Yuri!!! on ICE

Anyone alive after welcoming the madness of 4/10?

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Sayo is a goddess for sure

I'll never be the same again.

I'm happy

It's a good time to be alive


Still breathing but now we'll have to survive until may

>those sparkly shorts
kek that's actually pretty cool

It's always fun to see people inspired by YoI

This is what Yuuri would do now if he didn't become a figure skater.

Maybe unrelated but I don't think this is Yamamoto the director. The photo apparently comes from here evecom7.com/DreamParty4/Aya.Shirakawa.html and the kanji for Sayo is different.

Dumping some HD caps if anyone wants them.



Considering how he was able to pull of such advanced moves, I still can't get over the fact Yuuri legit knows poledance in canon and can actually do all that

This is how he paid his tuition back in Detroit. I wonder what his stripper name was.

Damn, my back hurts looking at him.


You're right now that you mention it...
Our goddess' name is written 沙代 (Sayo)
While the other is 紗代

We fucked up guys


I read someone's tweet who said it was inspired by Weir's Poker Face performance?


Well this picture is for sure her, it at least looked like it could be the same person. She's wearing these shades though so it's hard to tell

Definitely. What if they named him after his best pole dance move? Or some slutty porn star name

Now I want a tribute to Adam

>implying Chris wasn't based off Adam to begin with

Yoi never ceases to surprise me

Wait, fug, I was about to reply to another post and forgot Sayo pic was attached

Oh well

Ended up finding the tweet. twitter.com/soukatsu_/status/851401733846835200

Let's face it, these two are not socially acceptable

>all the bumblrinas whining about Fairy being sexualized
Don't they have anything that's an actual issue to whine about? Instead of calling people pedophiles for thinking Fairy's sexy in his performance. Fairy is always sexy but that's not the point.

Who cares, don't bring that shit here

They should learn to behave in public

It's hilarious

who gives a shit, go whine about it there

>Fairy being sexualized
He wanted to skate Eros in the very beginning despite knowing it was sexual attraction. How is this routine suddenly a shocker?

Honestly I'm amazed how she manages to stay so lowkey. These are the only YoI related Sayo photos I know of and she somehow avoided any shots of her face.

It's mindless virtue signalling. Make no mistake, they give zero fucks about actual pedophiles and their victims. Also don't bring that shit here.

MSPaintanon is Georgi's gift from the heavens.

Hopefully they fuck off after this "disappointment". Anyway don't bring their shit here, you can laugh at them by yourself if you want.

Don't you know, user? Even acknowledging that a minor character might be less than 100% pure minded is haram and makes you literally Podesta.

Is that supposed to be her on the far left?

She's so beautiful

>either wearing sunglasses or head turned to the side with her hair down

It's almost comical how elusive her face is

Yep, her name (山本沙代) is in the caption.

Something else entirely different on me hurts looking at him.




>that I just came face and lewd nipple view
Christophe is crying in joy somewhere.


Kek, agreed. Either that or it's too dark to tell.

I just woke up and that slide is fucking everything. I want to shoot myself in the face this performance looks so lit.

is he going through a phase?

>not completely losing your shit over prime Madness Fairy

Yet another reason to hate dumblr

He's unleashing his inner self. He'll be as big a whore as Christophe soon if Otabek doesn't make a move.

Most seem to love it, it's already trending there, but there's always those people that will whine so it's just best to ignore. They're irrelevant

I'm a Fatfat and I'm losing my shit over WTTM. It's so good.

Otabek is waiting to see it actually happen first, just so he can be the one to tame the savage Yurio.

I want Georgi's exhibition. Only it could possibly top the extraness of Fairy.

Yes, Lilia doesn't understand!

Good to know the top-tier taste fags outnumber the whinyfags then.

I knew it would be fucking amazing, but nothing could have prepared me for those 30 seconds.

But you can't even see her face.

Yes. We need a Georgi exhibition.

>blowing Georgi and Christophe the fuck out in one performance

Truly Madness.

And we haven't even seen the whole thing yet.


