Is this a show for only those of us of high intellect?
Is this a show for only those of us of high intellect?
Other urls found in this thread:
>high intellect
No, but it's pretty damn good.
I'm currently watching it. First 100 episodes were great, but then they decided to slow-mo and narrate everything. I don't know if I want to continue.
I've seen this thread before
not really, but I think you do have to be autistic not to like it.
>not a braindead formulaic shonen = only for the highest intellectuals
I don't know about that, but it's certainly not for people looking for stock anime garbage. The CA arc for example is rife with a lot of symbolic imagery and themes ranging from identity, nature vs nurture, and humanity's capacity for unflinching love and compassion as well as sheer maliciousness.
That portion of the CA arc is handled much better in the manga. The narration, as well.
I suggest powering on through, you won't be disappointed with the upcoming events
I don't know about that, but Naruto is certainly not for people looking for stock anime garbage. The Pain arc for example is rife with a lot of symbolic imagery and themes ranging from identity, nature vs nurture, and humanity's capacity for unflinching love and compassion as well as sheer maliciousness.
it's definitely the smartest shonen, where the rules of nen aply to everything and you can't break them with asspulls.
>protagonists defeats the antagonist and then befriends him
>comparable to HxH
im on episode 46 and i really like it so far. yorknew city arc has been going pretty nicely. really hoping kurapika completely destroys every phantom troupe member. i only hesitated watching this show because of how long it is, but it really is worth it so far. Gon vs. Hisoka fight was amazing.
best track:
>gon punches hisoka and then befriends him
Nah, you can have asperger and still enjoy that one.
>with anyone
So is this meme just propaganda to make Sup Forums hate HxH?
Are we the new jojofags?
>tfw Hunters exam is my favorite arc
HxH is really an acquired taste.
I'm a fan, but at least admit that the series has huge flaws. And TOgashi's endless hiatus' pretty much mean it'll never be completed
>really hoping kurapika completely destroys every phantom troupe member.
Lel sorry friend but Kurapika, who also happens to be the only interesting of the main 4, gets written out of the story after the current arc.
Sup Forums already dislikes HxH. You can blame the fanbase for being a bunch of pretentious autistic virgin fedora tippers neckbeards who think that walls of text = good writing.
Hisoka has never shown anything but kindness to Gon/Killua.
There is literally not ONE moment where's genuinely malicious to them
>Kurapika, who also happens to be the only interesting of the main 4
i agree
>gets written out of the story after the current arc.
you have got to be kidding me
>that shitty deviantart image again
every anime that is popular in south america is immediately shit for Sup Forums
Nobody is a constant in HxH, not even Gon himself.
Leaving aside the mischaracterisation, since when does 'isn't openly hostile to you' equal to 'is your friend'?
You have some really low standards if that's how friendship works for you, user.
Why is hxh a Mexican show
no but mexicans love this trash
i knew that, i just hope hes not out completely like the one user said.
Nah, he is the main character of the current arc in the manga
>you have got to be kidding me
Nope, he's completely gone for the next 100 episodes
because south america= poorfags
and poorfags = normalfags
means hxh isnt patrician taste therefore its shite
fucking gringos need to get outbreed already
Not their fault you're a fucking illiterate cock nozzle
not an argument
This is autism.
Right-o, user
>keeps posting his retarded chart even after being BTFO several times
>doesn't even bother changing the filename
>talks about fanbase
How mad are you exactly? Is it because Sup Forums thinks it's better than your favorite shitty series?
not only mexicans watch it
>We'll never see more animated Feitan god.
>not an argument
Nice meme faggot.
most people who watch it are mexicans
Overrated as fuck.
It's pleasant for sure but nowhere near as good as everyone say.
>after being BTFO several times
Wew no
Beaners also watch One Piece and Sup Forums worships that series
>Sup Forums already dislikes HxH.
>Sup Forums is one person
The only faggots who shit on hxh are underage OPtards like you
Also people who aren't retards
Those of high intellect read manga.
Like Negima and Takagi
That never happens.
As gay as Hisoka is, I like the fact that sometimes become allies to further their own goals.
Fuck, I might reread/rewatch Greed Island
>that image
>implying I give a shit
It worked well once... it worked well twice.
Some of them are dumb too
>Not using brute force
Yea, I think finding other methods to win is good
I don't care if "Sup Forums" hates HXH. 1. They don't 2. Who cares.
People who aren't retards don't make the same blatant falseflag threads with the same image everytime and don't post the same shitty collage in every thread.
I don't know why someone would go on such an autistic crusade but it's seriously embarassing, it's been going on for months now.