Will Trudeau let the poo in loos in?
>"Indian news media estimate the proposed rules could effectively force between 500,000 and 750,000 H-1B applicants from India alone to leave the United States if President Trump approves the new rules."
Will Trudeau let the poo in loos in?
>"Indian news media estimate the proposed rules could effectively force between 500,000 and 750,000 H-1B applicants from India alone to leave the United States if President Trump approves the new rules."
this country is a lost cause
Of course he will, Dude Weed Lmao's sole job and purpose it to destroy Canada so it can be brought into a North American Union in the future.
>Quebec secedes and becomes their own country
>Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Maritimes secede and join the US
>we all deport our shitskins and commies to Ontario
>also take northwestern BC so you can get from Alberta to the Yukon without soiling your vehicle by entering Cucknada
Problem solved.
Most of BC is cool too. Everything except where most the people live - the lower mainland.
Why is the upper region so dark?
tfw I grew up in PEI
your joking right
They might be to close to being white for little Justy.