What the fuck?

What the fuck?

I don't care about j-list ads.
People always say that ads that are not malicious or poping up/blinking are okay and now you guys cry like babys.

J-list is cancer.

How can a wife be single?
Explain this to me.

There are hot single german botes who want to fuck you in your area user. Is it that hard to understand?

I know right
There's no way those two german whores are still single.

How do you think this site makes enough money to stay afloat?
Do you retards really think there is no cost to maintaining this site?
If you don't like the adds, fuck off to a site where you have to pay in order to post

It's only logical. Who would want to marry a whore?

Literal cuckolds.

>Massive ad half way through scrolling down
These are intrusive advertisements.

>If you don't like the adds, fuck off to a site where you have to pay in order to post
Or just block them.

> tfw gonna fap to an ad

They wouldn't be advertisements if they weren't visible.

Wow, I had no idea what you guys were in such a clamor about, I had to turn off adblock and scroll through Sup Forums without using the archive to find these ads.
The placement is awful, but I haven't browsed without the archive in years.

Sure user, it's magic that this website survived for over a decade without this bullshit, right?

And here I thought the plural for waifus is waifus'

I'd rather see shit ads than shit threads.
Fuck off.

It's annoying, but it could be worse. I personally prefer having it smaller and at the top or bottom of the page, but this is much better than what it could be. I'm more afraid of the possibility of adding malicious ads.

>shit ads prevent shit threads
No user, the opposite, because people will discuss about changes made on the website

Well shitty J-List ads have been here forever. The only thing capable of stopping faggots like OP from shitting up the place is aggressive moderation. Nothing else seems to work.

Bullshit. I've already checked my area for waifus and there are none.

I fucking hate normalfags using "waifu" to refer to "cute girls". Fucking pieces of shit.

It's annoying. I believe a lot of people have started shifting away from the word because of this.

The joke is hilarious, but those not-nazi uniforms offend me.

It's going to have the same destiny as "cuck". Just wait.

I do it to trigger faggots like you.

>fuck off to a site where you have to pay in order to post
I've seen this before.
Has yes the cuckhold central

>blond German waifus

No thanks, I don't want to be punished by Allah for stealing a Muslim man's wife.

Is that cropped or is it the original picture?

Why are you retarded fucks unable to keep your shit in Sup Forums?