This show is hilarious as fuck
Renai Boukun
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For us and the 3 others that are watching it, sure.
Who here loves best girl? I know i do!
this show and the manga might fill in the void that to love-ru left for me
Guri a cute
She gets all the quality screentime.
is plot of this anime was made by AI?
it's frantic as fuck, I'm not sure how they'll manage to keep on going with this rythm
Dame tenshi
Reoccuring theme.
The next episode appears to tackle another three chapter arc so it'll probably be like this one.
I love the manga. Didn't know that an episode was out already.
Too much brain damage in one episode
I think I found my waifu!
The way they adapted the manga gag show from early 2000s. Fucking hectic and shit, and I love it. I hope they drag Shikimi's intro, I have that bitch.
Also WUG OP is pretty fun
I feel mixed about the adaptation. they removed the fucking cheetah. mashing multiple chapters into one episode seems to be a plan for disaster.
I liked it better the way the adaptation did it, it was less cluttered.
Reminder: Akane mother is the BEST GIRL!
Somehow, the OP feels refreshing, even inspired.
Did they, dare I say, have fun while making it?
Very unusual.
Is it, dare I say /ourOP/?
If you're 12, maybe.
This was comedy?
I thought it was some generic battle shonen.
Did you watch it with your ass?
Lurk more
I haven't watched it, that's the thing.
YES! Best OP of the season I think. It's so catchy.
Too cute
Stupid cupid.
Wait, Love Tyrant got an anime?
Is Guri's voice awful?
It's cute. I think her voice actually made me like her more.
Add another one to that tally; checking it out now.
Shit, I'm in chem lab right now so I can't watch it. Does it at least have adequate subs?
where are the guri lewds
That orgy angel is gonna be best girl.
Way better than I thought it would be. Surprised the thread aren't more popular.
>orgy angel
"omg people kissing randomly hihihi"
this show is a fucking shit
Consider how she just keeps adding new partners onto the MC because it's fun.
She likes adding more people to the relationship just for shit and giggles.
I do.
How did you get the idea that a show whose English title is "the very lovely tyrant of love" was a battle shounen.
Hm... I could add one or two more shows to my to-watch list this season.
Should I watch this, Sup Forums?
Watch episode 1 and decide for yourself?
I bet she likes it in public.
This is about 2% as lewd.
Just watched it, It was fun.
I always love fast pace, slightly absurdist comedies.
the lewd was a reason I kept up with TLR, but I was more interested in the characters, from the first episode I fell like I will enjoy these characters
Does anyone here know how I would make this look better?
First time stitching using photoshop.
It's really pretty bland and generic.
>same harem jokes including the lmao misunderstading kiss and trip to accidentally kiss mc
How often can one listen to a joke before it stops being funny?
sewer chase and cheetah weren't really necessary and fitting what they did into a first ep was probably for the best
Those huge arms wtf
Hope no other male joins the quartet, it would be an instant drop
yes, the characters were super interesting
this junk food anime is giving me the fun i thought i will get frm ero manga
just best girl to go for now
posting the most uninteresting series
I actually thought this was a one episode special from early 2000
This series felt almost like something Sup Forums would create.
>If there is a Death Note, there should be a Kiss Note
>If I get Kiss Note I will randomly turn people gay
>I will make the President kiss the Speak of the House
It is all about the delivery. Every single joke was already preceded by another one equal.