It helps he gets good animation which nobody else but Victor in ep. 1 got.

I can 100% get down with this.

Bald, Fat, and now Tits.

Curse you, Japan, for fueling my desires for underage boys!

Some skates were worse than others, Yuuri's FS was pretty decent by the final episode because they gradually improved on it. Though it still didn't reach ep 1 level of course

Yeah, his FS got better and better each event, episode 12 quality was a solid 8/10, while the SP was still weak in terms of animation. Still way better than all the other skaters though.

Due to regaining independence from USSR in 1991, the age of consent for male homosexual intercourse was fixed at 16, whereas the age for heterosexual intercourse was 14. The age of consent was equalised in 2001 when the law was amended, specifying an age of 14 for sexual intercourse.

user, at his age Chris was still a pure shota running through the swiss meadows. Fairy is going to be far, far worse.

But when is it legal for them to do THIS

I'm still subject to the laws of my land even when traveling abroad. 17's the magic number.

Is his nipple hanging out here too?

He's legal now. Enjoy.

When he retires and puts a ring on it.

This is very true. Chris was still as pure as freshly fallen snow.


>wearing an Orthodox cross to keep his inner devil at bay

It's not working, baby.

>seeing Fairy with his hair back is foreshadowing
He'll be Bald 2.0

bald is his father so it makes sense

Not for at least another 20 years, and that's if he's not blessed like his grandpa is.

I hated this because I got reminded once again that Intoxicated was treated by the staff as a fucking joke. Welcome to the Madness is way more what mature eros should actually be and I'll be forever buttblasted.

>Welcome to the Madness is way more what mature eros should actually be
Not really. WttM practically screams teen angst and emo/punk vibes. Intoxicated is sensual in a different way.

Seeing as he looks like a noodle in his Agape (even though he's still beautiful), I'd say Welcome to the Madness getting good animation is more than overdue.

Fairy has had his hair back for awhile now and looking at Dedushka with his full head of hair, Fairy has nothing to worry about.

Intoxicated was screwed over, but Welcome to the Madness screams edgelord teenager being edgy. Showing his nipples doesn't make it mature.

This is more a teen being edgy, "mature eros" indicates sophistication.


I hate this meme. WTTM is metal, it's more like 80's punk/glamrock if anything. Still super sexy though, the choreography and him throwing things around (glasses and jacket) is super sexy and aggressive. It's sensual and sexy but in a more aggressive manner which fits him perfectly.

anons call it emo because it's something an edgy emo teen would skate to. especially with how fairy is dressed.

>finally animate Fairy's cute pin nips

I wasn't expecting it to happen like this but I'm not complaining.

Fairy does seem the type to be into the 80s glamrock look. The wild hair, the makeup, and the flashy clothes. His normal wardrobe is loud and flashy so why not?

Maybe it's just because that word gets thrown around a lot some people have different meanings for it. Emo to me is people who had those gay haircuts and cut their wrists and listened to stuff like My Chemical Romance.

80's metal kids/glamrock kids are different and were more about being delinquents which fits Fairy more in my opinion. Yes, it's teen angst but not in the same way. It's more aggressive acting out, kids busting out the windows at school emo feels different to me.

I agree, the music choice shows he's into 80's type metal and his look does feel very Bowie/KISS inspired.

Makes me think of that Weir performance, I wonder what he thinks of WTTM?

Barely. If get the gala or the wedding on top of this I might need CPR

see he even retweeted it.

I agree Intoxicated felt like a joke with the butt stuff where WTTM feels like a more serious choreography without being comically sexual but the types of sexy they were going for are completely different.

Chris was sensual older man.

Fairy is aggressive teen.

The music choices makes it obvious too.

Sorry, wrong post.

There's no way we get that in any extras

Oh nice.

It's okay, I just went to his twitter to look since you mentioned it.

How long will the scene be?

Are we going to call him Tits now? Those nipples are truly miracles.

I was wondering this too. I hope it's the whole thing, the 30 seconds didn't look like it was all of it and especially if it's as an extra you'd think it'd be the full performance.