When will Ojisan spank Sana?
Alice to Zouroko
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When will Sanae spank Sana?
For some reason she reminds me of Yukari.
>Literal yuri piggus
Penguins are so cute.
I want to marry Sanae
Kogasa please.
she basically is.
Are you sure? Look at her again.
Sure looks like a Yukari to me.
no seriously though she is.
>None of the staff were even involved with YYS.
The fuck.
I like this.
Don't watch this. It's a virus.
A virus of the soul, perhaps
Have another Yukari. This one is rich too!
Why was her voice so mature in this scene?
I assumed it was the narrator listed in the credits.
I'm in love
anyone want me to post the raws for volume 2 chapter 5
it gets dark quick ;_;
Don't post spoilers faggot. Let's just watch the show, for pete's sake.
I just want translations for the manga you chucklefuck. Once the shows theres still going to be at least 4 volumes untranslated. Rude asshole.
the fuck off an ask in different thread you fucking EOP chucklefuck
Stupid ESL poster.
Does this show have the OP & ED of the season? Because I think it does.
Do it.
>not recognizing Yukarin
I guess her time really has passed after all.
comfiest of the season
H-how bad does it get?
Best ED definitely, but Sakura Quest I think has the better OP.
Where did this cloth meme come from?
healings come quick. Minnie C also gets a 9mm Beretta
Really bad.
And dropped.
would you stay if I told you it all worked out and grandpa gets a kissu?
I'm sure something like that will happen again, so no.
>That Sana
>This Sana
That's more like
Nothing happens to Sanae right?
Is Sanae a lily or is she a good girl?
Anyone else find it interesting how the show notes many of the not brown/black haired people are foreigners?
is this the new season of szs?
I just figured out what show the art style reminded me of. Looking it up it turns out that it's the same studio and some of the same people working on it.