Jerusalem belongs to Israel argument

Why do Jews argue that Jerusalem belongs to Israel because jews lived there 4000 years ago?

By that logic Hindus should invade Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and much of South East Asia.

Rome should invade much of Europe.And native Americans should annex USA,Canada.

What a stupid argument by jews.and people fall for this



You mean counter-semite

For starters most of the land they now own belonged to the Philistines and since then they had no claim to that land until the zionist bank cartel got big enough and ambitious enough to want a country for themselves.


Might makes right. If the Muslims want Jerusalem then take it from the Jews. Until then shut the fuck up and keep kissing the a rug 5 times a day.

Semite people didn't include only Jews but whole Semite population.

When did word anti Semite become synonymous anti Jews?

Right of conquest. The weak should fear the strong.

When Jews manipulated our language to use that term as a pejorative of some sort.

The Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel – the Jewish people. Let me give you a few reasons why I believe this with all my heart.
King David sang, “…the earth is the Lord’s…” (Psalm 24:1) and it is He who determines the boundaries of nations (Acts 17:26, Psalm 74:17, Deut. 32:8). Therefore, the Land of Israel, like every other nation, belongs to the God of Israel and whomever He decides should be His stewards! The Lord told Abram that both he and his descendants would be given the Land (Gen. 12:1-3). This promise was also given to the sons of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to their descendants (Gen. 17:19-21, 26:1-5, 35:9-15).

Why should I have to conform with your religion?

At the same time when judaism became synonim with anglo-semite bankers.

Muslims are already majority in East Jerusalem.

Israel can take over by violating private properties of Muslims.

So much of free market capitalism,liberty and private property when it comes to Israel for so called Jewish conservatives.

Can you be pro Semite I really fucking hate chickens and foreskins

the question should be "Why do Jews argue that Israel belongs to them just because jews lived there 2000 years ago?"


that's only one side of the coin --- now post all the verses where god said he'd strip the land away from them

the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; Israel's admission to the UN in 1949; the recognition of Israel by most other states

Yeah. Do you understand Trump is gonna take down the Rothschilds and expose Israel with the Mueller investigation? You do know that right?

As the Word of God declares – and as history has shown – the Lord is able to cast the Jewish people out of the Land if it is His will (Deut. 28, Lev. 26, etc.). Yet He is the same God who is able to bring the Jewish people back to the Land as He chooses.

The argument is irrelevant. Only thing that is relevant is that Israel/Jews possess it now. By law of possession it is theirs. How it got to that point is also largely irrelevant because shit ain't gonna change. Best the Palestinians can do now stfu and take the two state solution, which will justifiably be a worse deal than it could have been if they'd just agreed to it in the first place. Fucking assholes. Jews are assholes too. Humans are assholes in general.