Why do Jews argue that Jerusalem belongs to Israel because jews lived there 4000 years ago?
By that logic Hindus should invade Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and much of South East Asia.
Rome should invade much of Europe.And native Americans should annex USA,Canada.
What a stupid argument by jews.and people fall for this
Ayden Stewart
Leo Peterson
Wyatt Hernandez
You mean counter-semite
Jason Hill
For starters most of the land they now own belonged to the Philistines and since then they had no claim to that land until the zionist bank cartel got big enough and ambitious enough to want a country for themselves.
Easton Richardson
Chase Cook
Might makes right. If the Muslims want Jerusalem then take it from the Jews. Until then shut the fuck up and keep kissing the a rug 5 times a day.
Daniel Perry
Semite people didn't include only Jews but whole Semite population.
When did word anti Semite become synonymous anti Jews?
Asher Scott
Right of conquest. The weak should fear the strong.
Grayson Robinson
When Jews manipulated our language to use that term as a pejorative of some sort.