I'm going to post this everyday until you like it

I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's objectively shit.

Be careful when eating fish.


If the fish was also a cute girl, would it be okay to not hate it?



I am the fin of my fish.


Hiroyuki-user is late so,
>But he did it once.


>If the fish were a cute girl

I dunno...

Does this make it better or worse?

I love it! And I love you guys too!

I really like it

>I Love Everything


>likes it


That's not how you do it!

I am indifferent to it.

Thanks doc.




But you didn't post it yesterday.








>tfw im overseas where my isp got banned and i cant want to do it once

>isp banned

I'm assuming you're the one that got it banned or other?

I'm the one that got banned...but on some days the ban got lifted.

I dun even know how or why so I just try to post everyday in hope it got through.

>Ah, you are banned

As expected of Baka!

ISP not Sup Forums ban. Try wifi spots or is this not a good idea in your situation? Work/school connection or travel?

Uni holiday trip home where I don't even have any working phone to hotspot. If I'm desperate enough, I could use my parents' hotspot but they're only in at night.

Thankfully, it's only until the end of the month.

Rider! Stop!

>Rider Stop





Thats not how you eat sushi.

*likes* discord.gg/ZaJfNh5

>What does SakuraFish sound like?

Like this:



I HATE it.

When the Anons, the Mods and Hiro are all gone, SakuraFish will exist, so long as one fish remains. It'll be lonely, but as long as one fish still lives...

...it will be eternal proof that fishposting ever existed.

Could I get a refund? It turn out I don't like it.
