,000 DAYS

>well conditioned
I do agree that its not possible for all the captured jews to be put in gas chambers because theres just too many to fit in the chambers, and some of them died of sickness,
because they're being overworked in harsh winter condition by the ebil nadzees. But all you did is support the idea that holocaust did happen.

that photo is a british soldier with a buldozer in Auschwitz pushing bodies to a ditch to be buried.
what I told happened next, has nothing to do with the photo.
those bodies were killed by typhos and starvation. there were no gas chambers, there were no ovens. in Auschwitz specifficaly there was a chamine built by soviets, but they are so fucking stupid they built in on the ground, with no fucking connection to anything.

forgot to tag

A holocaust is seen as a great loss.
What constitutes a great loss is up to the individual to decide.

I know 1 photo doens't proove much but go and watch david irving, or europa the laste battle or, the greatest story never told. there are so many things there, I have already posted twenty books up there

That jannie piece of shit keeps deleting the good threads, what a fucking faggot, even deleted the nigger hate thread, Fucking faggot

i dont see how everyone cant see this

EUROPA - The Last Battle series -
EP1: Usury and World Banking System
EP2: Propaganda and Communism
EP3: Hitler and National Socialism
EP4: Pre-Start and Start of WW2
EP5: Globalism and European Union
EP6: WW2 and Civilian Bombings
EP7: German Rape and Genocide
EP8: Holocaust and Media
EP9: Post-WW2 and White Genocide
EP10: Rise or Die!

it wasn't, but its funny compared to other massive genocides.

>I do agree that its not possible for all the captured jews to be put in gas chambers because theres just too many to fit in the chambers, and some of them died of sickness,
Zyklon B was used for the removal of lice which was one of the main causes of disease such as typhus which killed most of the jews.
>because they're being overworked in harsh winter condition by the ebil nadzees.
That's not why they died, though. Dying of typhus has nothing to do with being overworked. By all accounts, and with the advicement of higher up figures such as Himmler himself, the jews were to have excellent working conditions, new clothes, food and everything (until shit hit the fan and the Germans could no longer provide them due to the war going south).
>But all you did is support the idea that holocaust did happen.
I support the idea of jews dying due to typhus, not their systematic genocide as it is being touted by everyone and in every form of media and education. I also don't adhere to the 6 gorillion number which is obviously way over-exaggerated. As for me supporting the idea of the holocaust, partly, yes. As I said, the world might have been a better place if it did.

>nigger hate thread
Yeah, it seems we're no longer allowed to have these cultural threads (that go way back to Sup Forums itself). Seems with Sup Forums going mainstrea, and especially Sup Forums, redditors have flocked here and occupied these positions. Because I doubt any of us would have the time nor the desire to moderate this place.

There were death camps, look atSlavery, death from typhus, cholera and other ills, death from over-working and freezing (hypothermia), extermination camps/death camps, concentration camps, photo evidence, the final solution, hitler's hate for the jews, American GI's first hand accounts of what happened, all contribute to the realisation that holocaust did happen. The number of 6 gorillion is just a meme and its just an estimate, obviously there is no way of telling how many actual people died, but we know its around 6 gorillion and can be less or more than that.

You do know that not all of them died by cremation right, as some people on this thread pointed out they also died from sickness such as typhus.

do you know "the final solution" was a term invented by the JEWS for their own ethnostate question? do you know Hitler agreed to create Israel for the Jews?
I'm not even debating the other stuff because you are not reading, and you refuse to read a book or even watch a documentary.

>You do know that not all of them died by cremation right, as some people on this thread pointed out they also died from sickness such as typhus.
none of them died of cremation.

all camp was considered death camp, after the war and after inspections, the western side of germany declared there were no death camps. only the soviet side still had "death" camps but didn't let investigators put foot there. Even today in treblinka for example, its ilegal to do any type of investigation. The chamine built by soviets with no connection whatsoever, just blocks built on top of each other was in a camp in their side.

blocks your path

the number 6 gorilion was a meme alright, just poster a bunch of photos of that meme
jews claim muh 6 million deaths since 1909, then in WW1 then in 1930s BEFORE the WW2
always, ALWAYS the 6 gorilion meme


The commies probably used the camp to murder the bourgeois and undesirables, pretended they were all jews, then blamed it on the Nazis. Thus delivering a critical blow to nationalism while simultaneously disposing of the skeletons in their closet. It's the perfect crime.

>Give excellent working conditions
Why would they do that to the jews, I thought they hate them. What were the jews making/doing that was very important to the third reich? >New clothes, new food
I smell bullshit on this one, its too good to be true.

>Believing the jews can only died from 1 sickness
Why would you believe this? Its so stupid. There are other ways to die including being gassed, cremated, hypothermia, starved to death.